So we are just going to keep hush hush on this game...

So we are just going to keep hush hush on this game? We are not going to talk about the fact that they tricked Sup Forums into buying this game?

Sit you shitty ass down and respect the great game

>run around and do pointless bullshit
>great game

>I hate Platformers and sexy women

>borderline retarded girls with huge bug eyes and no sense of fashion
>sexy women

>tricked into buying a three year old game

>We are not going to talk about the fact that they tricked Sup Forums into buying this game?


is pirates curse
1/2 genie hero?

fuck off, OP. wayforward is the one who tricked us with the new game. they made her more cute and a lot less hot. did people actually complain?


Maybe you. I really like the game. Just 100% it over the weekend