It's over

It's over
People already picked the Switch as their gaming machine

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PS4 version has a better like:dislike ratio though


>sonic autists flocking to the autism brand of consoles

This is not shocking

I can't help but notice the PlayStation trailer only shows PS4 as the platform, as if suggesting that's the only thing it's on when that's clearly not the case. Is this why Sonyggers think the PS4 has games?

at least ps4 has this actual exclusive

The Switch trailer has other consoles cause they want you to switch

You know what they say: Only on Playstation*

one group understands that they will have to settle for fucking Sonic because they will have literally nothing else to play.

Literally because people who own ps4 have actual games to play


>Sonic Mania has more views than splatoon 2

what went right?

>Switch trailer lists all platforms
>PS4 trailer only lists PS4
>XBOX Trailer doesn't exist
Really makes you think

sonic is a classic video game icon
splatoon is a new ip

That's because they're desperate for a game that they like anything they get by default

They do that all the time m8

>autism brand of consoles
They aren't they flocking to PS4 tho

Whoa...that power...

Can't help but notice Splatoon 2 looks the exact same as the WiiU game visually

>40 something virgin mega drive sonic fans clapping and repeatedly watching the same shitty trailer to their rehashed garbage

You dont say!

>blacked again

You sound upset.

the artstyle makes it harder to notice but it's definitely better

Not an argument

this is dumb lmao

Sony shill here, delete this. We need to keep posting about nintendo switch being a blunder, dumb nintendrones literally eating miyamoto's shit every year

PC fags never ever we have bloodborne HA!

Whatever happened to Microsoft anyways. I have not seen the word XBOX once today.

It's got a very slight upgrade, but not enough for anyone to care.

Not seeing it lads

We have heard word that microsoft is turning their gaming platforms into one. All on windows 10. They want that to be their one stop entertainment shop.

But we at Sony™ know that this will not work, we will continue to make good consoles and make sure that microsofts plan of making us obsolete with the Scorpio does not work, we will secure the games.

#greatnessawaits #4theplayers

Make sure you buy our PS4 Pro™ with *4k technologies

Do not worry our games will come soon™ to compete with nintendo's, but why would you buy that? it's totally a blunder.

Neither was your first post. Ad hominems are the least argumentative non-arguments.

Mine was an argument because its factually true. Havent followed sonic in years, maybe since 2007 or 8 but whenever I see it now all the games are 2D and have green hill. The 40 year old mega drive virgins killed the franchise for everyone else

That's because the switch event, showing the game off, silly user, if you really think this is vindictive of what actual sales would look like, you're extra dumb.

That's the point. They do that with a lot of third party games.

keep crying

green hill has only been in two games since then though. both are anniversary games.

>Nintendo Fans are happy over a confirmed multi-platform Sonic Game (i.e SEGA Icon & Franchise).

Outside of that shitheap known as Sonic 4 this is untrue. Especially not an actual 2D game and not some 2.5/3D hybrid shit. Sonic Team isn't even working on this game. They're working on Project 2017. 06 made them too afraid to do anything like Adventure ever again and that was long before they started appealing to classicfags.

no one likes sega like nintendo fans.

I'll be sure to get this game.......................................................................................................................................................on PC hahahahahahahahah

What the fuck is Project 2017?

Oh no, a bunch of chris chans are flocking over to the Nintendo version of the game! how will other systems compete?!

>gluing your ass to a desktop in the basement

enjoy cracking denuvo~ there cuckosaurus!

nice try. I don't live in the basement. Also, I have a comfy desk chair that keeps me upright and maintains better posture than couch. Checkm8


>playing in anything but a sofa/bed

>Any Sonic media
>Indicative of anything other than the preference of severely autistic basement-dwelling perma-virginss

where is the Xbox?

Why'd they put this on their youtube?This looks like a PC game.

Its a PS4 exclusive. Just like this

I'm gonna guess that Sony has some obligation to put trailers on their youtube channel for the games published on the Playstation systems
But how the fuck this got passed quality control I will never know

The main thing that seems to be better is the lighting, but that's about it.

That's not even the worse thing
>Nintendo fans are fine with the creator of the Yakuza series, Sega's big Playstation exclusive franchise, to come out on stage and announce no new games for the Switch
How fucking sad is that?

Sick comeback bro

Its the only way to play the game on a handheld

I wanted Sonic Mania to get ported to the Switch.
>Play at home on my big TV with great sound system.
>Play on the Switch on the go with the smaller pixel density making everything look sharper and more delicious.
I'm hoping that most budget titles get Switch ports for those same reasons. Vita was great for a lot of titles thanks to cross-buy meaning I could pay once and play on my TV and on a handheld console but the Switch outdoes it in that regard easily.

>The 40 year old mega drive virgins revived the franchise
ftfy you fucking nigger

There is no such thing as "classicfags"
Classic Sonic games are good and non-autistic

There's only "modernfags"

>not getting the PC version
>and running it at the original resolution of 424x240p
>on a BVM-D24E1WU CRT Monitor


*also on Xbox1/PC/Switch

The mega drive games are mismarketed shovelware

>haha here kids! get ready to zoom by as the fastest mascot ever made!
>lol just kidding youre platforming now haha :)

>Not playing it in 4:3 for maximum retro

>multiplats aren't games

>reading comprehension

They must have been doing something right, because Sonic hasn't been anywhere near as popular ever since they came out.

The only good classic Sonic game is Sonic CD though

Yeah they were dumping tons into marketing propping the character up because almost everything else they had was lame

Games like sonic heroes and sonic unleashed have sold more than some mega drive games. Take out the padded bundled numbers of sonic 1 and 2 and everything is around sonic 3 levels whatever those were. All i remember is no one owning sonic 3 and the few that did said it sucks because of how big and slow the levels were. Then my mates just played on the snes or playstation because it was better

>>Is this why Sonyggers think the PS4 has games?
>multiplats aren't games

The game is made with 16:9 in mind

>Le "sonic was all marketing and was never good" xD
Go jump off a cliff you fucking nintoddler

Sonic and knuckles, dont get me started on that piece of shit either. You know how typically the first level is the best in the sonic games? Completely wrong for this one, ugly drab environments and music. I agree with this guy. Sonic CD is fucked up in its own ways but its the most fun classic sonic game ive played. Nothing will ever top sonic adventure 2, sonic advance 2, sonic rush and adventure, or the sonic unleashed demo though

Yeah no
CD was the worst classic game


>You know how typically the first level is the best in the sonic games?
Kill yourself SuperLedditHop

>ps4 can't even run literal PS2 graphics at 60fps

>because of how big and slow the levels were.
t. filthy casual sonic2fags

>You know how typically the first level is the best in the sonic games

>You know how typically the first level is the best in the sonic games?
But that's wrong.


See this is what I meant with it used to be Sony and Microsoft fans butting heads most of the time but now it seems like
Sony and Nintendo fans are the ones butting heads and Microsoft only gets brought up when a shitposter says "Microsoft should buy Nintendo"

Millennials really oughta be euthanized

And so is many other modern games, but that doesn't stop anyone from playing them in 4:3, 21:9, 48:9 etc. Come on, this is PC.

That's not Marble Garden

Hydrocity Zone Act 2 so fucking good oh my fuck

I would just replay the level over and over again and get to it just for that sweet music

Lava Reef also super good

it was pretty clear by context that he meant exclusive games

Whose, that, some youtuber you follow?

>best levels

>Sonic the Hedgehog
Star Light Zone

>Sonic 2

>Sonic 3
Launch Base

Flying Battery

Stardust Speedway

>if a game isn't exclusive it doesn't count
this mentality is fucking cancer

It certainly doesn't count as a reason to get one console over the others.

I looked at the guy, and he literally looks like the never EVER guy. Now it makes a whole lot more sense why Yakuza will never come to PC.

This is a 2D game
It's a whole different beast altogether
The levels/bosses etc. are designed with the 16:9 ratio in mind

It's like how the Sonic 1 and 2 remastered got the 16:9 treatment for mobile and that affected how some bosses worked and you couldn't use some quick kill strategies in them like you could in the original 4:3 versions

Aspect ratio is very important for 2D games

You'll also get cropped title cards and stuff if you play it in 4:3 etc.

if it runs better on one console than the others then it does

why buy a ps4 for multiplats when you can buy a switch with multiplats AND exclusives that aren't 5 hour movies?

>some youtuber
>knowing it was a youtuber
Aha, caught you redhanded
Back to >>>/reddit/ with you

Which typically isn't the case at all, especially not with *ALSO ON PC games

Best piece of music in a video game ever

What am i supposed to say so you dont get triggered? A myspacer? Facebooker? You think i dont know people who play games on youtube are popular? Youre daft and fucked in the head like all other sonic fans mate

>hurr durr PS4 games are movies
here's your (You)

