Hey guys I just picked this up. What should I expect?
Hey guys I just picked this up. What should I expect?
Love interest dies to save the protagonist.
Now fuck off back to other gaming site.
Is shit
7.8/10 - too much water XD
hahahahhaha :)))
good joke ;)
Whats wrong with it?
>Shity gameplay.
>Dumb story.
>All boss battles are shit.
The only good thing is the soundtrack.
Nah, you're getting confused with G4ME.
GAME was great
They tried some new things that didn't quite work in GAME 2, but they went back the the series roots for GAM3 and it was amazing.
GAYME was best in the series though. They really improved on the dick-sucking mechanic.
>Shiting on G4ME.
Here your (you). Fucking pleb.
>he's a fucking "GAME" faggot
Everyone moved over to "Game 2" years ago
I can't wait for Game 2: The Sequel
Hopefully they'll improve on what didn't work in the original Game.
Gays are not welcome
user... that came out 10 years ago
Are f-femboys in that gay group
GAME on CONSOLE is just a port of COMPETING CONSOLE's LAUNCH TITLE. A bad port, at that. Seriously... Why would you buy GAME on CONSOLE and shill all of your hard earned CURRENCY to COMPANY?
Fuck you Nintendo. Where's GAME 2? At least give us GAME HD. For fuck sakes they are so out of touch
>tfw GAME is getting ported to the PC next year with full mod support
Sorry I dunno. I haven't played it. Looks ok maybe.
you cucks don't deserve it
Not as bad as Sup Forums says it is. I actually liked it.
the dark souls of X
Fuck off pckek.