What's the Sup Forumserdict?
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Power is yet unknown/10
I wish I can play it again for the first time/10
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong board, is two blocks down.
Style over substance
Nobody was actually interesting in hindsight
Shit gameplay that wasnt fun or interesting
OST had irritating song loops on the overworld that got grading fast.
People want a sequel that'll never live up to the first and will never even happen
Excellent music, gameplay, character design/development and graphics
Story is KH tier because Nomura, you have to do a fetch quest while on post game to unlock a bunch of texts that actually explain what's going on
One of the most original and polished new IPs Square Enix had created recently, Bravely Default doesn't comes closer, neither I Am Setsuna
Timeless Masterpiece
Honestly one of my favorite games ever
basically the opposite of everything this guy said OP
game is fantastic
Were there any games that used the DS hardware as well as this one did?