>There are always people on this board right now that will pass up on a superior version of Dragon Quest VIII just because of a few altered outfits
Its almost as if you don't know all the other additions to the 3DS version of DQVIII.
Dragon Quest
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Who will you switch out for Red? I'm gonna ditch Angelo.
>DQ girls
I think I might just ditch Jessica
Toriyama is got at girls
I'm imagining that Red will like a glass cannon type of character so I'll kick out Angelo.
Best DQ girl coming through
>Its almost as if you don't know all the other additions to the 3DS version of DQVIII.
Anyone mind posting the list of additions?
when do red and morrie even join the party?
I've read the 3DS version has less voice acting is that true?
Not even the best in her own game
I don't know about Red but I know Morrie is completely optional
When you meet them, going by trailers
Angelo is going to benchwarm, unless Red proves useless
>expected 18 clone to be best
>my fetish for doms kicked in
I hate my dick
I don't have a 3DS, sorry. I have to go with the emulated PS2 version.
>implying she is a dom
She always seemed like the type who likes to put on haughty airs but its actually a hyper sub when alone
You can emulate 3DS games now senpai
At least we can agree Flora/Nera is the most boring girl in V right?
What is this from?
Tell me Sup Forums, should I go start up II or wait until VIII for more DQ goodness? Haven't gotten to either yet so both would be fresh.
Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road Victory
Just go play II. The game is only like what, 10 hours long? Just make sure to grab the SNES version.
Its better then people give it credit for.
Which games have you played?
I don't know why they fucked up the look of the I protag so bad.
is this that grinding game that lets me fuck a girl and spawn a daughter and son
DQ1 hero is making me think of Meliodas
Because he is the only one in armor
You don't need to grind in Dragon Quest
In V you get a son and daughter
time to play then, gotta get a waifu
I've played V (sfc) , IV (DS and NES), III (SFC) and VII (3DS) in that order.
I would rank them V < III < IV < VII personally. They're all great but VII blew me away, loved it from start to finish. V is good but I feel it falls off a bit later on. III has the orb quest which I didn't like but I love every other part. IV was just really appealing to me, I liked the little stories and characters and everything felt natural.
>V (sfc)
Fucking why
Why didn't you play the DS version or the PS2 version?
Play 1
You can beat it in one sitting
I remember beating it in like 4-5 hours
Seeing where it all starts is a nice feeling
Have the DQ1-2 SNES remake
These are you wife choices
The only acceptable answer is the girl on the right, Deborah.
Just finished playing the SNES version of DQ1 and it was a drag. I had to use the emulator's fast forward function for the final section of the game because of how painfully slow it was to make progress. Please tell me DQ2 isn't gonna be like that
I downloaded a bunch of snes/sfc roms and V was one. I started it randomly and fell in love. I actually think I like it best. PS2 looks ugly to me and V has a shitty translation.
Tried I and hated it, I need to get back to it eventually.
I already have the I-II rom, thanks though. Was planning to play them on my snes flash cart.
>Tried I and hated it
I dont like you
DQ2 is the black sheep of the series, most people's least favorite. Its quite imbalanced and extremely cryptic. If you're going by release order then know III-V are absolutely phenomenal. Please, if you give up on II do not quit the series, it gets so much better.
DQII is better then people say it is
Literally no one is going to use Morrie lmao
Sorry, just couldn't get into it.
Guess I'm a DQ contararian. VII is my favorite, V was my least favorite of the four I played (still amazing), and from what I've seen VIII looks kinda boring to me.
>and from what I've seen VIII looks kinda boring to me.
Nigger ill cut you
Give me Red
How does this play on the O3DS? Any notable FPS drop?
I am as a new VIII player. Morrie and Red look cooler then Jessica and Angelo in my opinion. I plan to do Hero, Yangus, Morrie, and Red as my final party.
CIA any day now..
Reluctant to play games on a tiny, SD screen actually. I cant be bothered with it anymore.
I don't know, party looks kind of bland and your stereotypical "hero, muscle, black mage, white mage" team. I think it was a return to more basic rpg team which in 2005 was probably appreciated. I plan to use Red and Morrie since a pirate and monster tamer sound more intetesting, both as characters and in battle.
I'm going to try him, but don't want him in my final team.
3DS games are more then fine on the N3DS screen
Dont judge them before you even play the game asshole
Has it been leaked yet
Jessica is the best though.
Don't worry, its not like I'm going into it wanting to hate it. Just my feelings from the gameplay and few cutscenes I watched.
Ehh. Not a huge fan of her design and her character seems just to be "muh revenge". Hopefully I'm wrong and she gets better.
At least the tits are nice.
So what are the differences?
Jessica is shit
Two bonus party members
New ending
Some bonus dungeons
>her character seems just to be "muh revenge"
It is
And it sucks
She is an active joykill to an otherwise fun cast
People only like her because her tits
You'll see, her character does get better. At least from what I remember of the original 4, they weren't two dimensional personalities and got decent character development by the end.
Maybe the inclusion of Red will give Yangus more of a story arc this time around, since they're connected to one another.
Alchemy Pot is now instant
More costumes
No more random battles, enemies running around
I've HEARD battles are faster now but I dont know for sure
there is a fast forward mode
But the hero is the white mage, the muscle is the debuffer, the black mage is the muscle, and the white mage is the buffer and backup healer.
So its an objectively better very of the game that some people are going to miss out on because of a few altered costumed?
Getting some mixed signals here.
Was planning to swap her for Red since I like Red's design more but I guess we'll see.
I am excited to start VIII though with all tbe praise it gets. My worry though was that since its not my first like many other western fans I may not like it as much. Also a little sad to see the job system gone as I'm a VIIfag, really liked it. Either way its DQ, I know I'll like it.
That ass anatomy is like an Escher drawing.
>inferior music
>inferior graphics
>inferior presentation
>its on the 3DS
>inferior music
Its fine
>inferior graphics
>playing dragon quest for the graphics
Fuck off
>inferior presentation
Fucking what
>its on the 3DS
How the hell is this a negative?
None of these sound like a good enough version to play the version with way less content
This is femdom shit, isn't it?
No, I pass because I don't need the waifu faggotry (if it's true that you can romance not only Medea but also Jessica and someone else - was it Red?), additional content (pretty much fan fiction at this point) and worse graphics than in emulated PS2 version.
>pretty much fan fiction at this point
Just jessica, just a side ending.
>content in official game
>"fan fiction"
Even if shitty its not fan fiction.
It looks fine. I can't say I preffer it but I imagine it'll be a serviceable port.
>Not wanting an more characters, more dungeons, an instant alchemy pot, and a fast forward in battle
>Caring about graphics in a fucking DRAGON QUEST GAME
Neck you're self
>Medea is a ticking time bomb of retarded genetics where the child or grandchild has a chance of being as dumb as the old king
>Jessica is a boring revenge-driven cunt
Poor DQ8 Hero. He should just go be a bandit or hide out with dragons instead.
I still need to finish 7.
I just got the flying carpet, how much left? Ten hours? Twenty?
>implying every DQ girl bar Maribel is not dumb as hell
You're maybe half way done, probably a little over half.
VII being long in no meme. Just enjoy it instead of thinking "how much longer?". Its my favorite but not for everyone.
>intellect is a part of genetics
I'm not saying it's necessarily bad, but I won't buy it just for that. When I feel like replaying the game in a year or two and the price is acceptable, I'll probably get a used copy anyway.
IV girls weren't, maybe Maya I guess.
She's always after money. She can't be dumb
I guess more of a gambling addict then dumb, she gambles all her and her sister's money away.
Enemies on screen on overworld, they got rid of random encounter; faster combat/more loading; more ranks on arena; selfies and challenges for taking pictures(item rewards); sped up alchemy; two more playable characters red and morrie
>superior version
You mean the Japanese version? Hopefully you're not talking about the horribly localized MIDI English version that's about to come out and bomb, right?
>MIDI English version
Stop this meme please
don't give him his (You)s
DQ has the best rape doujins.
>people still falling for this meme
you can't be this immensely stupid
How is that a meme
Its true though
Don't reply to me again unless you have something to contribute to the thread.
Are the new characters in 8 locked out of being used at certain points or did they rewrite all the story so they have something to say about everything?
>Its true though
>sh-shut up
If you learned Japanese, you wouldn't have to defend the butchered western versions like a good cuck.
They joined pretty late
Red joins after you beat that pirate guy and Morrie joins after you get Rank S in Arena (which only unlock after you beat notKefka)
Please. You're not fooling anyone.
Go bait somewhere else.
I dont think I can tolerate Reds voice enough to actually use her as a party member
I've never Dragon Quested before. Where should I start?