>tfw you really loved part 1 and see part 2 coming out
>tfw you see capcom hold a play test at PAX with lots of people liking it
>tfw you can't wait til it comes to west
>tfw you tried jap servers and loved it so much and want it to come to west so bad
>tfw so many years passed and starting to lose all hope
>tfw you still check every few weeks in thinking there would be a miracle someday
>tfw never
Xavier Brown
Are you me? It's been 5 years this July, what the fuck? And yeah I know about the English patch. I want a real western release though. Any fucking day now!
Maybe with the western release of the anime it'll spark interest?
Daniel Cook
It's a game I would blow money on and I never would on any other game. I just love the combat so much on it.
Blake Robinson
has it really been 5 years? holy shit
Daniel Roberts
been waiting for an offical english release for 5 years holy fuck
Charles King
wow i didnt know there was a sequel!
I would be satisfied with just a port of GC PSO EP1 & 2 for the Switch.
Chase Mitchell
The game is fully translated and doesn't need a proxy.
Cooper Allen
I forgot my password and they wont send the damn email to recover it even though it said they sent it.
Ethan Walker
>fully translated Don't fucking lie, not even 10% of the game is translated. And everytime there is a patch you have to redownload the fucking english patch.
Jaxon Gray
>see this thread >5 years since Japanese release >no fucking way >JPN release July 4, 2012 Well, I guess time makes fools of us all
Cooper Campbell
The biggest hurdle is the account making process.
Lincoln Mitchell
This is never going to get a western release.
Aaron Gomez
>you have 2 minutes to decipher between literally dozens and dozens of moonrunes and copy paste them in correctly You should be able to solve this.
Dominic King
>not even 10% of the game is translated. And everytime there is a patch you have to redownload the fucking english patch. Confirmed for "I tried it just after launch and haven't touched it since.
Jordan Cox
Eh, at least Clementine's recent test scratched the PS itch.
John Stewart
>tfw you haven't played PSO in years and recently got into playing on Ultima with 2 of your best friends.
Life is great, user. Join us.
Nathan Smith
>Ultima You're doing it wrong. pioneer2.net is where all the cool kids hang out.
Jack Morris
I think the developers know there is a large amount of people who played from outside japan and got sick of it.
They think the game would be a flop and nobody would bother now, they are mostly right.
Kevin Garcia
The english patch ensured this game would never get and western release sadly.
Jaxson Nguyen
Eh... Too late to hop over now. We started Ultima because we wanted to level up quick, especially since we were abandoning our mid 100's on GCN for this. I respect all the servers though: don't really care about the drama that happened once upon a time.
Dylan Perez
I touched it last month. It still only has the first season of content translated for the story. And even that is sub par.
None of the items, none of the sidequests, none of the stores.
the only translation is enough for you to understand the graphics menu.
Dominic Baker
>tfw you play psu and stopped playing pso2 because it sucks ass
Tyler Nguyen
Never been more disappointed I love every title but this one it's a shame. More fun with psp2i
David Gomez
don't know how you fucked up but all the items, stores, and quests are translated
Nolan Hall
No they fucking aren't. Stop being a dirty fucking nigger and lying to people.