Let's solve this once for all
LoL or Hat Generator 2?
Mods fuck off
Let's solve this once for all
LoL or Hat Generator 2?
Mods fuck off
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dota will be always supperior,
good f2p model
no pay to win
deep as fuck
shitload of strats and line setups
icefrog keeps game fresh constantly
all casuals switched to lol so only dedicated ppl are left
>starts a debate with an opinion
faggot OP
How is League pay to win retard?
You just have to grind and not be a filthy casual
all those characters that are not avaliable to you early , oh enemy high hp heroes better pick something to counter that , oh wait i only have 10 of them
league has waifus
>implying dota have none
Soraka is the best
Literally all the rest are sluts
Only has one good waifu
>LoL fag thinks grinding is hardcore
That's why league will always have bigger player base and attract even more players, that feel of satisfaction when after lots of games you are able of buying that champion you always wanted and find out how to play with it.
Not like dotards where you are given everything free
how is dota "supperior"?
isn't league the same f2p model
league isn't p2w
same with league retard
as again same with league
yeah every dota player is hardcore
really makes you think what kind of people plays dota
In Dota you don't have to pay or grind to unlock heroes, no rune pages. Anything purchased is solely cosmetic.
>barely beats CSGO in players
It had 800k online at all times when I quit
Lol dead game
this is why ur games will be always for casuals not good competitive game
I do not main hero since it is easy way to get rekt , i fucking master whole game with planing even in the pick phase to counter my opponents
Played over 5k matches in league and over 3k hours in doter let me tell you something
The "balancing" team hates healing supports with a passion, "stealth" and anything that can be called "teamwork"
THEY even fucking put wards on everyone so people can stop crying about WARDS instead of BUYING one like the braindead 9y old they are
They hate anything that can remotly be FUN
Pander to SJW LGBT crowd
Oh and lets not forget how they GUT the lore singlehandedly
Doter is not that far off from CASUAL game but atleast Icefraud doesnt pretend to know better
Every big patch something goes FUCK THIS
So far no SJW LGBT pandering
There are still FUN heros to play
Some different modes some official some community made BUT still better than 5v5, ARAM and SHITMINION
TL:DR - Both casual games with some degree of good value
those 800 k will beat ass of any lol players :)
this fuckers are molded by the game no spoon feeded by it
I wanna touch Lina,Mirana, and Windrunners feet
I play the superior MOBA.
lol tanked the normies , and as we know normies destroy everything they touch , pray to gods they do not look at dota some day
The one that has skywrath mage is the best game.
i fail to understand why this "casual" game will never be a good competetive game, can you enlighten me?
it's literally the same with league, there are people that masters one champion and will punish you if you make a mistake and others that are good at multiple champions
I doubt it.
I switched to League 2 years ago.
I was 5.5k MMR that was top of the top at the time and on League I'm still Diamond
maybe you should buy the meta heroes :^)
for one in lol you have forced roles and setups 1 top 1 mid 1 jungle 2 bot nothing else can be done since most of the players will report you for breaking meta
in dota you can go massive diffrent strats for egz 2 roamers and 1 each lane , there are no specific lane like tanky top or squishy mage mid , some heroes excel better at diffrent situations and it is up to you to pick them accordingly with your strat
you cant carry pubs in lol :)
Doturd2 champions look autistic as fuck and I can't self insert as them and role-play while I REK n00bz left and right.
Also, I doubt Doturd2 has badass and unlimited skill cap champions like Zed and Yasuo, I am diamond 1 Zed and Yasuo main and in all these years, I've never played them even 1 game flawlessly, there is always a game I miss a cs or miss a skillshot etc. Doturd2 barely has skillshots, no flash and no flashy outplays. It is inferior to LoL.
LoL is one of the best PC exclusives of all time.
for one i agree that there are meta in this game, and having balanced team works most of the time, but i still understand how that is unhealthy for competetive game
you just showed that you know nothing about topic of dota
options mate , having options to fuck up other team with something they dont see coming , some crazy ass setup or cheez strat that noone picked up yet and did train for it
in lol everything seems staged , you cant break some arbitrary rules like adc mid or 3 adc 2 tanks ect since meta dosent allow it
I renember in early lol that 5 healing support was a thing but was very agresive early , it was patched very fast after discovery
>No mana boats on Techies
>Yasha on AA
>Rushing hand on Slark
What the hell is wrong with you?
>someone uses the in the bag feature with this little birdo shit
Dota 2 is basically just another le only teamfight matters easy access MOBA now, and for like 5 patches. Sure, there's still more depth in Dota, but it's basically LoL 2 now
So does Dota.
Now that you look it that way I guess you are right, maybe that's what new players likes about league that there is meta and you have champions that plays certain role in a team, but on other note I agree with you
winter waifu
glad i talked at least 1 person about it , lol is definitely new person friendly thats a given
>Let's solve this once for all thread №13143515
>So far no SJW LGBT pandering
I don't want to start an argument but is it just more or do Valve just ignore all the politics shit most of the time?
>That fucking voice
Too much for me to play as
Also everyone is missing best Dota girl
honestly this
but if you're going for the full not-having-fun experience, why play an inferior game when you could play Smite instead?
Is it just me or does dota have MUCH better characters?
good old valve problem solving
ignore the issue till it disappear
That's fucking great. I like when heroes have interesting lines. Shame that Dota heroes are all personality vacuums.
That most likely because they wasn't designed by Anthony Burch
No joke
yeah, i don't discharge people arguments instantly because I just don't agree with them, opened my eyes a little but still i will keep playing league
generaly dota characters have more intresing spells like teleport on any point of the map , or arrow skillshot with very very long range what stuns acoring to range , or hero that can curse enemies to atack thier ally
I'd never considered that. It makes sense actually.
I mean more in the sense of art design and personality and things. Although a lot of them are generic bara furry monster, they usually have good writing and some of them even pass the Plinkettt test.
Fuck i miss faris so much deleting people left and right
keep in mind that dota was a mod that came out from generic rts/rpg models , lol could start basically from scratch and they still fucked up badly to the point they are fixing it recently
Dota 2 has pudge, so it is obviously superior.
I actually think the whole copyright thing is what made Dota more interesting. It meant that Valve were forced to come up with characters that were outside of regular generic fantasy.
League has Blitz and Tresh, both like Pudge, but better
so does every other moba even overwatch , your point
wraith king is still ugly motherfucker , i want my skelenkton back :(
Can't deny yourself with rot in those. Less fun. Dota also has denying which makes laning more challenging.
>Puck rip-off
>Enchantress rip-off
>Literally bullied Valve into giving Skeleton King
>Pudge rip-off
>LoL baby mechanics
>No items
>No originality
>No players
>No fanbase
Worse than Smite.
The one with this guy
I like the new proximity mines and blast off is great
i think every moba camp can agree to that , they literatly could not implement more hand holding for players
true , pudge have that perfect skill synergy
nice meme I know no one actually plays that trash
At this point LoL is literally just made for normies and mainland chinks who don't have any other games to play. I don't know why anyone would play it nowadays especially if they've stuck with the game since
you can check every game complexity by twich if you see spam of female streamers in game then i have very bad news for ya
Dota 2 is just a better game.
Every hero in doto is unique, vs the copy paste format for almost every champion in LoL. You don't have game changing skills like black hole, ravage, wall+vacuum, echo slam, mana void etc. As a result every team fight turns into the same old fight no matter what champions are on each team. The stuns in LoL are also all very short in comparison to Dota, they almost don't influence fights at all. In dota if I get stunned in a bad position I'm probably dead because they last so long.
LoL is pay2win with its runes, and champion buying. When I played new champions were around 6000 ip, unless you wanted to spend $10 on a new hero you had to grind for ~10 hours. Same with runes, unless you put in money or grounded you were at a clear disadvantage. Meanwhile in dota 2 I have every hero unlocked from the get go. The only thing money gives you is cosmetics or quests I guess during majors and TI.
Giving people free wards or ward removers was the dumbest thing riot did. Rather then punishing people who were dumb about not buying wards, they patted them on the back and said it's ok we'll give you a free one.
The map in LoL is boring. unless they changed it LoL only has 2 tiers of terrain, compared to the the 4 tiers in dota. The "bushes" in LoL are a complete joke aswell.
The forced meta that riot has put in has ruined the game even more so. Last time I checked you qued in selecting your preferred roles. this increased queue times a whole bunch because of course everyone wanted carry or mid. It also meant that players didn't have to learn the game from every roles perspective, which leads to a lack of understanding of the game. I mean I don't like supporting in dota, but every player needs to know how to play it so you know how the game works.
Frankly I just don't see why anyone plays LoL still. If you have a decent computer you can run dota. usually people are scared about losing the money they've spent, and that dota is "too different"
Least casual is best; therefore, dota.
LoL is way more fun than Dota 2 unless you're severely autistic.
LoL is already pretty lame (I only play aram anymore). Adults don't have the option to regularly set aside an hour to play a video game. And yes, with queue, champ select, and load screen, a game will take about an hour to complete. I've heard that they've made games force end sooner nowadays because of new dragon/baron buffs, but I'm still quite sure they are 35+ each.
For Dota, it's even worse. Queueing + hero select + the game take 70-90 minutes depending on pick mode and stuff. Everything feels so much more stiff than LoL. You can't use your spells because the game runs on WC3's dated as fuck mana system. Turn rates are another dated mechanic that Dota 2 kept from WC3, and LoL has proven that you can balance ranged carries without a need for turn rate.
Both of these games are meh, but LoL is much better then Dota whether you like it or not. You are just autistic, so your opinion doesn't matter to me or to anyone.
these are both fucking terrible games
hon/smite/dawngate/strife/etc. master race here
>LoL only has 2 tiers of terrain
No, they literally have 1 TIER of terrain unless you count bushes as being a weird substitute to high ground.
League on the simple account of frequent content updates and the fact that it's literally the biggest video game in the world means that it isn't going to die any time soon. It has at least 3 more years going for it before it sees a WoW-effect.
Dota 2 doesn't even give some of their characters proper names in the actual fucking game.
That and Riot's recently been fleshing the world out recently, they now have an entire site dedicated to champion lore, world building, stories, comics and concept art.
I thought the canal was on a lower tier than everything else? On that note I guess it has 3 since the bases are slightly higher as well, it only counts if it blocks Los though which I can't remember if it does or not.
When you play MOBAs, you lose.
>Dota 2 doesn't even give some of their characters proper names in the actual fucking game.
Yes it does.
Most heroes have official names. The ones that don't are usually some kind of creature that literally doesn't have a name.
>hur dur everyone who dont think like me are autists
just admit that dota is good game because of those mechanics , mana should be spent wisly not spammed on creep wave like retard , turn rate is important since positioning in battle matter then.
shows how little you know about dota , most heroes are know for thier badass nicknames but only if you actualy read the lore you get to know thier names
They detail it in the lore and bios, but not the actual game. Example: Gondar's isn't called by his actual name in the game, just Bounty Hunter.
League is alot more fun
DotA is WC3 for retards
Both of these suck ass. Heroes of the Storm is the best.
>insanely popular Blizzard characters instead of chinese ripoffs and anime characters
>no more hour long wank fest killing creeps
>multiple maps with different objectives
>interesting and unique talent system
Why would that be a problem?
Sure it's kind of arbitrary but it's usually the most memorable between their title and their name.
the one where you can play all the characters from the start
shit talk i see a lot of it but not a single argument , there was a lot of good arguments for dota in this thread tho
>implying you will want to play all of them
Playing all of them means you are spending 120+ hours for just one game of each.
>20 dmg block talent or more dmg every 3 atacks , call it intresting
comone you can do better than this
ye sure just pull the hours out of your ass
Dota is objectively a better game with a better business model, but LoL still has its own appeals and given that it's not like there's no reason that anyone should ever play it ever.
Dota = deeper strategy game, LoL = simple but responsive and mindlessly satisfying action game. They each have their purposes
That completely fake bait. You can do better kiddo.
>Adults don't have the option to regularly set aside an hour to play a video game.
Bull, most post-college graduate adults can afford several hours of play on the weekends.
The problem lies in the length of the games (as you've already mentioned,) and the playerbase. Most adults don't have the drive or the patience to listen to some teenagers toxic bullshit when they run it down a lane to feed, especially after a hard day of work. They play games to escape and relax; not to see it as a secondary job.
Hence a lot of gamers make the slow switch to single-player games in their mid-20's.
>isn't league the same f2p model
literally 5 seconds on google will answer this for you
why even post when you know you know absolutely nothing about what you're talking about
that are literally the talents , oh sorry i forgot about the one that makes you geather green orbs :D
I think you are the fucking retard. You can pay for IP boosts therefore you get IP faster which means you get runes, rune pages and heroes faster. Dumbass.
It does let me try heroes once to see if I like them without having to wait for some bullshit rotation.
That's how you find new favorites, by having the option to play any hero at any time.
>le dota so deep so hardcore xD
Shut the fuck up. I have 2.5k hours of dota and it's not "deeper" than LoL or any other game. Also they keep removing the challenging elements of the game. Your "freshness" is literally Icefrog casualizing the game.
Both games are shit IMO. Riot is the better company. Fuck Valve.
Once again no need. They offer 10 hours+ of free gameplay each week with heroes you never played and with that 10 hours you can buy any you find very interesting. There is literally no need to have them all other then some autistic collection urge.
>you can't test LoL Champs to learn the range of abilities, speed of abilities, etc.
>you can't enter a practice map with no cool downs to practice Flashes, combos, etc.
>no replays
This boggles my mind
>this much stockholm syndrome
>it's okay for Riot to tell me who I can and can't play because I'm not responsible enough to pace myself if they don't! Being limited unless I spend money is a good thing!
LoL players, ladies and gentlemen
>Riot is the better company.