I want to impregnate Fiona

I want to impregnate Fiona.

Haunting Ground 2 when, Capcom?

Too late OP, she belongs to the dog

What a whore

>I want to impregnate Fiona
enjoy your sloppy seconds, because she got OGRED

>Haunting Ground 2 when, Capcom
never ever unless you want to wish upon the monkey's paw

They should put the game on PS4.

How can someone who dresses so modestly and gracefully be so hot?

I can't put my finger on it, but her character design is just so right.

Fiona is a cute

They may eventually put on the PS4PSN as a PS2 classic, but I really doubt there's demand, though they did port the PS2 release of Siren for some fucking reason

This is what trump supporters and right wingers do all day, huh?

I think the RE7 fits more with HauntingGround/Clock Tower game, atleast they could add it on ps4.

Sony owns the IP to Siren, so it's easy to upload to PSN with it being a first party game and all.

>still not uploading Rule of Rose





around 4-5 secs its the perfect thiccness, anything after that its fat.

>Wanting a filthy princess

>not wanting to stalk your precious princess around with your comically oversized glass shard

I'm still impressed with how good the characters look after all these years.

everything was amazing except the fucking gameplay,
it was boring,garbage and made for babies and inept players.

it's a japanese game
characters have like 3 times more polygons than every other object around them combined

especially the females


The Japanese know what's up.

Imagine if this game was released today, the shitstorm would be too much.

Ending D is best ending.

Needs a remake

>on PSN in nippon


This and Rule of Rose would've been burned to the ground if released nowadays.

In former, the objective of villains is literally to impregnate Fiona and they canonically rape her off screen in bad endings.

In latter we have psycho loli lesbian, crossdresser and demented pedophile.

>This and Rule of Rose would've been burned to the ground if released nowadays.
why though? it's a horror game and rape happens in real life, there is nothing wrong with making a game about it

Would you blame the villains? Just look at her.

Someone post the webm where she's knocked up and mindbroken.

>Fiona has to run away from villains who want to knock her up
>Fiona Belli

Ah, now I get it.


one of the best female models ever seen in a game, period


One of the best, not the best.
