Any ideas for a good Trump build in Fallout New Vegas? Definitely going to need high Int and high Charisma with some decently high luck
Any ideas for a good Trump build in Fallout New Vegas...
Swap the int and luck
Buy the most expensive merc and don't do any combat first hand, leave the help to handle it
Doesn't matter what stats you have, just make sure you shitpost your way to the top.
Every day until you like it
whatever you do, max charisma
his speaking ability was a contributing factor to him winning
shame charisma is the literally the worst stat in NV, have fun
max guns and speech and get the All-American as soon as possible
>high intelligence
Max Luck and Charisma
sneaky politician so high dex high cha low perception, low int
>Speaking ability
>high intelligence
>low intelligece
Sorry lefties but no matter how you try to spin it, you don't become a billionaire by being stupid.
>trump is hitler xdd lmao
He inherited a fortune and still did less with it than any of his ancestors
Low int is the basic american build not just Trump.
dude if you have 1 bln in stock it will only grow, naturally
because it's what stocks normally do
Yeah it's not like he became a household name and world famous literally decades ago and then hosted several successful television shows and then won the position of President of the United States or anything
>implying becoming POTUS is less than anything his ancestors have done
I'm sorry user, what was your net worth again? I can't seem to recall...
t. Someone whose head-of-state doesn't dare tread on the toes of an American president
Literally cucked
Robbie Rotten can become POTUS at this point
>russia is invading parts of eastern europe again
>say nato is unnecessary
c'mon, son
remeber not to drink alcohol its degenerate
S: 4, average man, average strength
P: 6, perpetual politician, doesn't see decency in being only in 'visions of the future' due to practical experience
E: 3, he's a fat man
C: 7, rogue-ish, not perfect as with as many strong allies comes strong enemies
I: 6, he's educated but not necessarily the smartest, more so layman's genius
A: 2, not very healthy
L: 8, meme magic
If Russia is not scared of NATO when it decides to invade countries, staying in NATO is only good for getting drawn into conflict you don't need.
He became president because his opponent was Hillary Clinton
Ukraine is not a country, it's a literal mistake, akin to leaving your dog unattended for too long, and now you decided to pick it back.
Literally divide ukraine between Russia, Belarus, Poland and Romania.
Fuck off.
We just had a Sup Forums thread
Fuck off
t. Stepan
Go drown children in a well, or something, you can also clean toilets in Poland since you're literally too fucking poor and dumb to move to UK or Germany.
The man in genuinely stupid. Your average high school student is more intelligent than him. Max luck, that's it.
>theres people in this thread right now that are unironically liberals
>Ukraine isn't a country
>but Belarus totally is
Top kek. Have you paid your slave tax yet?
Read a fucking book nigger. Kiev has cultural heritage and shit and getting shat on by the rest of Europe for a couple hundred years doesn't invalidate that. Ukraine is distinct from both Russia and Poland and thus deserves not only independence, but also support from the west in the face of Russian expansionism.
The way we handled (or didn't) the Crimea thing was a fucking disgrace.
Not a liberal, but I respect that more than people who voted for a 21st century oil salesman.
I don't want to go to war with Russia
Ukraine is in the sphere of influence of Russia. They can have Crimea (which democratically voted to be a part of Russia and the only people butthurt is the British and American media)
I'm also not dissuaded by Russia leaking the incriminating information about the DNC. Pro-tip for those who don't want to be found guilty of rigging your primary system against establishment candidates: don't do it in the first place and don't write emails confirming it
He has a tested IQ of like 136
>This thread
You have a containment board
Stay there
>Don't expend in military becaus NATO
>Get butthurt because Papa USA won't get into your shitfest.
sort of on topic, does anyone have that neogaf meltdown on election day image?
i laughed so hard but forgot to save it
>55% of people in US don't go to elections and unironically don't give a shit about president
You dumb fuck, no one knows his actual IQ. That was a dumb story being passed around by some random ass blog.
>muh inheritance
>still peddling this lie
the build that lets me make vague promises and put ridiculous stipulations on anything im asked to do
>Kiev has cultural heritage and shit
bix nood
Ban pol, no seriously ban pol.
>American realises the fucking Ukraine has more historical reason to exist than the colony he calls home
We get it, you faggots are in love with him
his father alone left him 300kk USD after he died
You're adorable.
Yeah kinda. He's awesome
>Meanwhile Ukraine cries and begs for help from America
He became President because retarded poor white racists think he's somehow a successful person who is going to make America like it never was in the 50s.
All Sup Forums boards belong to Sup Forums.
Ban cucks, no seriously ban cucks.
But unfortunately, new yank administration is too busy sucking Russian cock to notice Putin playing map painting sims IRL.
It's gonna go to shit and it's gonna be your fucking fault.
>Fred Trump's networth $400million
>Donald's net worth in 1999, the year his father died, $1.6 billion
By 1984 Donald was already worth double his father. Nice try.
access to rich daddies fortune and network isn't a success story. it's bizarre how you people bend over backwards to fellate him though, it's like you're in a cult. literally the trump internet defense force
Meanwhile Europoor countries make some santions and claim to be helping.
Proven false straw man
You such obessive hate in your heart for me that must consume all of your thoughts. It's unsettling but also somewhat pitiful as I feel nothing for you. I don't even think anything about you.
That butthurt is so delicious. Btw if a world famous billionaire is stupid what does that makes you?
>which democratically voted to be a part of Russia
>we aren't gonna do shit about this
>you guys doing what you can is meaningless
>just bend over and accept Russian cock you guys
It's funny how far people will go to deny that Trump is a successful business man, constantly spouting muh daddy muh networks