So we heard you don't like BoTW?

So we heard you don't like BoTW?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck and Kill both the non-Fish
Marry fish waifu

what are they going to do?

>no tail

Stupid cel-shaded cartoony kiddyshit graphics.

Also dead console. Literally a 1-game console.

>It's a Link gets a harem but is too much of a twink faggot to care episode

Thanks for sharing!

I love Zelda! She's the cutest and the best! The best ever! A cute princess Zelda! Yes! She's very cute and very feminine! She sounds like a proper lady and a proper princess! Very cute! She even knows how to cry! Not a robot! Dresses like a princess! Very modest! Cute turtleneck! Cute hairclips! Cute forehead! Cute eyebrows! She is very lovely! I love her!!!!!

Gerudo lives in the hot HOT desert, so she's sweaty! Sweat smells! Gerudo is smelly and sweaty! Ugly too! Brown skin! The color of feces! Feces skin! Ugly! Ugly with lipstick too! She uses lipstick to hide her ugliness! Immodest apparel! Ugly phallic forehead! Eyes too low! Ugly! Exposed skin! Minimal clothing! Easy access! She's a slut! Gross! Slut slut SLUT!!!!!!

Zora is a fish! Swims in water! Smells fishy! Baited easily! Expressionless face! Robot fish! No nose! Ugly! Wears ornate jewelry to distract from her un-nose! Ugly! Head is a shark! Yikes! Scary is not cute! Swims in water! Pees in water! Swims in pee! Yuck! Smelly gross ugly fish!!!!!

lucky for you i'm a vore lover
