What would happen if they change the name, remove the Mother parts, and release it on the Switch?

What would happen if they change the name, remove the Mother parts, and release it on the Switch?


It would probably get called a Mother ripoff.

doesn't matter if it never gets finished


Another Mother

>Bounded Earth
Pick one.

Brother From Another Mother


What happened to the demo we were supposed to get last summer?

That was an internal demo. The person running the twitter is a retard. I think it's their composer.

What? They said they won't make a demo at all.

When is the game planned to come out ? I lost track after 2015

This is what every fangame developer should have done. You're asking for a lawsuit by using the name. Just make the same fucking game and name it something else, but make it original enough so that it isn't a direct clone.

Also don't reuse assets like an idiot

Sister Sister

When It's Done A Delayed Game Is Eventually Good A Bad Game Is Bad Forever(tm)

But there are no reused assets. Right?

>mother 4
>named as an official sequel
A part of me hopes they will get a c&d

The font is reused, and they remixed the hotel music.
>Mother 4 is the first fan game in the history of ever to do this

They should, I don't get why anyone would spend so much time on a fan game. You put that much of your life into something, fuck what people on this imageboard think, change some assets and sell that shit.

You make it sound like it's easy getting your game onto a Nintendo platform.


Wasn't this supposed to be released like a year and a half ago now

Yes, and?

I forgot about this, have they given up yet?