Two weeks to see her Remake version

What are your expectations?

2 weeks before the great fappening begins.

no stupid ac jap face, no ac bullshit or gackt shit at all.

>red eyes
>big tits
>dolphin hair
>some sort of weapon,materia seen on character

but this is japan so expect gay shit.

Tits are gonna be made smaller
Clothes are gonna be made less revealing
Sup Forums will shit
I won't care because I don't like Tifa that much

She'll probably cry in English and Sup Forums will lose their minds.

What's happening in two weeks? a conference?

>What are your expectations?

>What are your expectations?

Aranea is such a cum wizards.

Just like FF7 was a product of its time this will be a product of its time
>full on harem with player choice
>Jenova is now a sexy blue alien and she wants Cloud's dick
>Wall Market will have a trap show Cloud how its done and hit on him
>humor will be a million times more goofy
>lewder girls and more fanservice
>implied sex scene and you can chose which girl it is
>Aerith's death is gonna be drawn out and more bloody
>Turks will be full comedy relief
>Rufus Shinra will be 12D interdimensional quantistic chess player with a master keikaku 50 times more complicated
>slap fight will now be emphasized and a CGI cutscene
>final boss battle will have the AC/KH One Winged Sephiroth as a boss at one point
Basically everything will be super emphasized and turned up to eleven with fanservice everywhere