Free Comfy MMO

I've been looking for an MMO to dump some time into, but I can't find a relaxing game to do it in. Do you have any comfy MMOs that you'd recommend trying out? Something like Maple Story or Maple Story 2. Easy to grind it out while listening to podcasts.

Do you have a console? Destiny is pretty good for that imo.

Can you play MapleStory 2 in English? Sorry to answer with another q.

Yeah there's a part translation for MS2 I believe, but I can't stand playing from America to SEA. The weird lag kills it for me.


Im playing the free trial version of FF XIV and im enjoying it so far. I'm about 7 levels in right now as my summoner and im being bombarded with lengthy quest exposition. is there anything for me to do besides mindless questing right now or?

I played on launch and got to like level 40 something. I tried playing a few months ago and they changed the entire game I was completely lost and didn't feel like restarting a character to relearn it all.

Is it worth it now? Seems to be an MMO that everyone makes fun of but I thought it was great.

im about 7 levels into the trial version of FFXIV and im being bombarded with lengthy quest exposition and lots of fetch quests. is there anything else I can do at this point or do I have to just endure until it hopefully gets better?

huh it told me my first post didnt go through, oops

ESO is not free.

Neither is Destiny faggot.

is there a private server for ESO

Why would you want a private ESO server? You can get the game for 8 dollars and its free online.

Bump out of interest
I want to make online friends at least, since I'm too pathetic to make them in real life, and MMOs seems good for that.

>8 dollars
Where? I will buy it instantly if this is true.


But they use stolen credit cards

I've bought about 20 games from them and a friend bought ESO from them a few days ago for us to play together. No returns and no locked accounts.

Probably will do it, even if it gets locked afterwards it's only 9 bucks

I got max level and did most of the dungeons when the game first came out. I just stopped playing WoW around a month ago, so I'm not sure if I want another monthly fee game right now.

You will be questing until you hit max level, and then you've got about a hundred more story quests after that.

As soon as you hit level 50, you have exactly 100 more story quests to do before you're allowed into the expansion.

Getting to max level can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 2 months depending on how autistically dedicated you are to leveling. Oh also the main story quest is usually always enough to keep you the proper level. There's a huge annoying disconnect at level 47 where you have to get to 49 to keep going, but after that it's smooth sailing.


There's no fee for ESO? Is it any good? I like Skyrim and oblivion

I'm enjoying it /vg/ has a guild which is useful for buying and trading shit. The game plays just like the other TES games except that you pick a base class to start out with your faction.

It's pretty active because of the way the world works so you'll see high levels in low level zones taking down anchors and shit. Also lots of PvE to do. If you have a friend to play with or someone else it adds a lot. But as a single player game it's also great. Entire game is voice acted as well which is a nice touch.

Also I've not really noticed any fetch quests or kill "x" number of monsters. A lot of it is story driven questing.

the beginning of FFXIV is the worst of any MMO I've ever played

Is any of the quest dialog important or can I just rush thru it and do the quests?

It's pretty bland so far im roughin it for now hoping it gets better.

Nexon was looking for a production manager for NA maplestory 2 last november. we might get it this year, bros.

>Current nexon
user, are you ok? maybe the delusion has finally made you lose it. you worry me.

>is any of the quest dialog important

Every single quest and plot point in the game is
>omg user you are so special and unique and perfect in every way, let us suck your dick at every opportunity, wow you killed that lvl 11 were rat, no one has ever managed to do that, you're the chosen special one!

Just skip everything.

Black Desert Online is really fun for what it is.

>Want to be a cute submissive healslut who heals and buffs others because I'm desperate for approval and gratitude
>Try to find half decent game for it
>Every MMO has instanced matchmaking where no one gives a shit or says anything
>Game is so broken healers don't matters
>Game is so easy healers are expected to DPS
I just want to be use. Even if it's for my boipucci. I'll bend over.

thanks familia, yeah it seemed like generic weeb shit.

Try overwatch, you'll get upboats at the end of the match and sometimes people will say "nice heals"

I've been playing vanilla wow and it's great for healers. Alone the game is brutally difficult and you have to rest after every other kill but working together it's possible to fight a couple dudes at once. Warriors will suck you off especially hard because they struggle to survive against a single enemy for most of the game.

os runescape

is questing in vanilla wow better than current wow? i like breezed to level 50 on my worgen in like a week by mindlessly questing. When i realized i was killing everything my level in 1 hit with no chance of dying is when i quit

If by better you mean fucking slow, then yeah it's better.

LaTale if you like lagging and good music.

Bump out of curiousity. Free MMOs cause poor fag.

Is this ever going to hit the states?

just play TERA
go check out /terag/

Tfw no friends to do raids or nightfall with

I genuinely can't think of any comfy, social MMOs that are still popular.

Mabinogi? It's dying but you can do some laid back things.

FFXIV, Tera, Blade and Soul, EVE online, or Guild Wars 2. Everything else is nothing but pure grind trash or old ass dated games like Evercrack.

Gonna throw Mabinogi out there as a recommendation if you're OK with Nexon
Game is extremely open-ended and comfy as hell to play

I'm still playing Puzzle Pirates. A new re-boot ocean is coming this year with a focus on PvP. The only ocean alive right now is emerald. About 2500-3000 active players total.

It's like eve, but with skill based "puzzles" integrated into the game. robust player driven economy and large wars and player held islands.

Hah. i can relate to that.

>yesterday i healed an instance
>ppl constantly stand in fire and goo shit
>i quickly burn my mana to keep them alive
>call out for a quick mana break
>they dont listen
>i have to heal the boss fight with zero mana
>we manage
>i address the issues afterwards
>i get called a whiny bitch

ahh okay then

>no mention of Wurm Online
Really, Sup Forums?
That game can be really comfy, if you don't mind the dated graphics. It's a true sandbox MMO, also can be very social if you don't play it like a hermit.

Has its cons though, might not perfectly fit your criteria:
You start with an unlimited trial, and it has a subscription option (to get rid of skill caps). But you can pay that with in-game currency which is not that hard to get. You are permitted to sell everything in this game even for real money, including your character.

>Easy to grind it out while listening to podcasts.
Most skills you can grind while semi-AFK. It's not an easy grind in the sense that it can take you months of playtime to reach 90 in some of the harder skills. Some grind requires more attention, such as fighting skills.

After more than a decade, the game is still being actively developed. It just received a huge cooking update with 500+ new recipes before last Christmas. GUI overhaul and updated engine are also on their way.

Suck it up and pay for WoW or FFXIV.

If you're really set on not paying for anything, go with private servers for old MMOs that didn't suck.

Free MMOs are all dead anyway so you might as well go with something that's good.


this is what kept me from the expansion

I quit like a year and change before it came out. Friend convinced me to come back. All of a sudden I have a million fucking quests and some I even have to queue for (empty too) just to get to the new content.

Quit again and never looked back. I love the game PVE wise and the aesthetics are great but that really burned my biscuits.

this sounds pretty not gay but since there probably isn't a general, are you looking for more members for your guild/faction?

I'm enjoying Tree of Saviour a bit. I don't much effort into it and I zone out on the cute graphics.

Tera was a bit fun for a while. After I jerked off it lost all it's appeal.

Elysium WoW vanilla recently launched