Apparently a new Switch commercial was posted on thier facebook

Apparently a new Switch commercial was posted on thier facebook

If this actually going to be what they're using for TV and stuff, then it's safe to say the Switch will actually be a moderate success. Beats the shit out ofthe Wii U's horrible ass marketing campaign.

Other urls found in this thread:


>that link
not clicking that shit.

What were the WiiU commercials like?

I only got in to video games last year

The fuck is that link?

not suspect at all


I always fall for this shit


The Facebook page was all blown up and shit

Someone else uploaded it anyways

theres no embed button

So image a bunch of kids and adults dancing and moving around while holding the Wii U Gamepad.

That was the average commercial.


It's fine, pussies.

no faggot its a screamer


can't wait to impress random women on the bus with my Nintendo Switch™

Jesus fucking Christ

I fucking pomfed it for you pussies

Young people don't even watch TV and the ones who do just ignore advertisement

>*whispers* swiiiitch

Which is the best console, so that it has almost no money, for someone who only plays video games rated E For Everyone in the ESRB, for someone who hates nintendo, for someone who likes FIFA, Madden NFL and realistic racing games, And for someone who wants to be totally out of the shit of Pokémon and The Legend of Zelda

>take switch with me
>battery good on bus
>battery dies in the airport
>no gamez to play while flying

>Continually using the word "upgrade"

Why are Nintendo so fucking retarded.

It's a commercial you fucking homosexuals, click it and watch it and shut the fuck up. And if you're worried about screamers, here's something: turn your volume down, or turn off your speakers, or take off your headphones, or scrub through it to see where it goes.

Fucking cunt dorks.

isnt the battery super bad? why did that guy take it on a plane?

>Not using Will Smith's Switch

There's charging stations all over airports these days, man.

It's pretty good.

>Upgrade to Wii U said by kids
>"Upgrade" being the joke by the parents
>End of commercial even called the thing an upgrade despite showcasing an entirely new console and game
Well no fucking wonder people were confused, even their marketing team didn't know it was a different console. They probably thought it was something like the New 3DS.

That might be why the Switch is dropping backwards compatibility in all aspects. Just to get the message across that it's not a fucking Wii.

>isnt the battery super bad
Six hours is bad?

>why did that guy take it on a plane?
Maybe like how people with ipads and other smart devices use power banks?

Everyone and their grandmother and their dog and their stalker has a portable USB battery bank with them. Including you.

>Man, electrical outlets are so hard to find in airports.
>A power bank? On a trip? Ridiculous

>implying this will ever happen
The delusion is real

>Six hours is bad?
Yes. Six hours is fucking awful. The fact that everything has battery life like that doesn't make the Switch's battery life not awful, it just means that battery life on all devices these days is an absolute fucking shit show.


Yeah! No one ever uses electronics on a bus.




Wait he left the controller at home, how does he have it on the airplane? Literally unrealistic

>it just means that battery life on all devices these days is an absolute fucking shit show
That's why power banks exist.

>W A H O O !

He left the Pro Controller at home

It's not bad but the music is terrible.

I just clicked on that link and it shut down my computer.

I'm now posting on my iphone

Plz help


Eh, it's pretty hit and miss. I fly a lot for work. Pretty cool when a plane has power outlets, though.

It happens if you're adequately handsome.

Fuck yes.

Looks awesome.


>The fact that everything has battery life like that doesn't make the Switch's battery life not awful, it just means that battery life on all devices these days is an absolute fucking shit show.

Get the fuck out. This isn't a thread about battery life in electronic devices.

i smiled thanks

This is pretty much the right answer, teenagers are awful (also fickle). School kids can't stand anyone that doesn't fit into their mental model.
When you get into college, this whole dynamic flips and people play Nintendo games in every dorm, game room, student rec building and so forth. Source: Was a student, still a nerd.

Anyone who posts anything negative about playing games in public or on a commute is a high schooler, or live at home with their parents and have not gone to college.

Exactly. And it's simultaneously why the Switch's battery life is not that big a problem, and yet an indication of the problem to begin with. Everything has garbage battery life, so instead of improving the battery life on everything, the industry created solutions to the problem that, instead of giving more value to their products, would instead necessitate that we spend more money by buying these stupid things. It's just a fact of life these days and everyone's used to using them so bringing the Switch into the fold will be natural, but the fact that we have to rely on them at all is a fucking disgrace.

WM/AF Video Game console approved

If you like asian girls better have this console and they'll look at your dick/switch with that passion.

Do Europeans actually play games like this, or is Nintendo making fun of them?

>Anyone who posts anything negative about playing games in public or on a commute is a high schooler, or live at home with their parents and have not gone to college.

Some of them probably never leave the basement. You don't need portability when you never move more than a few feet away from your TV.

It's the same battery life as the 3DS

BRB getting a switch

>Do Europeans actually play games like this
You mean Zelda? Games like Zelda?
>Do Europeans actually play games like this
With a controller? By pressing buttons?

>b-b-but I want to pretend Nintendo is the sole guilty party in committing a sin has infected that the entire electronics industry like herpes!

The adults are having a discussion, little boy. Go play on the lawn with your friends.

Is still can't tell
Is the switch a home console that is also portable? Or is it suppose to be both a portable console and a home console?
Is nintendo keeping the 3DS alive? Will the 3DS be getting games the Switch won't?

>Six hours is bad?

Six hours when browsing menus, playing VC games or indie games.

2 and a half hours is bad when playing Zelda.



>Is the switch a home console that is also portable? Or is it suppose to be both a portable console and a home console?

For north americans, the message is that it is a home console that happens to be portable and good for bringing over to friend's or to a party.

For japs, it's a portable that happens to plug into your tv if you want.

For europeans, who the fuck knows. Probably more the former but their marketing is weird right now.

It's a tablet that can be docked and played on the TV.

eat shit


it's three hours for Zelda.

>there are people who use portable consoles outside
After watching this shitty commercial I understand where Quentin was coming from. bing bong wahoo

>giant PEGI


It's just a general teenager stigma I've seen, and Sup Forums seems to have it bad, because they're inexperienced with real life and and have no idea what they're talking about.


>Communicating with strangers on Public transport
Not going to happen

>all these newfags ITT that don't have Sup Forums X
You should all be banned desu

I assume he's with her.

A qt 3.14 sat in front of me in the bus, then she pushed a small talk with the guy that was playing videogames in his phone by her side. It happens man.

The game was shit btw
It could've been me

Oh sorry, THREE HOURS.


Ooo la la, college boy. Please tell us so more about how enlightening your college experience has been.

>someone's this jealous
Are you 18 or 19 yet

My college is full of retards who play nintendo nice >hurr ur underage thanks for the (you) the switch is going to fail and will be a huge mine of salt

notice how none of the commercials feature kids anymore.



Oh jesus 32GB of memory? You can't even buy smartphones with that little anymore.

Im worried about viruses

>6 hours is bad?

>he things Switch is less than 12 hours batterie life
oh that's cute

You can't get a fucking virus from that

>graduated college 2 years ago
>the only people playing handhelds were seen as the strange nerds that nobody would talk to

No wonder why nintendo lost it with this console

I'm only getting the switch for splatoon 2

That's $300 for ONE (1) game

And it's a good investment

Literally having your parents buy it?

What a spoiled brat. Learn to work and note the value of a dollar

My Galaxy S7 is 32GB?

I'm getting it for zelda, Mario, ARMS, splatoon, SMT, MK8D, and whatever else looks good on it
It's already so much fucking better than the wii u

The intent is probably to swap carts like with the 3DS, but major games will have big patches that will necessarily need to be loaded from disk.

I have to wonder if they're putting any restrictions on third parties in that vein.

The fact that they haven't confirmed UHS-II or anything like that is concerning.

>He thinks I don't have $300 to waste

Jobs are a thing y'know.

It's 3 hours of game-time.

Splatoon 2 is hype as fuck, I went to the Switch event in Tokyo and people here fucking love Splatoon. The Splatoon 2 stage event had a live audience of several hundred people and they went berserk (by Japanese standards) when they showed the new mechanics.

Manager at a Gamestop here. If you were able to preorder the Nintendo Switch and want to participate in the Wii U trade in deal, you are in luck. Once you get the console just bring it back and make a return. Then make the trade and repurchase it. The difference could be put towards one of our launch title games and/or accessories.

They are but you lack one if you are wasting your money.

I mean do us all a favor and just skip to the drug overdose phase of your life

>trading in your Wii U