Good games sell well
Square Enix announces Project Octopath Traveler for Switch by record selling Bravely Default devs
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So no bravely third then?
no, you get mobile shit instead
I called it was the BD devs.
>mobile shit
I feel like I'm the only one in Sup Forums who respects the mobile marketplace and sees it as a viable route for gaming in the future.
I hope so
>I feel like I'm the only one in Sup Forums who respects the mobile marketplace and sees it as a viable route for gaming in the future.
They've been saying this for years and it has never evolved past a Casual P2W Shovelware dumping ground.
>touch controls
I really hope you are. Touch controls are objectively a shit, even for RPGs.
Good thing you are.
It's been a decade since the iPhone launched. Mobile games are still complete fucking garbage.