Does Nintendo really think 1,2 Switch is going to sell well? Nobody is going to buy an overpriced tech demo...

Does Nintendo really think 1,2 Switch is going to sell well? Nobody is going to buy an overpriced tech demo. So absolutely retarded that it's not a pack in. Nintendo always takes one step forward, and two steps back. You can bet it's going to be a pack in by Summer.

>WiiU preview videos
>2 player game with each one having their own screen for gameplay
>switch preview
>2 player game with no screen at all
they fucked up bad

>buy two cork guns
>have the same amount of fun, if not more, more half the price

gimmick after gimmick

That got me thinking, was Wii sports ever sold as a standalone?

The Switch is fucking laughable, but the fact that they're not bundling this garbage with it is just mind boggling.

Oh and charging FULL price for it?

Yeah, good luck with that.

I believe you could buy both Wii Sports and Nintendoland. But I'm 99% of people would have got them as pack ins, and at least they were marginally fun for 10 minutes. 1,2 Switch looks like babies first imaginary game

>Buy real cows
>$2k in the hole
>Get real milk
>Die from Listeria

1-2 Switch actually saves lives and money.

In Japan IIRC

Buy hi point c9 pistol
1/3 of the switch price
Kill yourself
Still more fun than the switch


But literally everywhere on the planet except for Japan had it included with the Wii.