That time you fell for the hype

>that time you fell for the hype

What's her name, Sup Forums?

Demon and Dark souls.

Fucking slant-eye garbage.

Mass Effect 3

dark souls 3

Zero Time Dilemindhacks


hotline miami 2.
the game turned up to be alright. whatever really


MGS5, i actually thought Kojima wouldnt pull a retarded twist and give us the story of Big Boss becoming "evil".

Dark Souls 2

Also source you nigger

Witcher 3. Can't believe I actually paid for something that boring.

FF15 . Definitely better than 13, but is that really saying much?

Also is OP from fake taxi or whatever it's called? Who's the girl?

Witcher 3. Fucking Slav trash made for storycucks that don't care about gameplay.

Watch dogs.

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale


I bought the 150$ Archeage pre-order pack.

Guild Wars 2.
Actually bought the collector's edition for fucks sake but at least I learned my lesson.

fake taxi sucks

I don't know when I will recover from that.

>public agent video
>girl is wearing a nice leather jacket, boots, scarf, tight jeans, you name it
>video skips into an apartment where they fuck naked

I beg to differ. Some of the girls are very good looking. There's a big titted Scottish woman Georgie something that's hot as fuck

Fucking did the same thing, rip

me too

>cosplay porn video
>girl fucks totally naked

I held off suicide for that shit.

That was the last time I preordered a game. Still put some 200 hours into it and bought it again on Steam but now it's become a monthly interactive Skype chat more than anything.

If RDR2 shows an online modelled anything like GTA:O I'm dropping it.

>girl is wearing a nice leather jacket, boots, scarf, tight jeans, you name it
Top tastes, my man.

So why are you still here

just to suffer really

never be game over

Gameplay should be eliminated from video games

>If RDR2 shows an online modelled anything like GTA:O I'm dropping it.
You bet it will.

>bought Bravely Second collectors edition
should have bought just the normal game


i fucking hate that shit

so fucking much. even worse is when they advertise some sexy piece of clothing and they take it off within 5 seconds

It still hurts

>My normie co-workers think that these castings are totally real

It's so hard to hide your power level sometimes...

CoD Black Ops
Civilization VI

I guess I played some zombies, but fuck what became of that franchise. Played some mw3 later at a friend's place but I rather pass on long lobbies infested with 13yo's where skill equals picking up a dual wield anything, running up to someone and spraying; rinse and repeat.

Civ6 is a shame and I hope it gets fixed, but u like V even the multiplayer is a bore.

>Shark cards! Shark cards everywhere!
This is the future they chose.

>Cities: Skylines

What an overhyped, shallow piece of trash.

Kloe Kane, I think

>blur the guy
>keep the girls face

you discuss porn with your co-workers?

eh recettear was really addicting despite being vapid as fuck never beat it tho

As long as she pulls off some mean ahegao at the end I'm cool with it

At least the multiplayer is functional in Civ VI.

A man can dream, damn it.
I just want to roam about the place RP'ing as different western characters with my revolverfus.

they are probably young 18-20

Tropico 5.
Self-generated hype taught me not to trust anyone. Not even myself.

That shit's fucking retarded.

that face is so fucking stupid

ahegao? more like
Ahego fuck yourself you fucking degenerate.

Normies fuck off

Yes. I'm in an office but the warehouse team is always showing us these bullcrap casting videos. They actually think that the can go to Czechoslovakia, stop random goodness on the street with a camera and fuck them for 40€

Says the man who likes 3D

>That shit's fucking retarded.
>that face is so fucking stupid
That's the point you dipshits

>implying my dick can hear you over the sound of my furious masturbation

The one and only time I have ever "fallen for """"""""""""hype"""""""""""" was super smash brothers brawl.

I learned from that one huge mistake and I will never be excited or look forward to any video game before it's release ever again.

>Fake Taxi and the Screaming anal squirter
I was NOT prepared for THAT video.


All I ever heard around here was about how it was one of the best games of last gen, totally unappreciated, god tier story and characters, etc., etc. and so I bought it.

The gameplay was boring and story was retarded edgelord weeb shit. I want my $9 back.

Aren't these videos fake anyway

Golden Sun DD

I completely avoided stuff online about it, and wallowed in self hype. Oh boy, did all that come crashing down.


Yeah. If you look closely you can see that the woman is cgi

>all my steam friends from Sup Forums are begging me to get archeage
>they all bought the $150 pack
>they disband our guild in our MMO to focus more effort onto Archeage
>constantly begging me to buy the game too
>have a sudden burst of 20/20 vision
>realize its going to be shit
>tell them I'm not getting it, try to talk them out of it
>tell them its the usual korean garbage etc etc
>they won't listen to me
>They tell me they'll be waiting for me to get it, and they'll laugh at me
>it finally comes out
>they are hyped as fuck
>one month later
>none of them are playing it
>they refuse to talk to me about it

There is no picture smug enough for the reaction I had that day.

There are people who believe fake taxi is real, just because the dude blurs his face. there are people who also believe those glasses cam and collegedorm videos are real,too and not actors. People are stupid

Metal Gear Solid V

Shouldnt you be fartposting somewhere?

>people who don't like the same things I do are literally retarded
How's that narcissism treating you, user?


fucking garbage that single-handedly killed the series on its 20th anniversary

>They actually think that the can go to Czechoslovakia, stop random goodness on the street with a camera and fuck them for 40€
are you from India?

Don't pee in a taxi. You have to pay for the cleaning.

>tfw never preordered a single game because I'm poor and I never get hyped for anything either

Warhammer TW

I mean I enjoyed it, but god it should've been MUCH better from what they've shown in the past..

>tfw never preordered a single game because I don't have brain damage and I can use my brain to figure out why it's such a retarded idea.

Feels good to not be an idiot, be glad you never did that shit.

no regrets

Do people still believe these pornos are not staged/fake?

That was basically me and Guild Wars 2.

I think I probably had a hand breaking my WoW guild apart with the amount I hyped about it for months.

Why? Do I write like an Indian?

I pre ordered Evolve.....

I just really wanted a decent game where you get to wreck shit as big,crazy monsters.

I will never understand the point of pre-ordering. People who do it to get "exclusive" shit are fucked.

Halo 3: ODST
I really wanted it to be gritty, hard and stealthy. Turns out that the Rookie can tank more damage than Master Chief on the same difficulties, and the only stealth segments aren't that stealthy and are very short.

Party Hard

I thought I'd be playing 2D Hitman, but in the end it's just "use all the items in the room and then stab the survivors when nobody looks"

Just get Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Rome total war 2 and Evolve

"oh hey let me pay 100$ more just to have a shitty silhouette that will just gather dust on my shelf"

> no fallout 4

Surprising. a huuuge letdown toddd

>very short

Literally the only problem with ODST. It needed to be feature length, and the start of its own series.

But its for the best considering Halo is dead

Everyone knew that game was gonna be shit. New Vegas was too tough an act to follow, especially when you don't even try

I didn't know there was hype for F4

Great scene.

if you go to a porn video and check the comment section you'll find lots of Indian guys begging for pussy,sharing their phone number etc.
freaky shit

That game had so many red flags even before the release, anyone with half a brain would know it's going to be shit.

>getting hyped for Oblivion with guns with swords with guns

Spore, you lied to me Sup Forums

>there are people who fell for both Spore AND Wew Lad's Sky

Some people just never learn.


Bioshock Infinite

Bioshock 1 and 2 were great, and I preordered the 100$limited of 2, never regretted it. I still regret paying 60$ for Infinite.

They have to be ready to knife a fucker at a moment's notice, lest they get knifed themselves

Fallout 4.
God damnit I fell for it, thank god I didn't buy the DLC, though.
Howard's not getting another cent out of me for the rest of my life.