Final boss of RE:7

>Final boss of RE:7

That thing reminds me of Simmons on RE6, couldn't they come up with something better?

Why do these cunts keep making bullshit stuck in place "boss fights", it's boring as fuck.

>expecting the last boss of a resident evil game to be anything other than a tentacle monster


>le giant mutated monster XDD

wow so original let me go there for a sec and yawn laudibly at this snooze fest lmao

so is every enemy in this game just gonna look like a tree that was blown apart and sucked back together

reminds me of bayformers

>We want the western shitter audience

isn't posting spoilers for unreleased games a bannable offense? I swear to god I've seen threads get insta deleted because they showed teh killer of danganronpa 3

I feel like there might be some missing context here.

Truly disgusting. Call of Duty with that dumb as fuck EVERYTHING SLOWS DOWN AND YOU CAN ONLY TAKE THE SHOT WOW WHOA SO EPIC bullshit tainted everything.