Fuck this game for removing Kraken

Fuck this game for removing Kraken.
>paid online

is there even a way to start a thread without bait on this shitty website

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>is there even a way to start a thread without bait on this shitty website

>is there even a way to start a thread without bait on this shitty website
you can try, but it will sink to page 10 without replies


I've tried three times today
anyways what are your thoughts on buckets

>Make a shitpost thread
Post limit reached + Guaranteed (You)s

>Make an actual discussion thread
Maybe 50-100 posts before it gets archived

There is a general you fags. Sup Forums hates splatoon since they can't play it anyways. They only liked it for the loli squids and porn, like overwatch.

>removing dumb panic button is a bad thing

the general is dead and so are all the splatoon sites outside of Japan

I just want to talk about my favorite game, man

Fuck the Kraken
What's replacing the Bubbler?

So whats new in Splatoon 2?

Other than the incoming monthly fee to play online

To be fair, the Kraken was pretty over powered. Especially coupled with a good roller player.

>is there even a way to start a thread without bait on this shitty website

Nope, tried the other day, asking what fellow idorts were playing, sank to 10 in about 20 minutes. Too many shit posting threads about the Switch.

For splatoon threads it's usually about 10 posts before getting archive. Not a lot to post about anymore, I guess, not like there were many wii u owners in the first place.

/ink/ turned into pure waifu faggotry and name faggotry less then 3 months after release.

Is anyone else glad that they removed the get out of jail free cards so far? They just promote bad gameplay

Maps, weapons, hub and probably the story

>Squid hairstyles
>Some kind of roll dodge you can do in kid form
>New soundtrack
>New stages
>Chargers can hold a charged shot for a little bit in squid form and attack
>All the specials from the first game are repealed and replaced

damn. not the kraken.

>>Chargers can hold a charged shot for a little bit in squid form and attack
>buffing cancer
Why did they do this

>Fuck this game for removing Kraken.

who /competitive/ here

Wait a sec. There going to remove some of the old specials?

New specials that are generally less powerful than the ones in Splatoon 1. One of the new specials was put in to punish Super Jump campers.

A new weapon class of dual-wielded guns called the Splat Dualies that features a dodge rol.

Weapon classes each have a new move you can do except for Shooters, for example Chargers can now hold a charge and Rollers can do a long-ranged but narrow attack

Pants and hairstyles

fresh new music and clothes

fuck invincibility in general my man

tbf they now glow when charged so you're not constantly popped by hidden snipers

All old specials have been removed

What's the source?

I really don't like that it's "Splatoon 2"

I think they should've waited a couple years till Splatoon 2, and instead just released a Splatoon MOBA

and no I'm not kidding. A top down splatoon moba where you're constantly fighting from above to cover the map in your colour, complete with paint splat towers you take over and everything

It would print money

Treehouse stating numerous times that all the specials are new.

Kill yourself


Hopefully they remove all invincibility. Stupid as shit to get the drop on someone just for them to pop that.

I like the look of the new supers. Destructive and tactical without relying on bullshit "Push SUPER to win" stuff.

>at the beginning, ran krak-on roller
>realised kraken was a crutch, and swaped to base
>have some ranged option with bomb, and AoD with the wail
>had a similar thing with ninja squid
>haven't gone back
no regrets at all
hell, i got the splatoon amiibos mostly for the hero roller because it looks damn good, and also since they were rare
meanwhile, i ran into a brush that over the course of the match, bonked into me 3 times
by the last time, i felt sorry for the poor bastard because i came out of nowhere every time

Holy shit, they keep nailing the music in this series. That trailer theme is catchy.

Posting new specials. r8 n h8

>Interestingly enough, all of the special weapons that appear in Splatoon 2 are brand new. We’ve been able to secure an image of one of the new special weapons, but we’re unsure of its name. To use it, an Inkling targets as many opponents as he or she can before firing. Once the weapon is fired, four homing missiles are launched at each targeted opponent.

>This special weapon is called the Sting Ray. It fires a ray of pressurized ink that can shoot through walls and travel long distances, splatting any enemy players it touches Once activated, it’s very difficult to change the direction of the ray.

That is some pretty bad box art

>This special weapon is the Inkjet. It allows its user to hover in the air, and features a blob launcher that can be used to shoot ink blobs at enemies below. It seems to be a very powerful weapon, but it also leaves its user rather exposed. Once this special weapon runs out, the Inkjet explodes, sending its user to the exact point they activated the special from.


>This special weapon is called Splashdown. An Inkling who activates it will jump into into the air and then strike the ground, sending an explosion of ink onto nearby players and surfaces. This special weapon can also be activated mid-Super Jump, creating an explosion of ink upon landing. This technique may be very useful when coming to the aid of a teammate who is under attack.


We killed her


They'll all come back in Splatoon 3

When will we get the single player trailer?

I really hope they go all out this time and don't skimp out cause they we'll buy the game even if it is still roughly the same size.

I want them to clock us with an epic story mode when everybody just assumes another tutorial where you use Octarians for target practice

I really like the way this thing looks.

Hopefully the targeting is fast enough for you not to just explode before the whole special goes off.



Maybe now I won't feel so fucking helpless when I superjump to an ally

I love this one because people can't camp super jumps without fear of getting dunked on

literally dunked on

It's cool that you can get the jump on people with this by jumping off a ledge before using it. I think it could compliment most weapons pretty well.

there is no range to the targeting and you can target through walls, so you can jump back to base before using it

Fucking fantastic

"Busy with work" they said

>Predator standing by

This makes me smile.

This changes everything.

>No, I am the inkstrike

oh baby, a triple

>you can now fucking destroy people who camp Super Jump locations
Oh I am cumming


She is staying at home with the baby while Marie goes to work.

all the specials seem cool as fuck, but i will miss my wail, shit had so much utility but wasn't that busted

I can see this being overpowered as fuck if you spam Special Charge Up

Post yfw clothes arent gender locked

When they showed this on stream, it wasn't an instant kill like the description says so I'm not sure they're thinking.


Here is a full match of Jap Devs playing Splatoon2.

It's tough to see some good players show off the game, but all eight of these players are actually pretty good.

hair isn't gender locked either

I need more cute boy squids in girl clothes.

It's a new game? Are you okay>?j

A circle appeared on the ground right as the player activated the Splashdown. Knowing that the Splashdown will happen close to the jump target, all this really means is that players need to keep their distance to avoid taking the hit. The novelty of this special seems like it would wear off pretty quickly and identifying which players have it just makes it easier to avoid.

How do you make the roller fling vertically?

....fuck yeah

I'm glad they completely scrapped everything and just redid shit

>Rollers can do a long-ranged but narrow attack
looking at it in action

the new maneuver is actually pretty good at making the roller mobile as it covers where you are and everything in front of you for a good bit

That's a girl. There's a bunch of those posters in the stages and hub that are female squid models.

The hairstyle isn't even the standard boy squid hair from the first one as it drapes down on one side and looks similar to one of the new hairstyles the girl inklings have

Attack in the air
Attacking on ground is still horizontal fling
This is for all rollers

Didn't Splatoon came out in like 2015? Why is there a sequel already?

Because Switch. It's probably why they wanted to stop supporting Splatoon back in January last year.

It's a multiplayer centric game that relies on a constant stream of fresh players to make it successful.

Well received new IP from Nintendo that quickly became on of the top selling Wii U titles, gained lots of fandom, hosted events for an entire year, and people wanted more.

Better question would be, why is Knack getting a sequel?

Because it blew up in Japan.

My point is that it could easily be a port of the first game for the Switch, and also allow the dev team some time to make a more polished sequel, this honestly doesn't look much different from the first game.

It'll sell some consoles really quick in Japan.

Byt hiw will you know who is super jumping? And if you are too far away, it could be easier for the user to slip away in the biggass blast of ink.

Why would you not give the best new IP from the least succesful Nintendo console on the new console?

I'm pretty sure it still is, or at least some styles are locked while others aren't , cause in the trailers and footage, only the girls seem to have certain haircuts and pant styles

If certain things aren't locked by gender, there's no point in being given the choice between male/female

>new weapons
>new maps
>new equipment
>new mechanics
>new story mode
>new hub
Looks pretty different to me.


No it isn't.



Yeah well, but I do expect some graphical polishes up till release

No, no it's not.

It may not be much different from the base game, but there's a lot of new content to make up for it.

chokepoint annihilator with you not even needing to be in the chokepoint yourself

>>new story mode

What's even the point? Did people seriously play the singleplayer in the first game?

if you watch the video linked in you can see that you can pretty much instantly splat anyone on a tier below you with the Special. And it stops most shorter-ranged weapons from camping you since you can't really react to the special unless they do it while standing on the ground.

Although now that I think about it it's not really about reacting to campers in high-level games: if you use Ninja Jump or whatever that ability was called you can surprise-kill people in the middle of a battle by super jumping to a teammate.

Can't speak for everyone, but I did. Was a great way to learn the mechanics.

The singleplayer was fucking awesome and had one of the Best end Bosses ever

You had to play the story mode to unlock all of the weapons

>splatoon is pretty much all jap players now
>even during it's prime, you were stuck with 2 game modes only and no chat
>single player mode has no real progression and you're doing the same 5 levels over and over again, including identical bosses

Thankfully I didn't buy a wii u, someone lent me theirs.
I would be pissed if I bought this shit day one.

I guess it'll be great when they bring back pre-patch Urchin :^)

you had to to get to one of the most broken weapons in the game

also it's just a really good campaign and an effective tutorial