
I played this game yesterday, went back 3 more times between the other games to have another go and had a blast.

As a demo, this game was fantastic and has so much potential as a full game with more characters, weapons, stages and modes. The 5 demo characters and their different weapons are varied enough for the demo.

The only true issue I have with the game is how god awful the names of all the characters are.

I'm calling it, this will be a successful new IP and not just shovelware.

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Share some of the names you can remember, OP.

no it won't

Ninjaga, Mechanica, Master Mummy, Spring Man, Ribbon Girl.

It screams laziness, they really need to work harder on these character names and try and develop them more like Overwatch.

I think it would be really good for sales if they made short character trailers like TF2 and Smash Bros. did.

I think it works in context of the WWF Boxing theme to have these kind of capeshit names but I understand what you mean


Also wonder if there will be a story mode.

I agree about the names. Shame since Nintendo are usually great about that sort of thing. Inkling was unique and rolled off the tongue.At least the character design is strong.

>No boxer character named Boxspring
>No artist character named Etch-a-stretch
>No Basketball character named Michael Jordan

Is Luffy in this game?

>No pirate themed character named Arrrms