What the fuck is his problem?
What the fuck is his problem?
I think he's made so much money he just doesn't care about anything else anymore.
just make the fucking games doode
he's the richest man in the video game industry
too busy uploading clicker games and selling gamble boxes and gamble box keys to create anything
gabe just retire you're leaving with a wimper not a bang at this point
>make video games
>they sell alright, make decent money
>start selling other people's video games instead
>become the richest man in the industry
Gee, I wonder.
The same problem all developers/publishers have greed.
Valve is now dedicated to ripping off customers and notifying publishers to keep their rates high during seasonal sales.
If he honestly thinks he isn't going to get roasted (one of his favorite words) then he probably is going to have thirty mods watching his AMA at all times.
I dont give a flying fuck.. steam is a worthless cesspool now and valve haven't produced anything of worth in years! I bought 3 games in the entirety off 2016 off steam how fucking sad is that! I bought more games on my ps4 lmao.
>Circlejerked by reddit into becoming LE GABEN GOD xD
>Has a company that as long as keeps Steam running will always make money
>So disgustingly rich he can do whatever he wants
If only people were actually skeptical about him instead of throwing money for gloves and knives and hats, this wouldn't have happened, and they would still be making games.
>Killed off Half-Life series
>Micro-transactions out the ass
>Looks at Knives everyday and doesn't care about his company anymore, other people run it for him
>Steam Machines/Steam Link/Steam controller all failures
>Steam OS another failure/Linux adoption rates are plummeting over windows
>Nobody wants to even use source engine2 when Unreal and Unity is better
>Greenlight system is a failure
>Tried to sell paid mods, everyone pushed his shit in when he tried to damage control reddit AMA
>Got sued by Australia, tried to damage control by creating refund system, still butthurt about Australian consumer watchdog pushing his shit in, so AUD is not supported currency
>HTC Vive is a failure
>Valve is now run by SJW, trannies, fags that tried to ban that shitty edgy game Hatred, Gaben stepped in to say it was allowed, this means if Gabe every chooses another CEO the company is going to go down hill.
The only thing steam has got is buying power with its online distribution store
>>Circlejerked by reddit into becoming LE GABEN GOD xD
The Gaben circlejerk started on Sup Forums before Reddit even existed.
yeah, about that reddit thing...
Just like Bill Gates, he only cared about his company when he was struggling at the beginning, soon it made so much money that he doesn't care about its direction anymore.
Gabe is going the exact way, the company runs itself and he no longer needs to be there. The problem is the people there wouldn't know how to run Valve without his direction without turning it into some Bioware/EA tier publisher, yes imagine rainbow flag sales, gay game sales, diversity sales, muslim acknowledgement week.
>Nobody wants to use source engine 3 when Unreal and Unity is better.
>muslim acknowledgement week.
What's Gabe been up to? I haven't heard from him in ages.
oh you know
looking at knives, buying knives, hanging up framed knives, making knives
all things knives
I think he means "was". He hasn't been a developer for a long time.
So was the ama just a big circle jerk as predicted?
Everything about Gabe's office is cringey as shit, like he can't break out of being a poor person like steve wozniak
messy as shit, has a litterally who no name chink brand tv as a PC monitor, small as fuck cheap table, rubbish and fedex boxes everywhere, unboxed knives strewn around, sits on a gym ball.
The second any of that shit lands I'm out.
reddit sent him that? lol faggots
Yeah if only he was more like Trump, then he would be really cool
why is sitting on a gym ball cringe? sitting in a gaymer chair would be beter?
Dota 2 and CS:GO are the best games of their genres. Their only multiplayer game which lost its popularity is TF2. How is Valve failing or ignoring the community? Dota is getting updated over the fucking night with the features people want.
Sup Forums send a card to the guy that literally ruined nintendo
I don't mind the beard but those glasses are fucking awful and make him look continually pissed off at the world.
Look at his eyes and eyebrows, he looks fine, but then the glasses make him go full Stallman.
Read the top
He uses the exact same $30 Microsoft keyboard as my dad.
Modest rich people are the best
>How is Valve failing or ignoring the community
>steam support is absolute dogshit, even worse than Origin
>not a single community manager
>CSGO and DOTA2 casters get paid essentially minimum wage or fired without commentary because Valve employees dislike them (see: James Harding)
>it takes a social media shitfest for Valve to react to anything, and even then the best you can expect is a three month late blogpost that goes "we might fix this eventually"
well, what did you expect? some meme-tier razer shit?
you know that these gamer companys target audience are teenagers and 20-something guys who dont know any better.
I think he has principles, it's just the industry has become something else.
i think he's a cool guy
gaben is very cool!
>Modern Valve
>A videogame developer
Pick one
>tfw you contributed
We didn't know, man. We were wrong. So, so wrong.
>How is Valve failing or ignoring the community?
He's created a system where he can maximize profit with minimal effort. Valve will never need to make another game again
He got told to go with the flow and didn't so the lobotomized him. Entertainment and politics, both the same greasy hand.
He can't count to 3.
People and specifically Koreans still play Starcraft???
>newfags don't even know about this
The most baffling thing is Valve are not public so they don't have any shareholders.
So they can literally just go "We're wiping the slate clean, have "On Tap" studios.
We're pouring a few hundred million into them, it's going to be full of hopeful startups and some of the industry's finest producers.
And crowdfunded gameplay concepts to get projects started, so if you want fucking 2, you fucking say you want it.
They would become the biggest thing in the industry overnight.
So, what went wrong with this card? I remember Sup Forums has a history of something fucking up their sincerity
The problem is this.
Windows 7 is already essentially end of life years before it was supposed to be.
Valve can no longer trust that Microsoft won't attempt to kill them. Windows 10 rolling release nature means Microsoft can launch 'features' like game mode, to slow down any games that aren't UWPs from the Windows Store at any time that while they may not disallow Steam entirely could seriously cripple it as a game platform.
Working on big new games for Windows right now just doesn't make sense because Microsoft could slap them down in an instant, and not enough of their users have made the switch to Linux.
Gabe has said in the past that they would start working on big games again when Linux hit 3% (or about 4-5 million users) which would be enough to be a viable new start.
If you look at where Valve are spending their money, and what their developers are doing right now you'll see that they're working on the open source Linux driver stack for AMD hardware, or at porting games to Linux in an attempt to make it more attractive to users.
To be fair, back when that was made, Valve was legitimately based.
They just turned into happy merchants afterwards.
What is it with Sup Forums's postcards and fucking up their targets, anyway?
his work policy is shit, everyone is working towards VR shit
>Gabe has said in the past that they would start working on big games again when Linux hit 3% (or about 4-5 million users) which would be enough to be a viable new start.
simply epic!
redditfags BTFO
Is he a jew?
He sure acts like one
>Sup Forums hates gabe newell for being a rich capitalist
>meanwhile Sup Forums LOVES donald trump for being a rich capitalist
REALLY makes you think, init?
it's almost like Sup Forums has a huge hateboner for the guy because reddit stole the gaben meme
Go watch their Steam Dev Days videos. The Windows-gaming media obviously didn't want to report on that.
I don't know what about that is so hard to accept.
Spend several years and millions of dollars developing a new Windows game.
Its now 2020.
Windows 7 no longer exists at all, and won't run on any current hardware.
Windows 10 won't run Steam well anymore (or at all).
How is that supposed to make sense as a business plan for Valve?
Basically this
>Sup Forums LOVES donald trump
Wrong board faggot
where have you been the last 3 months?
Been here longer than you clearly have, newfag
more like
>Sup Forums hates gabe newell because his company hasn't done anything of note in several years
>Sup Forums LOVES donald trump
The fuck are you talking about? This board is basically Tumblr with videogames.
thats cool yo
kinda weird tho you've been here all this time but haven't actually read the threads. I mean I know it's an image board, but there's text to accompany the images too
neither has Nintendo, but look at the catalog
I smell a bias
Fuck off.
What are you trying to say? This is the vidya board, most people on here don't give a fuck about politics aside from newfag crossover Sup Forumstards like yourself
when was the last time valve actually released a video game
>It's a 14 year old tries to call other people newfags episode
>Sup Forums hates gabe
who said that?
>in several years
>forgetting Splatoon
And that's just off the top of my head, come on user. Why you got to defend a worthless fat sack of shit?
Never trust a fatty.
>14 year old
Nice projecting, nigger.
>not posting the group photo
>what are mechanical keyboards
Stay retarded
>valve makes a new game
>make it run better on linux
>interest for linux rises again
fuck microsoft for all their w10 related bullshit
But half of Sup Forums hates Trump now because he supports the Jews
Last year, Valve developers were intimately involved with the version of Rocket League released for Linux.
>I like when people aren't living life and using their position to their full advantage but instead stay at my own level of success so that I don't have to face the fact that I'm inferior
>porting existing games is now developing new ones
Poltards are worse than furries. Jesus Christ.
no, it just shows that they aren't wasting money on shit they clearly don't need
What the fuck would you need a mansion for? Gonna buy it just because you can? Fucking end your life in that case
Such a cop out. It's literally the new "no you"
nintendo ruined nintendo
They act EXACTLY the same. This fucking faggot should have baleeted Sup Forums so we'd be spared of them shitting up other boards and crying when they're told to fuck off.
No, we hate gabe for not capitalizing on OUR intrests. We want to buy his videogames, not his imaginary crates.
Trump has nice hotels with nice bars. I like that shit. If he made a trillion dollars selling nothing but dragon dildos I would be pissed. or would I?
I don't like gaben because he doesn't make games anymore
So you mean he's really humble? wtf i live gabe now
And now we all pay the price, no matter which board you go you have to argue with these stupid fucks injecting their bullshit politics into every discussion.
Want to discuss mountain climbing? ISNT DONALD GREAT?
Want to discuss about the best CCR album? ISNT DONALD GREAT?
Purge this shit.
>Things I don't like are furries
provoked this shit so people told him to fuck off. This is standard procedure.
wtf this makes me like him a little more now
Except it isnt fucking like that. Actually pay attention. It always starts with
>"Haha! Yeah that album was great, shame they sold out in the most Trump like way possible"
Then people tell him to fuck off and he turns around and says
>Things I don't like are furries
They ACT like furries, roody-poo. Spread their shit around and get mad when they're inevitably told to GTFO.
>Valve must make exclusives and lock things on the platform like a console company.
>Can't just administrate their store
It's because people like you that they bring this cancer.
>Then people tell him to fuck off
ah yes, calling someone a cuck or a libtard or whatever sure is the same as telling someone to get out of the thread
Your point is stupid.
If anything you just prove that Sup Forums is full of mouthbreathers.
Holy shit, he turned into Bill Gaines?
Nice, I want more comics and magazines!
Oh fuck I never really thought about how rich he would be but he's fucking double oprah
literally why would he put hard work into anything ever again? this explains the whole hl3 thing
>Someone who hates trump is the first one to bring up his name in the thread
>People tell him to fuck off
>Somehow this means that a trump supporter started it and the normal Sup Forums posters told HIM to fuck off.
>that one caucasian girl
Is this him as well?
GabeN looks more slim in this photo