Why are old women characters (especially playable) so uncommon but old men are everywhere?

Why are old women characters (especially playable) so uncommon but old men are everywhere?

Suspension of disbelief usually doesn't stretch that far.

Most games need characters that are physically capable. It's easy to stretch that younger/adult men and women can be fast and strong enough, it's a bit of a stretch but older can be seen as strong enough as well, older women, however, are very hard to spin as being strong.

Even Ana, who I think is an alright character, has to have a bunch of shit draped over her so the player doesn't just see a scrawny grandma.

Because vidya is a mans market, usually you play a game as a male character to better feel involved with the game.

Not to mention military/combat is also a male-dominated hobby/career

because womens bodies are cruel prisons

It's trickier to make old ladies cool.

I think Ana does it pretty well and what's her name, Yusukes teacher from Yu Yu Hakusho was really good.


and also, in the case of Ana most players use her young skin anyway bc they dislike having to be some saggy granny

you can't do much with grandmas other than make them snipers or medics

>Most games need characters that are physically capable.
>combat stilettos are acceptable because it's just a game dude lmao

i just use it because i hate old ana's dumb hood

Not me homie, I make her wear that white medic outfit that removes the hood and turns her into proper gilf material, I love them saggy ol udders.

I love the Merciful skin where she has the hood down.

>Suspension of disbelief

Why do kids always say this like they know what it means?

young ladies are just better i guess

I use Wasteland, because I unboxed it the same time I unboxed 'Witness Me' and like spamming it with that skin on.

But we're talking about video games where there is no obligation to create games based on reality
Grandma Deathmatch Wrestling Extreme: Revelations fucking when?

Because neckbeards whine when female characters aren't fappable enough.

she doesn't even look that old tho

The same reason they're so uncommon in movies and television

But half of the audience for those things are old women

Although video games are fictional, they still typically grab influence from real-world cultural norms. The "wise old veteran soldier" cliche works because it reflects reality in the form of both historical examples as well as current day examples of Vietnam and previously WW2 veterans. That isn't the case with women because there's an extremely tiny number of historical old veteran soldier women, and certainly none in the current day. So old women tend to be shown more as doting grandmothers and old nursemaids.

Most higher-ups, and particularly the japs, think that basically women aren't worth putting in their games if they're 50+ and not sexy (evil sexy). And they'll never even consider having an old woman as a playable character in most cases.
Except, of course, the useless wise soothsayer NPC trope character
Literally it.

Same reason male actors can have much longer careers. Women are only mainly used for sex appeal in media. If you're a woman in a video game or movie and you're over 35, you're either a mother character or a witch.

No one wants old hags.

Which is good because that's just more for me.

Overwatch is a world where magic (presumably) doesn't exist.

The old men characters need either powersuits or a bunch of drugs to be in fighting shape again.

Also because not even old women want to fantasize as being old women

the boss is 42 tho


Because some game devs just aren't creative or willing to take risks.

I remember her being 50+. Oh well, case in point I guess.

>magic doesn't exist

Its really iffy with Zenyatta and Hanzo

She's what, Sixty? Billy Waugh operated for another 10 years before finally retiring from clandestine services. In a world of advanced nano-machines, mechanical augmentations and gene therapy I think more individuals could achieve that long a service history.

>reinhardt uses power armor
>soldier 76 is a super soldier on the level of captain america
>torbjorn is a cyborg
>reaper is a nano ghost

>ana is just a normal old person


Because who the fuck wants to play as some ugly ass old lady? Old men are fine because it shows they might have experienced hard battles, they might have great wisdom and old men can still be badass. Old women just can't. The only thing you can pull off with an old women character is some comedy shit maybe.

You forgot Mercy, who is using medical technology to stay young.

You could extrapolate that ana is also a super soldier like 76. she does seem to deal in lots of drugs.

And this mentality shows you why the majority of game devs won't put older women in their games. Unless it's some stupid alien shit where, "I'm 130 human, but I only look like I'l 28"

>You forgot Mercy, who is using medical technology to stay young.
No she's not.

>Suspension of disbelief
not what that phrase means

>Overwatch is a world where magic (presumably) doesn't exist.

Dude, Hanzo spawns ghost dragons.
And Reaper is half ghost.

Yes she is. It's canon. She invented nano medical technology.

But there's nothing that says that it makes people look younger, or that she used it on herself.

Explain THIS

It's heavily implied she uses it to look younger. There's some lines between her and Mei about it, Mei who was frozen cryogenically for ten years.

How old is Mercy anyway? She looked in her 20's when she worked for Overwatch which was ten years prior. She's gotta be in her mid to late thirties by now.

wimmin are only good in their sexiness. oldness is not sexy

>Old men are fine because it shows they might have experienced hard battles, they might have great wisdom and old men can still be badass
No they can't.
Why would I want to play as an old fart who can't even run?

She's somewhere between 34-37, depending on which source you look at.

Like said.

It's trickier but possible.


I'm pretty sure Reaper has some stupid Sci fi bullshit to justify his ghost powers. Nanomachines or some shit.

It's very difficult to make an older woman interesting in a video game in non fanservice ways.

Very very difficult. Especially if it's a playable character.


It's exactly what it means.

If Mcree were a real person in the real world, do you think he could fire six shots from a revolver, roll forward and reload at the same time, then fire six more shots? Maybe if he practiced the shit out of it and had some kind of technique, people have done crazier shit. Very improbable.

If Junkrat were a real person, with a peg leg, do you think he could run the fuck around and one hand a grenade launcher? I very much fucking doubt it.

How about Reaper? Do we have technology that turns emo mercenaries into edgelord spooky wraith terrorists? We do not.

You do not believe these things are possible, you are suspending your disbelief.

Old people are not interesting in general.

I dont fantaszie about being an old man.

Do you?

Ana used to use Nano tech, her eye that got shot out was actually an implant

Men can stay hot well into their 60s
Women age like milk

Not that user but I fantasize that when I finally end up old I am a cool old man. Or a crotchety old coot.

suspension of disbelief is not about autismos pointing out that video games don't have real-life physics

in fact you don't even understand what video games are if you think that is accurate

Meanwhile, Jameison here is the third youngest character in Overwatch

that's an old hag

He lives a harsher life in an irradiated wasteland.

I would really like them to explain both the how and the why as to his hair being always on fire

see for an example

Old females are the group with the lowest social value irl.

Videogames have to reflect reality to some extent in order to be appealing, even if they're fantastical.

I think it's just an artistic representation because of all the explosions and shit.

What's there to explain? They're all decrepit and look like shit, the only one that can fight on the frontlines is Reinhardt because he's under 10 inches of armor

is another example of why

>cool old man
There's no such thing.
Old people are useless.

In game his hair is actually always on fire.

He even mentions it when you get a hot streak going:

>I'm on fire! Well, more then usual I mean.

>barely any stout characters outside of fightan
>barely any lanky characters outside of fightan
>barely any runty characters outside of fightan

It just isn't a proper vidya if everyone isn't the same uniform height and level of attractiveness, OP.

Animating is hard work and old people and other such distinctive uggos probably don't focus test well with little shitheads.

Japanese games have a lot of grannies in them so maybe you should play more games than just the fotm fps games

Cause you've got old bears like Joel from TLOU and anyone who's been around a garage in the south knows that there's plenty of tough as fuck old men.

Women seem to go the other way and become way more frail.

Joel is in his 40's, that's not old.
Everyone is a fragile fuck in their 60's.

Explain why all the old people have different things to aid in their abilities because of their age which sounds realistic while Ana is just a normal old person with no technological aid which seems a bit far fetched.

>plow thru the game
>killing most enemies, including bosses, in 3-4 hits max
>kreia proceeds to kick my ass

Her bunnyhopping and shit in-game isn't really canon.

In the game canon she's basically just a marksman which isn't that farfetched.

you probably had that stance that weakens force resistance and boosts attacks per second on. She's the only really dangerous force user in the game, so when I got that stance I turned it on and forgot about it until I got to her.

Saying that older females have low social value is the same thing as saying society is sexist against older women. It's a simple fact of life.

In olden times women had places as medicine women, healers, spiritual leaders etc. There were more matriarchal societies in olden times where the woman was a sort of figurehead in a household or tribe.

Nowadays with the dissolution of family by liberal society women are becoming more and more obsolete as they age.

because not all video game companies are as 'diverse' and 'tolerant' as Blizzard

>by liberal society

Man, conservacunts blame liberals for everything.

men typically are more prone to having been through some tough times where women are usually pampered

gee idfk

In society irl it's:

older men>young women>>>young men>>>>>>powergap>>>>older women

Old people have no purpose.
They never have, and they'll never will.

Alright, you don't get to just complain. Fucking pitch me an interesting old woman character.

I'm not a conservative but that's typical us vs them mentality i'd expect from someone on the left (or right) which incidently is why i'm not a liberal anymore.

What about Kreia and Flemeth? They weren't interesting old woman characters?

Family disolved because children are an expense that fewer and fewer people can afford.

>which incidently is why i'm not a liberal anymore.

Now you're just a piece of shit who acts like he's above it all.

I'd rather not deal with toxic far lefties anymore is all. This past year was an eyeopener.

Everyone who uses this word is a fatass tumblrina and deserves a bullet in the head.

Yeah but I'd still take my grandpa over osteoporosis crypt keeper grandma. Men are stronger and bigger than women even when they are old.

Yeah, everyone is an asshole why whines when they don't get what they want, right or left, you're a little late to the, sonny.

It's irrelevant.
Any old person will be out of combat with a single punch.
They are physically useless.

*late to the party

>responds with more embarrassing shit flinging

Keep proving me right.

It's a fact that everyone who uses the word is human filth.

>society values vibrant youth and cute things
>old people are the complete opposite of that shit
>people still wonder why wrinkly old mummies aren't allowed to do anything but issue skippable fetch quests and spout exposition

Old hagfags are delusional.

Because literally untapped market you nigger stfu

no one wants to play as a granny

This is coming from the same lefty that got btfo because I said something he disagreed with and called me a conservatard. Wow so cool. you're clearly the better man.

Yeah but my war vet grandpa would just shoot your ass where I'd honestly would be worried if my grandma or any of the old women would be able to even get their gun ready and shoot before they are just dead. Stop being autistic specially since in media and real life old men have been military commanders and tacticians have seen combat. I will take an old man any day over a woman, hell most old men are probably stronger than women in their prime. Fuck my 60 year old neighbor re shingled his own roof.

Actually my first reply to you is this one
I don't care about your pointless political internet fights.

Don't worry he's retarded, even lefties would have to admit they pushed for everything that destroyed the family unit since it was all progressive.