Playing RPG

>playing RPG
>black and white people have the same stats
>black people dont have +10 strength and agility, and have -10 intelligence, charisma, and wisdom


>playing RPG
>women have +10 CHA and INT
>men have +10 STR and VIT

I dunno man, I know some pretty charismatic black dudes. Even if we're going by your retard logic they should be at least neutral if not +5.

>+10 INT

blacks arent the strongest though, nordic people are. you ever seen strongman competition? stop watching jewish entertainment television. the only stat they would have is + speed

It'd be more like
>+10 CHR over men with -5 INT
>+10 dexterity when in sneak mode

Blacks are more charismatic than whites.

If you're so smart why are you on Sup Forums?

I think this is a stupid thread all together, but that's a damn lie and you know it.

Black people are extremely charismatic.
They make up a mass majority of our media personalities.

Stay racist in your Sup Forums bubble though,

>game has entirely inhuman races
>everyone has same stats because muh balance

genetics are terrible but they stay fit because of hood culture

white's and blacks are suprisingly close if they're raised in the same environment

only big difference is that asians and hebrews are smarter than everybody else

>+10 strength

This meme is annoying.

>mfw Bethesda got away with giving black characters in Oblivion -10 intelligence

>black people + strength
not to start a race war or nothin but black people are not stronger.

look at olypmic weightlifting, there are no black people present.

they should get +endurance because they can run for longer.

It's just the facts jack.

In high school, I had a black friend who got offered a full ride to Harvard. He turned it down to go to MIT because he said that they had better programs for his field of study: he wanted to become a heart surgeon.

His parents were white

And that student... was Albert Einstein.


Not even. Black people are way more charismatic than white people on the whole.

They're over represented in NFL NBA etc. Olympic weightlifting isn't really big.

>still mad his show got cancelled

Just play an orc, op, you know the developers can't be that open about it

Basketball has literally nothing to do with strength and you need to run away with the oddly ball fast in American Football

Olympic weightlifting is about pure strength

What kind of a lame jackass plays an rpg with only human races?

Then why is all weight "lightweight" to ronnie coleman, but white guys have to try hard to life weight? Ronnie has literally never found something heavy, it's always lightweight buddy.

Just give it up user, it isn't true. Even outside of negative racial relations it just simply isn't true.

>-10 charisma

Not really, the rest makes sense though

Nah, more like
>+10 CHR which sharply declines to -10 CHR the more interactions you have with them

Name a man more charismatic than Idris Elba. You just can't.

This is because black people are faster

This is honestly a fact and you're ignorant if you disagree

The world record sprinters as of recently have all been black

In the NFL one of the positions that requires the most speed is cornerback as they have to guard and stay on the fastest wide receivers in the game. Coincidentally enough it's the only position without a single white player. Even running backs and wide receivers have some white dudes roaming around

>penises are the same size

Only because Western Civilization is under the influence of Jewish machinations are black people allowed to become charismatic.

But it is true. All of the black people I've known have been way more charismatic than any of the white people, who often have stunted personalities because of their repressive domestic lives.


I get that you're joking. But I honestly wonder how sad you would have to be to invent a massive conspiracy to explain why you're a loser.

If niggers are so charismatic then why don't we have one for president?

>black people -10 charisma


Also, Asians should have the wisdom perk, so whites should have a -10

>niggers overrepresented in sports and pop music
>they must be more charismatic than whites!

The most famous actors are white, all of our politicians are white, all the best comedians are white.


>playing RPG
>asians don't have +10 stats in wisdom and intelligence
>blacks don't have +10 speed
>whites don't have +10 stats in everything
>jews don't have +10 in barter and persuasion

>asians dont have +10 math and -10 peepee
LMAO right fellas

you're more of a nigger than the niggers you're harping on about

report this thread and move on

just Sup Forums leaking from their containment board again