Do people think this is a good design?
Do people think this is a good design?
Weebs aren't people.
I think it's fine. I don't have a problem considering it's some rags she stole upon breaking out of prison.
I reckon it's good. I mean, it's pretty distinctive and fits the character, right?
Pretty lewd too
>it's some rags she stole upon breaking out of prison.
Did she also stole thebelts?
wake up weeb.
Yes, other than the fact that it has the standard too many belts and she resembles Milla so much.
>make female Guts
>people bitch
>female guts
The design look similar to you?
yeah, at the very least better than westernshit
Seems fine. I don't expect for berserkers to know how to dress themselves.
It's mostly the personality. Also, I see 3 belts on Guts. They both have a fucked up right arm, a ragged black cape and have a similar color scheme.
It's much better than the disgusting oily trannies in Bioware games.
its a bit much but at least she has a reason for choosing to wear that outfit
you can also wear other costumes if you don't like this one so I think it's fine
I'm retarded, left.
>its a bit much but at least she has a reason for choosing to wear that outfit
Visual Kei fan?
If it doesn't appeal to normies, then its good.
Real question, does Berseria have any decent homo subtext?
>Also, I see 3 belts on Guts.
Straps aren't belts.
No, it's not Zestiria.
Berseria has /ss/ and flat witches.
By that logic Velvet only has one belt, everything else is holding something up.
Good thing you can change her costume in game.
>16 year old Velvet master race
Wasn't one game jammed pack with fujoshit appeal enough for you?
By virtue that it is a female protagonist, it is a failure and an awful design that shows why female characters, let a lone female protagonists, are a cancer, a blight, and a critical weakness from both a design and writing standpoint.
She's perfect.
I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna play her game.
Good for you for correcting your english from your post last night!
>Tales of
>Without fujopandering
What's the point. Also Meepo was very underused in the game anyway.
I want to see what her outfit looked like before it got put through a woodchipper.
Who is this semen demon and can I fuck him.
I wonder how much legs this Berseria without the fujos.
Psssssh... nothing personel, kid.
My dick sure does