
O fuck me this actually really sucks. I hope to god there is a browser or someway to piggy back off a laptop or something.

This matters because? Who the fuck doesn't have a smartphone in this day in age anyway?

is that the homescreen?
looks kind of basic for a home screen - like the wii u's pause screen.

I've never used any console web browser for any reason.

>b-b-but just use your phone!!!

Next Nintendo will remove friends lists and you'll say "just add your friends on Skype!"

Enjoy playing multiplayer on-the-go at hotels on your "portable" console

>This matters because?
OP literally gave an example of where it would matter

Me. My phone cost £10 and I don't like the cost of mobile data or contracts.

My money is put into other things since this one texts and calls.

Console web browsers are literally always garbage. What's the point? It will definitely get a youtube app and probably a twitch app eventually anyway.

OP literally told you why you would want it.

the wii u browser isn't too bad, I was hoping they'd fix its issues and then they'd easily have a great and very usable browser. It's really strange that they seemed to have instead dropped it entirely.


i still can't believe there are retards that would pay at&t 100 dollars for 10 gigs of data a month.

>remove console
>nobody was going to use it, people will just play on their ps4 instead

The browser will probably come later in an update
That's what they did with the 3ds

I fail to see the correlation between no web browser and having to use hotel wifi?

If I'm in a hotel I'm probably with friends or family and have no reason to be playing Switch games online.

Enjoy trying to use wifi somewhere where it requires you to log in via browser. AKA anywhere you go on-the-go, like airplanes, trains, airports, hotels etc.

wii and wii u had web browsers, what makes you think switch won't? this is literally an early version of the OS, 3DS and wii u had numerous changes

>want to chat online
Bro just use your phone
>want to browse the web
Bro just use your phone
>want to voice chat
Bro just use your phone
>want to use my phone
Well that will be X amount of money + tip for the nintendo(tm) online service

Thanks nintendo this is what I always wanted, pay for online AND have the online capabilities limited

I think this is probably not finished. Nintendo's retarded, but not retarded enough not to put apps on a fucking tablet.

They're dropping the web browser because it's too vulnerable. Almost all Wii U and 3DS hacks are browser-based.

>i got bad news for you bro, they already got rid of friends list and voice chat
just use your phone bro

some places requires you to login in a website to have access to the wifi's internet

honestly this is fine IF they didn't make you pay for wifi

>They're dropping the web browser because it's too vulnerable




Yeah well some of us work on the road and hotels are the sad place we bring pizza and watch HBO till our next shift starts.

There better be a fucking browser even if it's basic as shit.

I've only used a console's browser for two instances

One was my PS3's browser, when my motherboard died and I had to wait a few days to buy a new PC.

The other was any time I wanted to post a Wii U screencap onto Sup Forums.

>switch has no games
>just play on your phone bro, what are you poor?

Thanks for clearing that one up.

Nintendo is so out of touch on certain things it's sickening.

Who the fuck uses a console's web browser? Seriously, I want to know.

You need an internet connection to use the web browser on a console, and chances are if you have an internet connection, you have a desktop, laptop or phone/tablet that is used for it.

Nintendo has a product for people like you. It's called the Wii U.

Nice try goldstein

Who are you quoting?


Laptop bag and Backpack is all I carry for plane rides. I can't lug around a Wii U all year long.

live in an apartment? too fucking bad, no splatoon for you

Maybe because you are paying for online it has a 4g connection.

Tbh though this is a big design flaw if you can't verify wifi on a portable device.

Why the fuck would they do that?

I refuse to believe the 'you can only voicechat through your phone' is real, surely it has to be a typo?


>taking your console outside your house

Not defending this btw. The Switch is garbage for a multtude of reasons and the lack of a web browser, albeit redundant and outclassed, is inexcusable.

The fucking Wii and DSi had web browsers.

>literally has HD MOTION
right, nintendo is the jew of course.

>taking your console outside your house
but that's literally the point of the switch you retard

It's not incapable of having a browser. It's that web browsers are vulnerable as fuck. Both the Wii U and 3DS have browser-based hacks. All hacks for the 3DS from the beginning have been browser based.

So they can establish a terms of service with you and if you agree then you are allowed to use the net.

>playing in gimped handheld mode on a shitty TN screen

What's the physical format of the games? A CD? Cartridge?

Or is it purely digital and the case is just a placeholder with a code inside?


That sounds like some hardcore commie shit

It matters because Nintendo is cutting corners in every way possible but still charges you the same as the competition that offers more.

If that is Nintendo's counter-measure to stopping people from hacking the Switch, then they are retarded. The Switch will be hacked. All they're doing is depriving customers of a feature because of Nintendo's complete incompetency regarding system security.

You understand why it's a problem though, right? Most hotels and other public wifi spots use web portals for you to login. No web browser, no internet.

They could always just include it in an update like they did for the 3DS. No one seems to remember this.

Don't let these facts get in the way of the shitposting though.

something like an sd card

this is too fucking minimal, i hate it.

not an argument

I'm confused by this pricing. So it's $50 per individual Joycon and $80 per pair? Holy shit, that's absurd.

Stop going to those shit places that shove terms and conditions down your fucking throat

What the fuck does that even mean? Are you implying that if someone went to a hotel that the switch would be the only mobile device they have?

Sure are a lot of morons in this thread.

Reason they removed web browser is because it was used for piracy for both 3DS and WiiU.

I can't believe Nintendo is going to charge money for an online service with no web browser and requires a smart phone for voice chat. It's fucking ridiculous, but I know gamers will pay for it. You faggots are all pathetic, just like sonyfags pay for PSN even though it is shit quality and got hacked twice

The fact is that they haven't learned from this. Why is a previous feature now absent from the console, a feature that was deemed necessary to include via a patch?

Any actual confirmation about this or are you all just circlejerking over what could very realistically be a limited or old firmware lacking a browser, and will be added before or after, like the 3DS launch

>Nintendo is not saying much on the specifics of the Switch just yet, but when speaking with Famitsu, it did confirm that the console would not be able to support Wii U discs and Nintendo 3DS cartridges.

Darn, I skipped on the Wii U and 3DS after the failure of my Wii just gathering dust and if that was an option I'd buy it at launch

>Hating a no bullshit, here's your games ui
Yeah it was so much better when they clogged the ui up with miiverse and all that other stupid shit

The Switch is arguably Nintendo's most anti-consumer console yet.

>Paid online
>$80 controllers
>No backwards compatibility, unlike the Wii and Wii U
>can't use older controllers; forced to use joy-con
>requires smartphone to communicate online

>go into best buy
>go to the nintendo hardware testing area
>use browser to show awful gay nigger porn with hats on its screen for the next person to see, most likely a kid
If it turns out the final model doesn't have a browser thats going to suck ass.

that's one disturbing yellowface

>enjoy logging into hotel wifi
To do what?
To play Splatoon: We're calling DLC "2" edition with the whopping 37 other Switch owners who are paying for online?


it's an IPS screen and got praised for really good image quality (even if it is just 720p) from those who tried it

>>go into best buy
you fucked up nigger.


it's an extra step but yea
tether + vpn + wifi works pretty well at my work place

why would you ever use hotel wifi for anything?

You wouldn't know unless you try to use the wifi anyway. It's not like anyone on here actually goes outside though.

Sweet, finally got rid of a useless app. Hopefully this gives the system more space for game data.

>use browser to show awful gay nigger porn with hats on its screen for the next person to see, most likely a kid


I don't think Robin liked gay nigger porn with hats that much

Why not just blow through your data cap and get charged through the ass per packet?


proof it's IPS

eyeball test isn't a reliable source

Me. I just use my phone for calls or text messages. Getting data would up my bill by $100 or something. My monthly funds are better spent on better things.

So you can't play online on the switch, nice

I did to hack my Wii U and 3DS.
The fucking Wii and DS had a web browser though. It's unexcusable.


The Wii U didn't even have voice chat. Games like Smash 4 and Mario Kart 8 only had it in friend lobbies, and literally only the lobby, not during gameplay.

How is it at all unbelievable that there wouldn't be any built in voice chat if they're offering a separate phone app for it?

>Oy, HD rumble! Now you can feel those ice cubes for only 70 dollars!

I doubt they wouldnt have a browser, even the psp had a browser.

Are you implying the Switch has cellular network support. Because I seriously doubt it, it would cost way more than $300 if that were the case. Probably like $499. Hell I can't believe we're getting HD rumble for only $299

Do you people NEVER go out of your basement?

>No web browser
>No online chat
>No online play
>Nintendo not only expects you to pay to play online, but also to juggle playing your games with paying attention to team chat coming from your phone.

Good, I hope online bombs so hard for them that they go back to having it free.

>implying the web browser isn't going to a phone app

it won't have an internet app because the internet isn't safe for children

if people's eyeballs say it's a nice quality screen, does it particularly matter?
as far as I know, there is no source to say what the screen is yet

>How is it at all unbelievable that there wouldn't be any built in voice chat if they're offering a separate phone app for it?
Because of the backlash they got from the wii u lacking voicechat? Especially regarding splatoon.

>Reason they removed web browser is because it was used for piracy for both 3DS and WiiU.

So no piracy on the Switch? wew lad that system is getting worse by the second

I don't know how you came to that conclusion. I was talking about tethering a smartphone to the Switch.