That it, I try to be positive through all this shit, I try to look at the good side, I try, I fucking try, but I am done, I am not buying another fucking Wii U, I am just not going to buy a fucking Wii U for $300, I am fucking done.
That it, I try to be positive through all this shit, I try to look at the good side, I try, I fucking try...
Other urls found in this thread:
switch looks cleaner
>nintendofags actually believe this
>le graphics man
>buying a nintendo console for multiplats
>buying a nintendo console for graphics
That's actually impressive if you think about it being a handheld.
Vita for comparison.
graphics aren't a dealbreaker for me, but if it exists on multiple consoles and the difference is that huge, why would you go with the inferior product?
handhelds are comfy
>That it, I try to be positive
Not very hard clearly.
Even the fucking vita make this shit right.
Looks pretty good
>owning only Nintendo consoles
the battery life on it is only around 2 hours though, right?
I won't be getting a Switch on launch. And I will just pick DQH2 up on PS4.
they say it depends on the game
This only puts the Switch version on a even worse situation, given the Switch version seems closer to the Vita version vs the PS4 version.
You never question yourself why people don't have issues picking the PS4 Version of multiplat games? Because of the graphical fidelity, the consumer does not feel like he is missing on anything compare to the PC version but bells and whistles that need actual focus for you to notice, this? is an eye sore, this is INCREDIBLE to the point where I know I am not getting DQXI on the Switch already because I know it will look like utter crap on it.
Too bad it's the most expensive handheld ever, and its games cost $60.
Loving this meme
>literally PS2 graphics
>in 2017
Do you even remember first gen portable gaming devices? That shit was expensive as hell and it required batteries.
>muh graphics
It may be a piece of shit tablet but it's got enough good-looking exclusives coming out that I'm probably getting one.
Remember? Games? Those things we hate?
>mfw I was hoping to get DQXI on the Switch for maximum comfiness
>but it will look so ugly on it compare to the PS4 Version that it will bother me
Fuck this gay fucking planet, why Nintendo has to shit on everything always.
I put my games on medium and disable all post-processing effects for a cleaner look too.
Vita came out in 2011 and is 6 years old you retard. The Pii U 2.0 is coming out in 2017.
It's not impressive by any standards.
Take that Nintendo dick out of your ass.
I haven't played or kept track of Dragon Warriors in a long ass time, but is there something I'm missing with the two different installments coming out/being announced at the same time? Is one online or something like Final fantasy?
>This only puts the Switch version on a even worse situation
Get better glasses user.
>buy nintendo console for physical dlcs
Fuck, Dragon Quest*
Yeah, about that, There is more games on ps4 from january to march than the whole first year of the switch...
>Remember? Games? Those things we hate?
Yeah, it has Zelda .. oh wait I already have a Switch, I can just buy Zelda for it for now..
But the Switch also has Mario Kart 8! ... oh wait I have it on my Wii U already hmm... what else.. AH MARIO! FUCK YES! and is coming.. in 11 months? ok
Pic related you fucking retard.
Something tells me he wants wasn't even born yet
Is this game even coming to the west?
I'm sorry not everyone cares as much about graphics as you do, user.
>oh wait I already have a Switch
Let me guess. Your dad works at Nintendo?
>Impying we don't know you do it because you want to save more on the electric bill
>Keeping a lower temp on my pc
You guys are the worse.
Hardware power doesn't just affect things like textures, but the gameplay and potential of the game too.
I also get mad when people choose to play a game however they like, how dare they?
And this was one of the best selling games of last year.
What's your point? How are people not excited for a new Nintendo handheld with console level graphics?
I meant Wii U, glad that was the only argument you had to fight back with.
Makes me sad I have to fight my people like this, but Nintendo broke something in me with all those announcements, well the lack of then too, I don't like fucking Splatoon, so it only feels like two games were announced this presentation.
>how dare you, just because I like shit on my sandwich
>what, just let me enjoy my shit sandwich!
It does look cleaner, but worse.
X has already been out for years and is an mmo. XI has barely been shown and won't being coming until later. Heroes 2 is just an expansion to a spinoff that's already out in japan on Sony systems.
Because there's nothing to see so far. Game Freak could easily ignore the Switch and still throw it on 3DS if they wanted to, basically people want to know if the thing is even going to get supported or get abandoned like the Wii-U.
Also, someone brought up the idea of the console being sold with a scaled down version without the dock for like 2/3 the price, and I think that's a good idea if they want to push it more towards the handheld audience.
Graphics don't matter on a nintendo console you sonygger
>buying a nintendo console
Switch is obviously running the PS3 version.
>$70 controller
>$59.99 + tip games
>spending over $400 to have an inferior experience to a $299 console.
and don't pretend like the switch pads are suitable for gaming. pro controller is a requirement for anyone that is serious about their games.
I don't know how Nintendo pulled it off, but this thing seems worse than the xbone.
Too bad that the general audience care for that huh ? The flop seems inevitable at this point.
But you don't care, so enjoy your wii U 2
>You never question yourself why people don't have issues picking the PS4 Version of multiplat games? Because of the graphical fidelity, the consumer does not feel like he is missing on anything compare to the PC version but bells and whistles that need actual focus for you to notice, this?
This is true. It doesn't help that modern Musou games are definitively superior on PS4.
These days, that's only true for games that ask for hardware that allows lots of AIs (something consoles presently can't handle). Outside of that, you can take pretty much any hardware on the market and make whatever dream game is bouncing around in your mind.
>potential of the game
That's more budget and time related these days. Just look at Star Citizen.
Disappointing, really makes me not care for the Switch. It really is the worst choice for multiplats
Whatever you say man, you're the one who writes like a toddler. Thing is, it won't sell as a handheld, the 3ds and vita struggled at $250, the Switch will just alienate the people looking for a replacement for the vita or 3ds.
The Switch is literally Nintendo trying to sell you the Wii U again on a home console perspective, a fatal move for the fans and hardcore fans if you will. Marketing the Switch as the Wii U successor feels horrible, because besides the portability there nothing else the console is brining out, marketing it as a step up from the 3DS would had made us feel much better.
I already played both of these games, though.
Aaaaah... so that's why the DS and 3DS failed. Oh wait...
sooo is now a good time to buy the original Wii? i dont want newest shit i just want something japanese for cheap
The fact I like Pokemon Sun and Moon does not mean I can't have a distaste or criticisms for Nintendos consistently worse than their competitors performance in visuals.
I'll give you that, but general audience honestly has no idea what good graphics are. They buy things with photo realistic artstyles and assume it's "good graphics". It's honestly really aggravating they're what decides trends.
>Too bad that the general audience care for that huh ?
You sure? Because there's still a lot of 7th gen sales that haven't translated to 8th gen sales yet. And that's if you completely remove the Wii. Manufacturers are even trying to get people to double dip with "mid gen revisions" to bridge that gap.
>buy the original Wii
the original wii is around $50. you're better off using dolphin, if your PC is fast enough. I believe they also added support for 4K upscale, so there's that.
The DS didn't fail, you potato.
The 3DS did though. It sold even less than the PSP kek!
ITT: people too stupid to build a pc talk shit about HANDHELD device.
>The Switch is literally Nintendo trying to sell you the Wii U again
No, it's them trying to sell the Super Gameboy again.
Yes, they each have exclusive games that can't be played on other platforms.
Why wouldn't you get both? Are you poor?
I would say try getting a Wii-U that has a firmware to soft-mod it. It's really easy and it opens up being able to play just about anything from GC, Wii, and Wii-U.
Get a sensor bar/wiimote, if you want games that need both, and emulate the damn thing. Wii does its games no favors with asinine rendering resolution.
That not what I mean, is about how you should never make your customer feel as if they got a inferior hardware while paying the same or more than a clearly superior hardware(aka Switch vs PS4 right now).
But mostly I am replying you because Hyrule Warriors was enjoyable and now they are getting a Fire Emblem version, but to be fair Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 is still the king on the PS3.
>a scaled down version without the dock for like 2/3 the price
That dock is literally just a piece of plastic, it's the same as the plastic stands that held up the Wii and WiiU, only bigger. They wouldn't drop the price by 100 just for some plastic.
why? elaborate pls
3DS didn't faill though. The PSP was the real failure as it had no software sales to go with its hardware sales, which is why Sony went ultra draconian with the Vita.
A portable console has weaker specs than a home console?
OMFG NO WAY!!1111!1!!
Yet they're already charging $90 for it. It's a stupidly high markup but it'd still be a half decent move to get some more people interested.
and it was being sarcastic, you dumbass
>300$ for a portable console
I was going to buy the Switch, but not after this trainwreck shitshow. What a fucking disaster.
Compared to this, the Wii U suddenly looks like the best thing ever.
I'm getting one after all and will softmod it to play all Nintendo's prior games for free. I recommend you do the same.
>a portable console with weaker specs that cost the exact same price
jews gonna jew
It's not a Vita VS PS3, it's a 280€ box vs 330€ box.
lmao watch he'll scream
>what are you, poor??
No shit sherlock
Do you also look at laptops and complain they're weaker than desktops of the same price? You guys are so fucking stupid, it's amazing.
just not stupid enough
>dat feel when almost bought the WiiU for Hyrule Warriors
I resisted then and I will resist now with Fire Emblem Warriors.
>Seems fair given the hardware
>Still cheaper than PSP and VITA
>3DS didn't faill though. The PSP was the real failure
Haha oh wow! Most butthurt post of the month so far.
>being this retarded that the point goes over your head
Is graphics literally everything Sony retards have?
Why, though? Your graphics still look like shit compared to PC and your games are 20 FPS.
NIntendo + PC is the only way.
I will never understand Sony casuals.
Where have you been? Portable shit are expensive.
I love nintendo as much as the next person. But you've got to be shitting me.
If the game doesn't play at 60fps with that graphic setting, than it's just plain fucking stupid.
....But you liked Pokémon? How is this confusing to you?
Why would you settle for an inferior product, though? Even if you don't care about the graphics personally, they're still inferior compared to PS4 version. There is no argument for you to make here.
Nothing to refute me? Too bad.
you understand people don't have the same expectations for handled consoles right ?
Let's be real for a second, why would you buy a 300$ switch with no multiplats games when you could buy a far more powerful ps4 for 250$ with 3 or 4 recent games bundled ?.
the answer is : Nintendo games!
So it's exactly like the fucking wii U.
Only nintendo fans will buy the damn thing.
Yea, you tell 'em, Nintenbro! Based Nintendo is so far ahead of the competition it's not even funny haha
And what point would that be, user?
>when a game doesn't emulate right
they claim that graphics is the best thing they have
but everyone knows how shit their games look, and perform
its a pretty sad existence honestly
im looking forward to them trying to defend God of War:My Wife's Sony edition being changed from an action game to a third person game like Uncharted or The Last of Us.
>Is graphics literally everything Sony retards have?
They don't have graphics. They PRETEND to have good graphics.
>portable console
>less powerful than PS4/XBone
>more expensive than PS4/XBone
That's literally the point of a home console. Exclusives.