True Switch Price?

Okay, $300 isn't that much for new hardware, but what about the rest of the costs?

>$300 Switch
>$60 Zelda
>$70 Pro Controller
>$60 Mario Kart
>$30 Ethernet adapter

I just don't get why they would do this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Worst meme on Sup Forums right now.

45 days

>$30 Ethernet cable

Quit memeing, OP. It has a port

3DS is like $1000 if you include all the games I bought for it.

>buying 3DS games

Sorry bro, it's a premium add-on

You don't need the "pro" controller and the ethernet adapter. Stop being such a fucking autist.

>he doesn't realize he could buy a 64GB SD card, get FreeShop, transfer the saves from cartridge to 3DS storage, and sell all of his games

>you don't need a non-meme controller

I like the WiiU gamepad, and I'm sure the Switch is about the same, but nothing compares to the pro controller. I wish I could use my WiiU one, but Nintendo have gone full Jew with this

>trying to QCF+P with this shit

Zelda doesn't need a d-pad, Mario Kart isn't day one. Zelda doesn't need an Ethernet adapter.

Stop shitposting.

$30 Ethernet adapter

Is that an actual thing?
I have to pay for my internet, Nintendo to allow me to use my internet and they also are charging me for an Ethernet port even though they are planning a whole online service for the Switch?

It doesnt have a port, only Wifi.
Wii and WiiU(?)..

Not that it matters much when you have wifi but still 30$ adapter for something that costs 2$.

Also the switch doesnt included a play while charging grip.

300$ with not even shitty wiisports clone included is kinda expensive.

Switch has no ethernet port. There's a USB lan cable, and the price is around 30 euro.

Just use Wi-Fi you autists, it's not 1999 anymore, unless you live in a NYC apartment complex where every single channel is saturated, wi-fi is just fine

I don't know what that means, other than vaguely being aware it's related to fighting games, which are old meme games that require no skill to play, and have a terrible fucking community.

>fighting games, which are old meme games that require no skill to play

You are the reason we are getting a casual tablet masquerading as new hardware.


Because Kimchimama said they wouldn't sell anything at a loss.

(You) mad, fightfags?

Wifi would be fine if I didn't have to pay to play online. Nintendo are tone deaf idiots

Eat shit

I don't even like fighting games that much, you're just being ignorant to be le epic trol man.

>only 1 brand and make of usb to ethernet exists

Fuck you

My ps4 fight stick is USB too but that doesn't mean it will work if I plug it in.

Having the same ports does not guarantee compatibility.

>>$300 Switch
> - $200 for trade in of less superior console.
>>$60 Zelda
> price of every new release since ps3 era.
>>$30 Ethernet adapter
>invest in WiFi perhaps?

I guess sif you're gonna jewelry that hard though, you don't have the luxury of wireless Internet

$160 to start playing gen console on release date with game.

Fuck nintendo, who do they think we are? Adults $? $?

Mario Kart 8 doesn't even have new stages outside of the battle mode ones. It took Nintendo three years to make a version of Mario Kart 8 with Battle Mode and they couldn't even have it ready by launch.


PS4 pro is about 350 with no games

Xbox one is about 300 with no games (although to be fair usually has a bundle offer)

Isn't it standard to offer consoles at launch without games?

>trading in a console with lots of games to buy a console with one game and no backwards compatibility

Now this is some next level dumb shit logic

You forgot the charging grip, you will run out of battery and you will not be able to continue playing your game without it

>buying nintendo shit

>nuh-uh, ur ignorant le trololol maymes
Street fighter sucks

It's not okay when Nintendo does it

This is a really poorly thought out meme.

Every game console has extra shit.

You guys are forgetting that $300 is the US price.

Any other country will treat $300 as $500 and convert it to a local coin that way.

It's been since PS3/360. It didn't use to be this way during the PS2 era and before.

why does bkub bring out the absolute worst shitposters?

what is it about his art?

You can get a PS4 with two games bundled for like $280 on Amazon

>$430 PS4 Pro
>$210 Vita for mobile capability
>$94 to upgrade vita from 1gb to 32gb
>$300 for PSVR
>$40 for Move

why is the full playstation experience so affordable compared to the Switch?

Just use the stick, idiot.

Stick isn't the problem

>comes with two controllers
>probably offers tons of virtual downloads for cheap
>next gen
>no need for any component to use wifi

I don't know seems kind of like a steal to me

Can we take a second to appreciate Nintendo's consistency on fucking EU?
Pro controller $120

lmao that's not even including games. ninty wins again

>no games

It's got some games now. Not many but enough to warrant a purchase. Took them 3 fucking years but they did it.

Sorry I meant the price not bundled

If you just care about virtual downloads, why not just stick to a WiiU and get them for free? It even has the Switch's best (only) game.

>next gen

Cmon now

Also that EU special edition

>It's been since PS3/360
PS2 and PS1 both launched at $299 with no pack in games

I'm assuming it means "quarter-circle forward punch."

That would mean a quarter circle diagonal turn from down, down and forward to forward while simultaneously pressing punch

I agree user, that's utter bullshit. Splatoon 2 is dead in the water

That's fair still you can probably buy and download botw so no shortages

>300 dollar tablet with no web browser and pay to use your own Wi-Fi connection for 2 or 3 games

Nintendo had their time to shine on this and dropped the damn ball so hard.

Feels like the 3DS launch all over again. Maybe they'll capitulate on some of this shit like they did before. I wasn't expecting much and I'm still disappointed.

dont forget the $5,000 4k tv and the $750 La-Z boy couch

Both had more than two games at launch, and they weren't $60

>usb to ethernet plug
>brings up PS4 controller

only Sup Forums is this stupid

I wish she was my mommy

>crying when you are getting the cheapest of any country

Switch is 720/1080 bro

Basically this,. Why no 3g at the very least?

hahaha lmfao

The original post wasn't talking about games available, they were talking about games that come bundled with the system.

TV: $150 at Walmart
Sofa: $299 at Big Lots


So games and accessories for other consoles and PC don't cost money?

>comes with two controllers
It's somewhere between one full controller and two shit controllers, just like the console is somewhere between underpowered home console and bulky handheld.

In an ideal world, you would get both perfectly functioning forms for the price of one, but we'll see how well Nintendo translated ideas into reality.

Exactly there's some confusion with the terms games at launch I meant games bundled

You usually have to buy games separately at launch

As for games on systems I mean all systems have games hah r-right?

ill give you a hint, its a lot more obvious than a specific artist or artstyle

This whole thing reminds me of the N64. My mom bought me that at launch, and only had two games for almost a year. Granted one of them was one of the best games of all time, but I still had fuck all to play after I had 120 stars.

>dvd is the new shit
>moving on from vhs shit
>buy a dvd player
>oh shit need a tv for it $200
>cables and shit too maybe even an extension $80
>Dust can damage the insides thats $20 for dusting equipment gotta get the most high end shit
>spent the next few years of my life shelling out thousands on dvds
Just wanted a cheap dvd player, sure glad Op saved me from this money grabbing trap, by reminding me that products cost money.

I think Nintendo was so ignorant they thought they're giving out a cheap game-worthy tablet in a world where people will buy a 500 dollar tablet.

Meanwhile, that audience has a massive app store with tons of cheap and free games with loads of options on web browsers and emulation.

The Switch is a 300 dollar tablet with 60 dollar games that never go down in price, low storage, and high prices on virtually everything associated with it.

It's worse than a fucking Ipad/Iphone and that's saying something.

>WiiU to Switch

If anything it's like going to HD DVD when everyone else is buying Bluray

>massive app store with tons of cheap and free games
You usually get what you pay for in this case

>need a new TV
>for a DVD player

No, just no. What are you even talking about? Component was the standard at the time. It was a perfect transition. Pick up a PS2 in a bundle. Works great on your old fat CRT albeit not utilized perfectly.

You should have used Blu-Ray and 1080 back in the days of the PS3 launching as an example. Nobody cared until prices came down in like 2009/2010. HD televisions didn't get super cheap until around then either.

>new hardware
since when is a tegra x1 new hardware?

>Spending any amount of money on any non-essential products or services ever

Maybe but it's more proof their behind on their thinking.

People buy 500 dollar tablets because they're probably associated with the App Story/Google Play and already own shit. You can buy things on cheap devices that carry over to more expensive upgrades.

Nintendo thinks they're ahead of curve by probably selling this thing at a loss but in reality they're making everyone start over by buying it. 60 dollar games are an investment. If they're gearing this toward kids it's a gamble.

Hell, if they're gearing this toward anyone it's a gamble. I know I'm not impressed. Especially at the paid online.

holy fuck you're so retarded oh my god

don't forget
>$500 TV
>$100 TV stand
>$200 couch
>$40 shoes, $20 top, $20 bottom, $20 socks and underwear so you can use the tablet in public
>$300,000 house so you can use the dock indoors

god what a fucking rip off

Everyone is bitching about the price. So which price would be fair?

Do you expect to get all the accessoires plus 2-3 packed in games for $300?

Outside of the ethernet adapter and maybe the pro controller, how is everything else optional? Unless you really do expect to just buy the switch by itself and count the number of ice cubes each joycon has

Well I can remove the $70 pro controller and $30 ethernet adapter already since I myself don't need those, and there's no reason to bitch about the price of games since it's been $60 for years.

What's your point OP?


Apparently they've left wiggle room for price cuts, I expect it to get a cut in the new year, personally

no one will reply to this because they can't refute it

nintendo babies are literal babies

You realize that "everything else" just leaves the games, right?

They're not old enough to get the reference

>I'm too dumb to be good at fighting games so I'll pretend they don't require skill

you're just making people laugh at your salty ass

300 dollars would be fine without paid online.

I've paid more for tech before.

It should also function like a fucking tablet and have a web browser. That alone is so pathetic I can't even begin to describe it. That and have some sort of app store.

Don't masquerade as a tablet and then be a functionless piece of shit. You embrace some of the mobile. Don't pretend.

>$400 Switch
>$90 Pro Controller
>$80 Mario + $80 Zelda
>$30 Ethernet Adapter
>estimated $60 paid online
>13% leaf tax

8 3 6 D O L L A R S

These retarded prices are what's making people wonder if it'll really be region free. What's stopping someone from just getting a US/JP Switch for cheaper?

The most damning things about the Switch is the fucking paid net, which is still shit.

The lack of a pack in game. No seriously, who in the fuck do they think they are.
They don't even have a decent fucking starting line up!
The people who'd be interested will have to climb a fucking pay wall to the tune of nearly 500 goddamned dollars plus paid internet to enjoy that shit!

The outright retardation that is making it so that we can't use the old controllers and overcharging on the new controllers.

Better yet? The fucking dock which is little more then a charge station with a fucking hdmi out.
I shit you not, the thing does nothing more then act as a charging station and an hdmi out.
It can't get on the net by itself, or play video from an external HDD. It can't even stay online all day and download games or dlc other knick knacks while people are out with the switch.

It's just a clusterfuck of cheapness and completely insane business decisions that makes no fucking sense what so ever.