Halo 5: Forge Bundle (PC)

Why is this game basically empty?

>free Halo 5

Other urls found in this thread:


Halo is trash

It's the epitome of twitch shooting. CoD is basically a strafe shooter.

and now the thread can be closed
thanks user

There's a Halo 5?

There are better shooters on PC. Only xbots think Halo is good

It's not even the best twitch shooter released in the last two years.

because halo is fucking garbage

>windows 10

Literally no marketing behind it. Nobody knows it exists.

>It's the epitome of twitch shooting
You can't be serious

>those late night Halo 1 CE custom maps with Sup Forums
>riding around Hyrule field sniping people with your bow

Yeah, Quake is a lot of getting lucky.

I tried it and I would play it the moment they add a fov slider.

The only shooter on consoles with an FOV slider is Titanfall 2

>[game not listed]

Battlefield 1 and Borderlands 2 have them as well

I'm certain there are more

shadow warrior 2013 had fov options m8

>Moddable Master Chief Collection will never become a reality
>Halo Wars 2 will sell 10k copies in its lifietime
>Halo 6 will make the customers on PC and consoles in to p2w fuccbois
>Xbox brand will implode

If you're gonna shill, shill me on this.

I missed Halo 3's forge in it's glory days but holy fucking shit I must have sunk thousands of hours in Reach's forge. I fucking loved it. Knew every single trick, physics manipulation, object duplication/cap bypass trick, you name it. I loved making multiplayer maps and at the time I had a group of friends that would be my guinea pigs and test them out.

I was fucking autistic with timing my maps, weapons placements to make it "MLG-friendly." And I was extra autistic because I loved how the blocks fit perfectly together.

Then comes along Halo 4. And it doesn't even fucking ship with a dedicated forge map. And to top it all off their basic building blocks have rounded edges and barely event fit together when you snap them. The fuck is that?

The only fun I had since was with the MCC which was an abomination of a release but at least it had some semblance of a decent forge. But the fucking problem was that even a simple forge map could not be played on split screen because the shitty console couldn't handle four renders of the same shitty geometry.

By the time 5 had given up I had completely given up on the series and I hear they didn't even bother to include splitscreen.

Halo fell from a great couch co-op game to some bullshit "online only" multiplayer debacle that really alienated people who were "in it for the forge" like me.

I've since graduated to shit like Far Cry 3/4 and making custom maps for CS:GO. I consider myself a self-taught level design pro. In fact I'm sure I could beat out some guys in the industry if it came to making a half-decent multiplayer map. Sight lines. grenade arcs, run times, etc.

So tell me why I should even download this piece of shit if it's free? Will it give me any inkling of Reach's forge or is it the sweage frosting on the shit cake.

What the hell is forge? What do you do in it?

You use a myriad of pre-made assets gameplay manipulation tools to assemble your own multiplayer maps. People made a bunch of different shit back in the days from simple multiplayer maps to classic minigames.

Have they added server browser/matchmaking yet?

No FOV slider

>classic minigames
Like what? And is there any single player stuff you can do?

what do you mean

Placing shots where they're lucky instead of aiming.

quake players aim their shots though

There's much better shooters to play on PC

I've heard there is a workaround for FoV.

fat kid, avalanche, hide and seek, i've seen unnamed ones where you drive warthogs in a funnel in teams of two and battle it out, a fucking mcdonalds map for you to roleplay in

it's a sandbox mode so you can build in "single player" but the minigames were typically for groups of people

There are weapons that require no aim..

>Sluggish mouse movement that still isn't fixed
>FOV is like 60 with huge viewmodels

Join, pls.

dont we have tobe in the same company or shit?

>still PNG

I joined a random.

Microsoft's complete disregard for the fans.

quake 2 has bfg which i agree is as you say but that is all. it isn't like halo doesn't have explosives (fuel rod cannon, brute shot, rocket launcher, at least 4 different types of grenades, tanks, wraiths, gauss warthog, banshee bombs, etc), auto aim, teleporting swords and backstabbing, vehicles with unlimited ammo for spam, gravity hammers, what are you trying to say, you think halo takes more skill than quake? there is a degree of skill required in halo, but there much more difference between a new quake player and a veteran than a new halo player and a "veteran".


yeah let's wait till matchmaking


Windows 10

Stop replying to the retarded Halo child

Wait what halo 5 is a great game. Just because you dont like it doesnt mean it sucks. Have you tried any of their minigames. Theyre fun as fuck

It seems like a lot of luck and splash damage. Plus, Halo has cool swords sneakplay.


Because there isn't any matchmaking.


>Windows Store
>343i Halo

I dont get it whats wrong with the windows store. You just download it and you never see it again

>shitty port
>shitty controls
>high minimum requirements
>Windows 10
>DirectX 12 required

>on PC
>not a moba

riddle me this

>Any CS
>Day of Defeat
>HL: Deathmatch
>Overwatch (objectively better on the PC)
>Blacklight Retribution

>windows 10
there's your reason

a large group of people do not want to install windows 10. it is not an upgrade in my case, it runs older games worse if at all (as they have practically dropped all support for older programs), looks worse, performs fucking worse, crashes more, blatantly disrespects my privacy, and so on. it isn't worth installing to play halo 5* when i could just play halo online eldewrito which is objectively better from options like fov to having all the halo 3 maps and custom game modes and a server browser

*forge mode only

Halo 1 PC is the best Halo game.

Too bad the netcode is shit and is always prone to bad lag.

>Why is this game basically empty?

It requires a big update of windows 10 (anniversary) which is a hassle for some

Its halo 5, multiplayer is good, but the stigma from its campaign was already enough to put people off.

It wasn't shilled enough.

See i can see the reason behind that. But ive seen >windows store many time as a complaint instead just of putting win 10

>it wasnt shilled enough

First time on Sup Forums hu

Remember when the Assault Rifle was trash and the Magnum pistol was everything?

>it wasnt shilled enough

I'm convinced "Best Halo MP since 2" was the most common phrase in 2016

>that aimbot
every thread, why cant you fags ever post another webm?

forgot this existed before this thread

Even though I've loved Halo for a long time, I can admit that for the first few months Halo 5 was absolute thrash. But now, simply because the post launch support has been fantastic, it's evolved into one of the most complete multiplayer experiences around. Forge is pretty good and they even introduced scripting (people have even made calculators in game). There's enough playlists so that you can basically always play what you want. On top of this, a customs browser was introduced allowing you to join any open custom/forge lobbies. Oh and the file sharing is back to the Reach standard, along with the added ability to build something in forge, for example a room (called prefabs), and put it up for anyone to download and insert into their map, without having to leave forge.

Didn't this start as some shady Russian download?


I heard the mouse had problem with detection, and compared to previous Halo it was harcoded and very hard to fix

Win10 is fine.. I've gotten Gears 4, free Halo 5, and the option of playing other games.

I'm an adult user, I don't need free shit games to goad me into using a shitty OS.

>no counterargument

Windows 10 is no worse than 8.1. The Windows store, on the other hand, is complete fucking garbage.

You think
>i was given free toys for it
is argument of somekind?

>why would I order a steak at a restaurant when I can go to Mcdonalds and get a free toy with my meal?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Windows 10

>food analogy


Not on Steam