How did she survive in Novigrad?

How did she survive in Novigrad?

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How bushy is her pussy?

She whored herself. How else do you think she could afford an apartment in the middle of the worlds largest city?

literally a refrigerator.

>choking on a dick for money
Literally her only purpose.

Why cant other AAA devs design women like the bitcher?

>that fucking hair

*North's largets city
Novigrad would be a small-time village in Nilfgaard

>How did she survive in Novigrad?
Novigrad only gave into the Churches pressure to start hunting down mages few weeks before Geralt arrives to the town. It actually was the biggest safe harbor for magic users in the northern realms as it's not under Radovid's control, and the behavior of the Church was moderated by Chappelle until they figured out he is a doppler. Really, witch hunts in Novigrad started only when the new asshole took over as the captain of the Temple Guard.

Once shit started going down, Triss struck a deal with the King of the Beggers (the single most underused character in the game, by the way) who offered her protection.

>who offered her protection

in exchange for sucking cock

>implying she was paid

because western women are not allowed to be beautiful and western men are not allowed to be attracted to beautiful women

Triss had really nice tits

She got her arse whipped like a Novigrad whore.

>taking a porn thread seriously

Tris tits have magic in them I swear

Sometimes they look like full D cups sometimes she looks completely flat

>tfw I came into this thread specifically to post that webm

what went wrong with the King of Beggers?
it's like he stopped existing the second you met Dijkstra

Isn't it great?

That literally true though, Sorceresses are shape-shifter who prettify themselves.

There's a ton of stuff cut from the second half of Witcher 3.

she wouldnt be the first waifu to survive in a hostile environment

Like a LOT of intended content, his role was cut down due to limited space and development time. I'm pretty sure he was originally intended to have much greater role in the story, but... you know how it goes.

I need to play this again soon.

>due to limited space
I wonder if CDPR felt bad when DOOM and DE:ME came out at 2x+ the size and nobody made a ton of noise

oh, so alot like Iorveth

man i really need to pick on the witcher.

Should i start from 1 or skip it and begin in 2?

she's dead, jim

It's a trick user.
She has big tits but she's worst girl

It's more like limited developing time than storage space

Just fap to SFM porn webms of it, you'll get about the same enjoyment.

1 and then 2 and 3.

2 is easily the weakest link of the series so don't feel bad if you want to drop it, it's a self contained story anyway.

Did she really fuck people for money?

I think Iorweth was cut a LOT sooner into the development.
More like the role of Lodge in the late game, or the role of the former Skellige king and the whole arc business on the abandoned island, like Philipa's attempt to drive Yen and Geralt against each others, like Avalach's role in late game too.

Do yourself a favour and just start directly at W3.

You can read some of Sapkowski stories about the Witcher - they're short, fun and will give you a bit of knowledge about the universe


Avalach just up and disappears as soon as Ciri kills the white frost


Witcher 1 and 2 are janky as fuck in a lot of ways but worth powering through.

If you really can't tolerate them, Witcher 3 is an entirely viable starting point.

i liked 2 alot

Why oh why am I going through these screenshots again. Making me want to play again.

Speaks the truth. Witcher 2 rang as an experimental combination of genre - with a story more western folk would enjoy.

It's likely and she herself hints towards it in tw3.


SFM porn is one of the greatest inventions in the history of mankind

I just wish StudioFOW would get off their asses and start on the Witcher movie they promised instead of doing a bunch of mediocre """interactive"""" games and movies with literally who characters no one cares about

I don't remember anymore.

im really not a fan of all the animal shit they do as well


it looks so fucking good jesus

>Mom fetish

>coming 2016

How can you possibly play like this.
Casual nudity hurts my dick something fierce.

>it's a self contained story anyway
thank god, I hate this piece of shit.
I was so excited to play through all the Witcher games during christmas since I loved 1 so much, but 2 ruined my will to even turn on the game

Really? I liked 2. I think I got a bit disheartned looking for some bloke when I got to stage 2 area. Then trying to end all that shit in the mist with the wrathe thing but I enjoyed it over all.

The best part is there are rarely non ingame cutscenes so they are literally doing tons of wacky shit totally nude throughout your adventures.


StudioFow decided their time was better spent making movies about the niggress slut from Dragon Age 2 and a sequel to grungy, Joker Herpes infected Harley Quinn takes the knot.

This is the problem with patreon funded work- no oversight and no obligation to financial investors fosters broken deadlines and false promises. I'm not expecting to get the Jill video anytime soon and that was announced in like, 2014

>Gather the sorceresses
>Geralt now has a boat full of hot, naked sorceresses, and he's fucked all but two of them
>It's just a matter of time

>coming 2016
Any day now.

They also ensnared a few SFM artists I used to keep tabs on who then deleted their shit and started only doing FOW shit instead of a couple 10 second animations every week, which I much prefer.

I mean fuck, they had perfect location variation and pacing in TW1 and then they completely fucked it up in 2. All they had to do was maybe make the hubs a bit bigger but instead they made them smaller with more loading screens. TW2 got praise for the flotsam forest when it's actually quite literally a few small roads you can move in.

>StudioFow decided their time was better spent making movies about the niggress slut from Dragon Age 2
Do you happen to have the scene on hand?

It's a 15 minute blowjob by one of their worst animators with less than 6 camera angles and no real animation variation.

Utter garbage.

Also fuck you it's free find ti yourself.

yeah that.

I did like the harpie feather collector. But then when I got through the mist to the other side I had to do a load of shit with people I ddint know I got a bit "meh"

I tried to replay and go for the Yorveth path so I could see Saskia and owlfuu some more but when I tried to play from one of my earlier saves I sucked so hard at the combat (since Id played other games) I couldn't be assed. Looked liek Id need to start over completely so I could tutorial myself all over.

reminder that studiofow made ONE MILLION last year

Patreon was a mistake.

>It's a 15 minute blowjob by one of their worst animators with less than 6 camera angles and no real animation variation.

that's all you had to say, user

>Also fuck you it's free find ti yourself.

ODRIN, you uncultured swine.

O - D - R - I - N

i was half expecting it to be a dog

I don't know, I really don't like it
I'm still in floatsam and killed that kraken or whatever

My first problem was that I picked the hard difficulty and got killed at least 20 fucking times on the first mobs at the prologue until I got that I should be spamming Quen. The shield guys are the fucking worst
>Aard the shield guy
>he kneels and puts his shield up
>can only get hit from behind
>is backed against a wall
fuck that shit, also the stagger from hitting the shield is so horribly annoying.

If you remember those bandits at a graveyard outside Floatsam, that's another example of how bullshit the game is.
>Talk to those bandits
>enter combat after dialogue
>Geralt just stands there taking out his sword and not responding to input
>bandit gets a free hit on you and takes away half of your hp

I really hate the fucking combat.
I was also disappointed in some interaction with the NPCs.While talking to the sorceress and preparing to kill the kayran she mentions I should talk to that elf hunter guy about the traps or whatever, but that motherfucker had nothing to say.
The forced stealth segments are also shit, not because I hate stealth but because the stealth itself is broken and awful in the game

I really liked Witcher 1 despite all the problems it had and I only finished that first 'tutorial' village in Witcher 3 but still liked it.

TW2 was an AAA looking game developed by a studio that had extremely limited resources. It was a bit of a transition. Plus, they really poured most of the their resources into the story this time.
Of course, that is not necessarily an excuse. TW2 WAS poorly paced. It also made several other mistakes: the combat and U.I. were major clusterfuck, some segments of the game (like the bloody stealth sections) were completely needless and poorly executed... Really, the studio was just sharepening their claws on that game. You have to remember: TW1 was debut and heavily flawed, and most of it's design philosophy was not really acceptable anymore for the large markets.

That said, the poor pacing of TW2 should not disencourage you from playing TW3, since that REALLY does not suffer the same problems as TW2 had. They had learned their lessons from TW2 quite strongly: in fact it's pretty impressive to see a studio so commited to fixing the faults in their previous games. Although: keep in mind that fixing the faults of their previous games does not mean they don't create new issues with the sequels too.

why was pic related fun?

Is Onagi one of them?

What IS it about this game? This is the only western RPG to not only have women that don't look like men, but all of them are stunningly beautiful. Even the one-off sidequest women ultimate 10/10 waifus?

I want to do savage things to Tomira's booty.

Van Attra is a better waifu than Tomira

guys this is a porn thread

>Can't tap dat herbalist ass
What a let down.

no, it's a witcher thread

I hated it

every nigger had those spy cards that just gave them more that I didn't bother until I had a monster deck

TW2 requires you to REALLY plan ahead in the combat and take advantage of all the tools (uncluding throwing daggers, traps, yrden signs etc...) to get through the combat fluently. That said, it's also true that the combat is not very good, in particular it's poorly ballanced and Quen is just completely abuseable.
The stealth sections are bad too, they got rid of them in the next game thankfully.

Really: TW2 is mechanically arguably the most flawed one, and it's really carried mostly by the strenght of the characters and the main story alone. It's still a beautiful piece of fiction: it looks great, the story is arguably the best in the entire franchise, with some of the best main-story choice-and-consequence (though the side-quests are weak, both content-wise and choice-and-consequnce-wise), but mechanically it's most issue-littered on in the franchise.

>not stacking yourself with spies and decoys

Yeah, TW2 was a major disappointment for me. It wasn't anything I'd expect from a sequel to a clunky yet charming slav RPG. As a big fan of witcher 1, 3 was a return to form fortunately. It definitely has that AAA feel but also keeps the charm, which many AAA devs seem to forget.

yeah, combat on the keyboard is a bit lame. i recall I got cramp in my left hand and had to use it like a crab claw to use spells at the same time as "steering".

The kraken battle was annoying. True, in fact most combat was annoying. I died so many times at a boss battle in the mist. TREBUUUUUUUUUUUUUSCEEEEETTT

>not just snagging their spies with deocys
>not just bleeding them of cards first round and crushing them 2nd and 3rd

are the sorcs naturally hot or do they magic themselves up, do they look like trannies under all that magic?

I'm still trying to decide whether I should force myself to finish it, main reason was to get some more background for Witcher 3 and the save file trasnfer


Then you should report it

They use magic to make themselves beautiful, but it's not clear if their beauty is an illusion or if they actually transform

Damn Leeterr, post your shit in a decent res

>not specked to have 100m rolls

sorcs are korean

t. Emhyr var Emreis

Flotsam is the best part of 2 so if you're already feeling fatigued from it I'd say drop it for now and maybe come back to it after 3.

Where we supposed to dislike Nilfgaard because they seemed pretty decent compared to the Northern realms?

Its covered in the books that the women are all given a "makeover" as befitting of someone in the sorceresses guild.

Yennifer is said to have been a hunchback and her eyes show a intensity that only an ugly woman would have or something along those lines by her harsh life up to the point she was made over.

I think owlfu chose to age a bit before she "froze" her looks which is why she is in her late 30s early 40s where as most of the other sorceresses do their shit in their 20s

yes but what else

>Novigrad would be a small-time village in Nilfgaard

Not really. Nilfgaard is shithole.