What happened to her...

What happened to her? It's been ages since I've heard anything about her (I think the last time was when Firewatch came out).

Other urls found in this thread:


the same thing that happens to all idiots like her they get some attention then they fade away into the background


Why did she start "critiquing" video games anyways?
Why didn't she target books, music, anime, comics, etc.
Why did she target video games?

Because she saw how easy it is to scam the beta orbiters that play video games and decided to try it herself.

>have a jewish boyfriend pushing cultural marxist agenda
>he comes up with a turbo feminist persona for you
>makes you famous, promotes you as hard as he can from behind the scenes
>raises a fuckton of money for you in a "spontaneous" kickstarter project

It's always fucking kikes.
Anita didnu nuffin, she was just manipulated.

Became a nobody once more. Will probably die alone.

polite sage

on one hand I think vidya is a media still more open to discussion than all those you mentioned, is anything for the sheer abundance of criticism already existing on them
of course that doesn't mean that her videos did anything but harm to the industry and brought months and months of pointless discussion on global scale

because there was a market

I admire her in a way, I doubt she gave a single flying fuck about the politics or vidya itself, but she was smart enough to form a con around the situation.

I mean how much did her kikestarter make?

Anita is my waifu. She's so cute. I unironically love her. Don't care for the feminist crap, she's just gorgeous.

Enough to land her on national television one time. I'd say that's a pretty good deal.

>Why didn't she target books, music, anime, comics, etc.
Her cries about bayonetta were ignored, what good would come out of going after anime?

They literally pushed a GamerGate joke on one of those simulcast dub jobs they did and Sup Forums and everyone in the hobby lost their shit.

She's got a nasty nose, though.

Got her small fortune and 15 minutes of fame (or infamy) then snuck away to enjoy her life instead of wasting time in a pointless Internet culture war. Probably never actually gave a shit or meant anything she said either, or if she did now recognizes that with Trump's victory it is no longer beneficial to spout such opinions and views so loudly. That last part is actually a bad thing though because even if I hate her ppsition, she should still feel free to voice it. Censorship and the threat of it is becoming far too dangerous.

She got fat.

she got laughed at the Janitor's closet of the UN and just stuck back to gaming. By that time everyone in the gaming hobby went to youtube for their vidya reviews/criticisms or other sites like Gematsu or whatever instead of polygon or gawker.

Good taste, I agree.


she did a voice clip for this podcast where she talked about how awesome Dishonored 2 was for having a female protagonist, despite being just as bloody as Hitman and Doom were


Why does Grunty look so white?

Is she Jewish?