Post dudes you wanna play as in Fire Emblem Warriors.
Post dudes you wanna play as in Fire Emblem Warriors
My wife
This dude
>her crits can now be in 3D
fuck yes
these two
good idea, horse units are fun
Might get in because she's popular despite being a bit bland
Ephraim's the more likely of the two
Eirika is still the main character, though Ephraim is the more unique one. Plus she's a woman, and thats points in KT's book.
>Plus she's a woman, and thats points in KT's book
Say that to the sausagefest that is Dynasty Warriors.
Have you only played Hyrule Warriors or something? Samurai and Dynasty are chock full of bishies. The Gundam and HnK musous also have mostly male rosters.
Just give me my Hana. Everything else is a bonus.
I mean, that's more an issue with the source material, isn't it? You know how Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Sengoku era and mecha shows and fucking Fist of the North Star is.
Fire Emblem has some pretty even gender representation, once you get past the main characters anyway.
I bet he would burn through all of the enemies.
Pretty much just him.
I'm saying that they don't have a history of favoring female characters, which is what user was suggesting. They have a long-established fanbase of fujoshi, so I would expect the important male characters to have priority.
I want to play as this dude and ram into enemies with his flat chest like a plank of wood
I'm just counting on seeing most/all of the lords, and id say Eirika has just about the same shot as Ephraim being the lead role, fan-service, and Eirika/Ephraim would be strange not coming in a pair.
>the entire cast will be from Awakening and then Marth, with Ike as DLC.
I'm sure Fates and Awakening will have the most representation though so even main non-Lord characters don't have much of a chance.
>shit on the series with awakening
>people eat it up
>they up the ante for conquests selling the game like pokemon
>people eat it up
>now they're just doing away with the tactics part entirely
>people eat it up
Kill yourselves you fucking faggots
Fire emblem should have stayed dead
>Release Shonen Jump DLC for FE Warriors
>Able to play as characters from FOTNS, Jojo, One Piece, DBZ, and Naruto.
Yeah we have Ken's Rage, and Pirate Warriors but I want more after playing them.
DIO vs. Black Knight from Path of Radiance would be awesome to see in the game.
>now they're just doing away with the tactics part entirely
They're doing away with the RNG part, at least
For the first time ever in a fire emblem game, a fight will be decided entirely by the skill level of the person playing
Is this shitposting? I don't even know anymore.
Already confirmed by the trailer.
I just want Matthew Mercer's godly battle snarls.
super unlikely
There's like 15 much cooler myrmidons that people care about
Navarre's got good odds
its a spinoff dude
i've wanted FE warriors for a while
This game better have support conversations or i'll be mad
Not even worth the reply, jojobrony.
If they don't add Jill and a map full of degenerate sub-humans you can kill I'll be very disappointed.
Her odds are up there with other secondary characters from Archanaea, Awakening and Fates, which is still higher than literally everyone else in the series.
Yeah, just like how Hyrule Warriors ruined the Zelda franchise completely.
meant for
She won't be in man. Sure, she's a secondary character in Fates but so are literally dozens of other characters, and she's not popular in Japan. You better give up before you get dissapointed. My wife will also not be in so i feel you.
Have fun giving yourself replies.
inb4 roster is 99% Awakening and Fates shit with Marth and Ike as DLC
How would you feel if they went the Awakening/Fates route and had a generic "character creator" type thing which every character was (badly) made from, but it meant you had the entire FE cast, and their movesets were based on class.
You aren't meant to ignore 3 quarters of the post
Boi, if it isn't just fates and awakening she is getting in, top 4 in lords, and top 2 in favorite series in japan
yeah i'll greentext it again, her fighting style is bland? damn dude
Yeah naw go fuck yourself, I've wanted FE Warriors for a while now.
I love big black cock in my mouth.
I would hate it
This and plus for censoring the west version ( Any chance for the games being region locked instead of console?)
The past few SW games have had pretty decent character creators, so it's not that unlikely. Though something tells me that they would keep a feature like that out of games for other franchises.
the best
Hope you didn't liked her japanese VA, 'cause she retired some time ago.
Does your favorite mage character deserve to represent their respective element in FE Warriors?
Our boy.
she's not popular whatsoever and lacks plot importance unlike someone like Joshua.
fates already has a swordmaster set to show up
I'm like the only person that likes him, so probably not. Not like he had a chance of getting in over fucking Tharja anyway
I'd love to play as Haar, he's probably one of my favorite FE characters.
But that's probably not gonna happen.
Tiki has a good shot at making it in I think, and I'd really like that.
There's a pretty good chance it won't be dubbed if KT's recent games are anything to go by. I'm mad as fuck Berserk isn't getting one, I can't fucking stand the new Japanese cast.
>Dynasty Warriors
>a source material that is NOTHING but manly men doing manly things and manly hugging
>still has FIFTEEN playable women
You're an idiot, Starscream
>Generic class armor for less important units/characters
>Custom generic hairstyles/facial features available from the getgo
>They can now fit in literally hundreds of characters with ease
They give proper uniforms and armor sets to actual characters who matter, like Zephiel or Ashnard, and everybody else is a generic with a unique haircut and maybe a portrait. People have already been doing in that in DW Empires anyways
I'm well aware. Hoping they'll just recast her or something if they include her.
What other Dark Mages are super popular?
Tiki is definitely the number 1 go to choice if they're gonna add a Manakete.
My fucking negro.
That's my favorite character.
Let's see, she's competing against:
All of which are popular and have infinitely more chances of appearing than Hana who's one of the least popular characters in her own game.
Calm down bro, it's just a spinoff.
Probably depends on whether or not they make Robin use magic or maybe the Levin Sword instead
Probably not. Hana is a Swordmaster; there are far more popular Swordmasters out there. I will always be mad if Hana gets in over a Jugdral Myrm.
people like Ewan as Druid and Canas
Pelleas is actually pretty important to his game's plot
Gharnef is a villainous dark mage
also there is no need for a trip in this thread
Surely you'll be able to equip multiple weapons. It wouldn't be FE without the aspect of choosing the right weapon for the enemy.
Yeah i'd say Tiki is 100% in.
why do you guys think that elibe or tellius characters are getting in
they showed raijinto and siegfried, not ragnell and sword of seals
I wouldn't even put him up there as one of my favourite characters but I cannot think of someone who fits the stereotypical image of a mage quite as well as he
You should give up hoping for her, the Japanese are really anal about recasting VAs. She'll probably never show up in another FE game unless they make her mute.
Ike is shown as the most popular FE character in Japan but it was a post awakening poll. There's still no way that he's not getting a spot.
Robin's a Lord in all but name considering he's the only other character in Awakening besides Chrom for whom death means game over, despite only having fewer forced deployments.
He's going to get to use both the Levin Sword and at least thunder magic since they're practically his signature weapons, if not every element.
Now if Thoron isn't the hype as fuck wave motion cannon of death that it was in Awakening and Smash Bros. I'll be sorely disappointed.
i dunno probably because Ike is arguable the most popular character in the series and there's no reason why this game would limit itself to specific games in the series
Merric is the original FE mage
Those first three I can sort of see, Gharnef is a villain so I wouldn't count him being playable from the start.
Merric is easily a more proper fit for an ANima mage
Just reuse her clips from Awakening, obviously. Or just fucking recast her, come on Japan you fucking shits.
Because Elibe and Tellius are really popular. ROY'S OUR BOY and Blazing Sword is literally baby's first FE. and PoR is extremely popular among FE fans; RD less so. I would assume that it'll have at the least Akaneia archetypes because Japan loves Marth's games then Elibe/Tellius/Awakening representation. Fates Royals will all likely get in, too.
Why the hell does Japan love Marth so much?
I'd rather get Miriel, she's hilarious and memorable unlike Ricken.
this beautiful shadow
also florina
Micaiah's also more likely than he is, so is Soren.
Lightning might as well be taken by Robin.
I gotta be honest, I mostly like Marth because of Smash.
Give him a skin for Old Hector, too.
Hector and then a Beard Hector skin.
It'll never happen, but I want Weed-san in.
I'd love it if she were a separate character, but a skin for Robin would be OK too.
They're a foolish folk with bad taste. It might be nostalgia.
Why do you keep hating on FE7?
t.favorite FE was 5
Imagine a grima map with the amazing music playing
Weed Priest and Weed Archer when?
r8 my roster:
*Black Knight
Unnamed Continent That Fates Takes Place On:
Illusory Tokyo:
Giant bosses:
I didn't say I hate Blazing Sword; I just said it's baby's first FE. It was literally designed to be the first game someone plays.
>45 Characters
Wishful thinking.
I'd be surprised if we get more than 15 characters before DLC.
10/10 imo, even if a bit large.
>Myrmidon from a game that effectively has a Lord Myrmidon
Oh well
very long/10
Way too huge a cast, but I gotta give you props for including #FE.
Way too many fucking characters/10
Weird because when people say "baby's first X" they usually are implying that it is shit
>Illusory Tokyo
Hopefully not. Hopefully IS is too embaressed to be associated with #FE