Do you think Nintendo will release another dedicated handheld, or is Switch all we get? I find it hard to believe they would abandon such a huge cashcow.
Do you think Nintendo will release another dedicated handheld, or is Switch all we get...
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Switch without dock and grip for 200$
I would be cool if they just kept giving us a new version of the 3ds with slightly better hardware. They nailed it
It's just going to be the Switch supplemented with mobile games. Feelsbadman
I think it will depend how the Switch performs. Remember when the DS was a spin-off from the Gameboy line and they had plans to release another Gameboy if people didn't like the dual screen? Well the DS and 3DS are now mainline handhelds.
If the Switch is a success and the overall sales for the 3DS hardware and software drops they can switch (heh) fully to the new hardware.
There is nothing stopping Nintendo realeasing a NEW Switch without joy-cons and dock for say $150 to upgrade the performance and battery for better mobile play.
I have a feeling they can sell upgraded Switch docks with included processors if they're really using USB 3.1
They're going to reveal the 3DS successor this E3.
Switch doesn't work as dedicated handheld gaming console. It will probably be Vita-tier specs and launch for $200
Switch is a fucking Nomad, shit's not practically portable, making it a gimmick.
Who's going to buy a tablet for their kid for $300 that only plays games when you can get a last gen ipad for less that they can do homework on and play games, for free.
That would just be a PSP. If they have another handheld they'll probably put some kind of spin on it.
I have no doubt.
I'm actually surprised people thing they are not going to.
Nintendo HDS, powered by Nvidia
>$150 to upgrade the performance and battery for better mobile play.
What Nintendo crammed inside Switch is basically the best hardware they could get graphic wise.
Tegra P1 is about the same performance wise, though it does have a better power consumption but that is basically it.
If 3DS successor exist, it would be at least in 2019 when Volta based Tegra is ready for mass production.
I'd buy thje fuck out of it,if i'm buying a switch that dock is gonna stay in the box
Playing on the TV is just too inconvenient
>3 hour battery life
of course they're going to release a new handheld and I hope they finally ditch the double screen thing
They didn't announce ANY portable franchises for switch or even talk about them or show them in a sizzle reel
I would bet my bottom dollar you'll get a proper handheld refresh next year
>huge cashcow
That's hilarious, OP.
The Switch is replacing the Wii U and 3DS. It does the job of home console and portable.
h ah ahahahahahaaha
I want this, just the tablet and joycons is more than enough.
I think we'll get a Mini-Switch eventually and the 3DS will die a slow death.
the entire point of the Switch is to merge handheld and console dev teams into one single entity for faster game production for less software droughts. there isn't going to be a new handheld aside from a dock-less Switch.
iPad is more expensive than that, I'm pretty sure
Sticking a die shrunk switch SoC in a 3ds form factor for backwards compatibility is a plausible direction nintendo could go, though that would be a better product than the switch so it's not likely.
I suspect we'll only see a 3ds successor if the switch is a failure so don't expect to hear anything this year.
Is it possible to upgrade the Switch specs through a new dock? From what I heard, the Switch screen has all the specs, and that it is just under clocked when it goes into handheld mode?
Switch is all we get because several higher ups including Reggie have said that 3DS is here to stay
The funnier thing is you think I'm joking. Nintendo generally replaces platforms after about five years. It's been five years since the Wii U launched and it's been six years since the 3DS launched.
The Wii U was a disaster and the 3DS was a relatively weak handheld offering from Nintendo that seems better than it actually is because of the shitshow that was the Vita.
The Switch can be played on a TV or on the go, and TVs are becoming more irrelevant as mobile devices draw people away from them. Nintendo consolidating all of their software development onto one platform instead of splitting it between two is advantageous, as is Nintendo marketing the Switch's portability since no one else can do handheld gaming well.
By the way, if you think the 3DS is some sort of cash cow, allow me to direct your attention to the Wii and DS, two platforms that completely decimate the 3DS when it comes to talking about being cash cows.
every handheld they've made has had a distinct gimmick or noticeable graphical improvement from the previous one, I don't know where they'd go with the DS line after 3D though.
If you follow it, Gameboy Pocket had a better screen, so direct upgrade. GBC had a few colors and some games were GBC only so marginal upgrade like the n3ds. However the GB-GBC was 1989-1998, that's almost 10 years without a huge upgrade then the GBA came out in 2001 and it was a massive upgrade then you get a marginal upgrade with the GBASP with the backlight.
So going with that pattern and the DS/DSi and 3DS/n3DS I don't know what they could come up with as a noticeable upgrade for the DS line.
It already has gyro controls, touch screen, 3D, two screens, etc. Where do they go from there besides simple graphical upgrade?
Having a better screen isn't as amazing now as it was back in 1996, even then there was the Gamegear so again, what gimmick could they stick in to distinguish the product?
nah, ipad mini 2 is around $270
They always say shit like that to keep people buying them. Remember when they said the Switch wasn't supposed to replace the Wii U?
the dock is probably worth 20 bux man, it's just houses a connector for power and hdmi out.
they consolidated their handheld and home consoles into a single system. If they ever decide to venture out of separating them somehow, we're probably just getting a Nintendo smartphone out of it.
They also said the DS wouldn't replace the Game Boy Advance.
Wii was a short term gain, with long term damage, they made money on the hardware and no one bought the games, it greatly hurt their reputation.
It is an outlier, a fluke, and should not be used as an example of success.
I think when the 3DS stops being a cashcow, they will turn the Switch into their portable console. At which point it will be cheaper and have games and sell ok.
For now though, the 3DS is selling enough that they won't kill it.
It's possible if the hardware is set up with that intention but it probably isn't.
It would need to have a PCIe connection to the dock and would only offer upgradability through graphics processors, so it wouldn't be able to improve the CPU or system memory, it would only improve resolution and some visual features so nothing really great.
They charge 90$ for the dock. It also has a fan and some other shit.
>...have a better power consumption...
That's what I meant primarely. At the moment, at least in my opinion, the Switch can't really replace the 3DS not with that battery consumption. Also with the Joycons attached it's a bit bulky for a handheld. I preordered one but I don't think it will leave the dock that much.
I think it needs a revision to be a bit more handheld friendly. If the Switch is a success and they bait people to buy one when they start bringing more handheld friendly games to it, that would be the time for a revision. Maybe even add a 3DS/DS port or make the Switch port backwards compatible. I think at that point many 3DS owner would jump on it too.
Nah, the dock has special circuitry that converts the Switch's USB signal to HDMI as well as power out.
Also needs to handle that + USB hard drives.
>a fan
are you lying or is nintendo dumb or trickin you
what good is a fan on the outside of the meat of the console? the console is the tablet itself and it already has a fan inside that.
it's USB-c, dunno what type of USB-c but even the slowest transfer speeds are in gbps, it wouldn't need PCI-e at all as both use the same lanes.
It's stuck inside the dock. Gotta keep the heat flowing out.
if there -is- a new handheld, there is pretty much no reason to buy the switch. Because the new ace attorney, pokemon or monster hunter would be on that handheld instead of the switch, making the switch as worthless as the Wii U.
Let me tell you a secret - the 3DS battery doesn't really handle much more than that.
Also in the 3DS the charger is proprietary, while the Switch uses USB.
Bandwidth is worthless to a GPU, it needs to be low latency.
USB is very high latency, worse than sata.
Have you noticed 3DS stock hasn't been replenished since before Christmas? It's still impossible to find them in stores or on Amazon. I bet they're ramping down production. This will be the last year of the 3DS.
Mate I can get only 3 hours and 40 minutes out of my O3DS battery without the gimmick. I'm charging it all the freaking time. The Switch doesn't have an awful battery time, it's more like the 3DS does for such a device.
If you want a device with battery, the DS Lite was the boss.
Also the slowest USB type C is 480Mbps.
The type C simply refers to the shape of the connector, they can, and often are shipped as usb 2.0 devices in cheaper tablets and phones
Wait a minute I thought all USBC was 3.1 and thunderbolt
you guys are stupid, it will go the other way
you buy the switch, get all the docks and joycons and shit
then 2 years later a NEW switch comes out (yeah with no dock or grip) for $300 again
you buy that and all your old shit works with it
then they do it again in 2020 to add 4g and shit and it becomes a phone
then nintendo releases a straight up phone
I haven't, but that sounds weird. They would want to make money off old hardware for sure. They just put out new pokemons and shit. They gave some love to the platform a little bit too late, but they're still doing so, unlike the Wii U.
If they kill the 3DS by 2018 and don't release another portable, the Switch has a big chance in the market, as long as they decide to release the next "main series" pokemon, stuff like lady layton or whatever on it. Plenty of people I know would be pleased at being able to have both the handheld and home console franchises in one thing.
Then nintendo makes some car that has games on it
i love how 20 years later people still believe these lies
nintendo never
planned on making a new gameboy. the "third pillar" thing was some marketing tripe to make investors feel safe
the DS was a success just as planned and there was never ever a super GBA planned. never.
people still believe shit they read in EGM when they were children, it's unbelievable
No, those are other things that CAN be put in USB type C connectors but they can be as slow as USB2.0 wired depending on how they're made. Also i don't know about the thunderbolt thing, as far as i've seen they can have displayport though.
I dont know if they've even released any full USB3.1 gen 2 type C phones yet, all i've seen have been 2.0s and the odd 3.0 or 3.1 gen 1
the best thing is that it was a fanfuckintastic portable. It had a gimmick that some people disliked, yet it had so many fucking decent games it was worth buying twice over.
>no one bought the games
>Wii was a short term gain
>nobody bought the games
You have no clue what you're talking about. Mario Kart Wii sold 35 (thirty five) MILLION. Wii Sports Resort (the sequel, not the pack in) sold 32 million. Wii Play and NSMBWii both sold 28 million. Wii Fit sold 22 million. I could go on. You'll be hard pressed to find those sales numbers on other consoles. They made so much money off the Wii that they could survive three console failures in a row.
all nintendo games.
third party games did pretty poorly on the wii.
I'd buy this.
What the hell do third party games have to do anything? The argument was about NINTENDO'S success.
the argument was nintendo's hurt reputation
why do you think the wii u failed exactly?
software, my friend. it was primarily a nintendo machine with very few third party games. Nintendo doesn't operate in a way that would allow them to pump out their own games constantly for their consoles - they need the third party lineup to support if not fill in the gaps.
Wii burned a gorillion developers and publishers and made them dislike working with nintendo, cause since the wii was its own underpowered console those multi-platform centric publishers had to spend a lot of time and money downgrading and often completely redesigning their functionally identical xbox/playstation game.
I don't know how the switch is going to improve that relation since its still underpowered, and there are already tablets. The only guarantee for a developer there is perhaps a similarity to smart device platforms for development, as well as a guarantee of control options past touch screen.
we'll see.
as soon as they stick a monster hunter on it, the japs and weebs will suck nintendos nuts to the moon and back.
No, that was a subpoint of the argument, not the main point. Read what the post was responding to. That user was trying to say the Wii didn't give them long term profits and that no one bought the games, both of which are wrong.
>Nintendo car that actually projects a character running along the horizon, jumping over and dodging obstacles
>They made so much money off the Wii that they could survive three console failures in a row.
You were fine up until there.
Nintendo doesn't actually have much in the way of assets comparatively speaking.
They're about as "wealthy" as activision right now. Which is still dang impressive for a game company, but they don't have enough for 3 failed console launches.
turns into a bullet bill and everyone gets fucked
>they could survive three console failures in a row
Maybe they will, we shall see soon..
they will release a Switch lite a year later that's smaller and doesnt have detachable controllers or a dock
>doesnt have detachable controllers or a dock
It's ok not to have a dock, but the detachable controllers are a must. Motion control is a big part of some games.
They have over $10 billion in cold hard cash sitting in the bank, and basically no debts. They are actually in a better position cash wise right now than back before the Wii U launched.
Meanwhile Activision has $8 billion in cash but has over $6 billion in debts.
thunderbolt 3 is a USB-c connector at 40gbps
Well nintendo started as a love hotel company or something like that, what do you know, they might even end up manufacturing robots with hd rumble with milking "minigames" and going back to their roots.
Leave the controls behind for streetpasses
Slide it into a folding dock, a bit like the circle pad pro but with second screen.
USB is good enough for second screen because as seen with DS and 3ds top one gets the good graphics
they were a card company
I dont think you understand what assets are.
It would be incredibly stupid for nintendo to have billions in liquid assets for one and activision's current equity is about 8 billion, you're right they have a lot of debt, but 8 billion is what they have when you subtract that their assets are over 18 billion.
Nintendo's is about 13 billion with about 1.5b in liabilities. They're winning against activision for now but I'd call that the same ballpark.
you mean "milking" and "rumble" and I can see japs doing their usual stuff, you know
Yep sorry, but they owned love hotels and other businesses too.
Dont forget to add they're looking to get into the medical field.
I'd expect some alternative Switch models that have one part of the system gutted for budget and get branded with a different name to match, like a more compact model as well as something like what the PS TV was to the Vita.
Most third parties did almost nothing to market their Wii games. It's like they were just expecting money to fall into their laps.
They will release
a smaller switch
short term profits, long term damage to their reputation.
highest selling third party game on the Wii was Just Dance 2 at 5 million.
Nintendo sold 38.63 million copies of Mario Kart Wii, the highest selling third party game on the 360 was GTA V at 17.79 million and on PS3 GTA V at 21.3 million
GTA V sold more than Mario Kart Wii, meaning that if you wanted to play it you needed a completely different system, this is where Nintendo lost out.
If they had made a system that could compete with the other two platforms, those third party sales could have come to their system and their reputation would have remained intact.
As it stands those 40 million sales were completely lost to Nintendo, and they didn't have to be.
What happens when another GTA V comes along, you think it's going to be on the Switch?
>Remember when they said the Switch wasn't supposed to replace the Wii U?
Did they ever say this? I even specifically remember them saying if you wanted a Wii U you should get it soon because they were stopping production. And we've known the Switch/NX wouldn't be be BC for awhile too.
The NX was always positioned as Nintendo's next console since it was first mentioned to assure investors Nintendo didn't plan on going anywhere.
If the Switch does well, not a chance.
If the Switch doesn't meet Nintendo's expecations, we'll see a 3DS successor.
the switch can't do well if they don't make clear it's the next handheld from the get go
If I knew the next instance in the series I loved on 3DS will move to the switch I would preorder right now. Instead I'm here being cautious because it might be a WiiU2
>If I knew the next instance in the series I loved on 3DS will move to the switch I would preorder right now.
I'm already pretty pleased because it looks like the Switch might be taking from what I liked about the Vita (portable ports of Indie games like Crypt of the Necrodancer) but I'm still worried about whether it will carry on from the 3DS.
I still salivate over the idea of Ace Attorney on the Switch. I know visually it's not that big of a deal but imaging Ace Attorney's incredible music coming through my speakers while watching the courtroom drama unfold on a big TV? Just hand me a gold-plated HDMI and call me a presentationfag.
A cheap portable-only Switch is the most you're going to get, and I think that's unlikely. Consumers will probably see no value in another handheld that'll be likely weaker than the Switch anyway.
I'd buy a switch with no joycons, like a sequel to the wii u controller on the same line of thinking as the 2ds, for sturdiness.
Especially if they fit more battery in it.
I frankly have no interest in any game with mandatory controller gimmicks.
The switch seems like a horrible handheld.
They'll probably make a version with greater battery life later on before dropping the 3DS entirely.
For now the Switch is staying docked for me, I'm treating it as a strict home console when it releases. At most I'll use it in different rooms in the house.
they'll most likely release a Switch 2.0 with better specs in 2 years
it has the same battery life as the original 3DS
Yeah and the original 3ds had horrible battery life
Everyone hated that.
So, what would be a nice new gimmick for a 3DS successor? It's hard to imagine one, but I think 3D was pretty good for the DS successor. Initially I thought it was dumb, but I became a believer after actually playing a 3DS.
I'm upgrading from my 2DS to a New 3DS (pre-owned and I've got an eBay coupon).
Should I go for the regular size or an XL?
Is ghosting worse on an XL?
I never used the 3D aspect while playing games. I played around with it during cinematics or cutscenes, but that's about it.
I'd be surprised if the next handheld is just a normal ass handheld with amiibo support and carries over things from the eshop.
But I'm thinking the next handheld is the Switch itself after a few years. They'll slow down on the 3DS soon before letting it go, and start supporting the switch full force.
The Swtich will probably be the official handheld if it does well in its first year. Nintendo's distanced themselves enough from it that they can cut and run if it isn't though, in some areas at the expense of the console.
>I find it hard to believe they would abandon such a huge cashcow.
But Nintendo won't kill it, third party devs will