Realistically, how can Nintendo come back from this?
Realistically, how can Nintendo come back from this?
Selling their new console
Can't really, the Switch much like the WiiU has no real launch titles. It'll suffer the same fate
By abandoning the Wii U which they already did.
Wait, I don't understand, a Nintendo fan is angry/sad to play Nintendo game in better resolutions? Why?
No modern consoles have any launch titles, and they sell fine
BOTW pushes the Wii U harder than any other game. By the time Cemu is patched to run BOTW w/o gamebreaking issues and is actually running at >10 FPS, it will be 2018. Emulation is not magic.
you know the wiiu is hacked
I'm enjoying the online play on MK8 and Splatoon right now
If you're rich enough to afford a PC that can emulate BOTW at full speed, you don't need to pirate it. That game is going to require a modern i7 and GTX 1060 or greater.
That picture is dumb, Skyward Sword needs a Wiimote so you can play on Dolphin.
>Game is released on console A
>Game is emulatable on a 700+ dollar rig
>people ACTUALLY believe cemu will be able to emulate the new zelda at launch
I hope BotW doesn't require an update
the WiiU can barely run BOTW, how do you think CEMU will be able to?
Maybe in 3 or 4 years.
It took some time before the Dolphin got it right, but 5.0 can basically run with no issues almost all of the GC and Wii games.
so what
you can set up a wii mote and sensor bar on your computer
PC fags try to justify their 1000+ dollars rigs by playing console games at 14 fps. Truly the master race wins every time.
>Source: my ass
DKC is playable though.. That screen only shows up for one time only and that's at the fucking start menu. I've already completed the game on Cemu in fact. Literally grasping at straws here.
>no real launch titles
sure, no real launch titles for NORMIES, but zelda and bomberman are more than enough to tide me over until mario and splatoon and arms come out!!!!! fuk u nintendo hater!!!!
We don't really know how well BoTW will emulate just yet (probably not great), or how long it will take to make it "playable," so I guess people who are really excited for the game, or people who have a shit PC, will buy a copy anyway.
More like
>PC player
>Nintendo fans keep on telling me we are bros
>Play their games using CemU
>They get mad at me
What is happening to Sup Forums?
dmca the cemu creators
Other consoles had good third party support, which isn't really the case with Nintendo.
>spending money to emulate one game
This defeats the whole purpose of the image.
>If you're rich enough to afford a PC that can emulate BOTW at full speed, you don't need to pirate it. That game is going to require a modern i7 and GTX 1060 or greater.
Just because I'm rich it doesn't mean I'm stupid
>you're rich so just throw your 60$ out the window!
>grasping at straws
>81% of the games are not able to be finished
>16% have glitches like graphical artifacts
>only 3% are emulated perfectly
and you STILL think cemu will be able to emulate the new zelda
Why are console fanboys so fucking retarded? Nobody ever fucking said Zelda was bad. EVER. I'll gladly emulate it and have fun with it.
People don't like video games apparently. Nowadays all that matters is the exclusive machine the games are being played on.
>No real launch titles for NORMIES
>One of them is a sandbox ZELDA
Nigger, Zelda has always been a normie tier series
Almost nobody has the specs to effectively emulate the wii u. It'll hurt some potential top buyers of games in terms of sales figures, but the masses lack the hardware to emulate effectively as well as the know how.
I'm cautiously optimistic about emulation allowing me to play the games I already own at higher quality... Though I'd rather have the tablet controller working.
Aren't you faggots begging Nintendo to give you gamecube/wii ports? We can play them on a business laptop.
that is a very broad definition. call me when it's emulated 100% accurately.
enjoy your banana glitches.
The PS4 had no launch titles but it still sold because people knew they could play the new Battlefield, CoD or sports game on it. That luxury isn't provided to Nintendo, although FIFA and NBA being ported is a positive sign.
they can't. switch will flop just like the wii-u because nintendo is so far behind the times they can't tell left from right. after it flops they'll just focus on phones and maybe make a real successor to the 3ds out of desperation
Dunno senpai, but I preordered my switch. Looking forward to playing botw and spla2n on the shitter.
It's to be expected considering that only 2 guys are working on it and it only came out a year ago. There's no doubt that they will put the work in to make the game playable at launch. Maybe the WiiU/Switch/PC comparison videos of BotW will finally blow you Nintoddlers out.
Can't you map particular motions to keys on Dolphin?
I have no idea how well that would work for SS, but I know people have finished Galaxy without sensor bars and stuff.
>it took 5 years for us to get an unstable emulator with terrible optimization working and no game runs well on, just as Nintendo is rolling out their next system
>N-Nintendo BTFO!!!!!
Ah, PCfats. Someday you'll get a game that makes that $9000 rig worth owning and you won't have to settle for badly emulating the games of better platforms.
you mean to tell me that if i emulate a game i don't have to own the console it was originally on? revolutionary, no other emulators do this!
>it will be 2018.
so like just a little over half a year later than the official launch? I think I can't take that wait
>Aren't you faggots begging Nintendo to give you gamecube/wii ports?
Not me, but there are certainly a lot of people that do want that. I'll never understand it though, since Gamecube was their shittiest console with their shittiest games and Wii had like 4 or 5 good first party titles.
>tfw can emulate BotW easily but it's probably going to be shit game with literally nothing to do
Passing on this one lads.
Where the FUCK do I get Wii U isos and keys? I downloaded Cap Toad EUR, got the EUR key and Wii U key but it still says I don't have the key
Also I'm in the process of hacking my Wii U, can I access the shop at 5.5.1 to download the nexessary DS games? Or do I need to update? I already blocked the Wii U's MAC address in my router, what's the best way to do this?
>you Nintoddlers
i don't own a wiiu and i'm eagerly awaiting a properly working wiiu emulator. i'm just not as delusional as you.
enjoy waiting 3-6 years for botw
>80 games in development
Look at how many first party games are on the playable section. Now I don't support cemu at all as closed source is retarded but you can't deny that they're putting importance on the first party Nintendo games instead of trying to emulate something like Watch Dogs.
>Where the FUCK do I get Wii U isos and keys?
get good you fucking noob
Don't bother.
Remember, when Citra was able to launch OoT3D to the title screen without crashing at like 2fps people on here thought it would be fully functional by the end of the year.
Good bait, you might get a couple bites with that.
>download cemu
>open up mario kart 8
>it runs at 30 fps on menus, but in game it runs at 13 fps and everything is slowed down to shit
>launch titles
>source: my semen filled ass
Isn't Citra pretty good now? I can't even be bothered looking since I have a hacked 3DS, but it might be nice to play some things in higher res if they don't run like shit.
>it's shit for me which means the game is not playable whatsoever!
Download a shader cache.
Only autistic fedoralord PCucks even know what that emulation shit is much less how to get it working. Nintendo doesn't care about you neckbeards, don't fool yourselves.
I've been googling like a mad cunt, but everywhere requires me to sign up. The ones on TPB are only for Loadiine too.
are you a dum dum ?
I looked at these numbers every few weeks and every patch usally makes just 1 or 2 games a little bit better.
They focus for example on Bayonetta 2 and after focusing it for months they reached a good point ( still full with glitches ).
In other words i wouldnt expect Zelda to run good at Cemu when released ...
It's going to be ~13 GB on both the Switch and Wii U. Guaranteed there's going to be a day one patch with that file size.
yes you can, you could technically even map the entire wii mote to your fucking mouse which would probably be the most "intuitive" way of doing it if you don't want to spend any money
but it is also absolutely possible to set up the sensor bars and a wiimote via bluetooth
exactly how?
i don't have this issue. what cpu are you using? gpu barely matters.
they'll be okay
>The ones on TPB are only for Loadiine too.
I used those with Cemu and they work. Just load the .rpx files you scrub-ass noob.
Neither do I, but they'll probably focus on it considering they will make easy Patreon bucks if they do get it running.
>Make Darkumbra account
>Make shitty thread "introducing yourself" that nobody will look at anyway
>Find game you want
>Post "thanks"
That's all you need to do. It's a bit of a pain in the ass, but you get free games out of it.
for piracy use duckduckgo, for everything else startpage.
No modern consoles have worthwhile launch titles, so you brought up third-party support. Other user mentions that there are 80 games in development for the Switch, so you go back to launch titles.
Choose one to be wrong about rather than swapping between them and inevitably going the "I was just pretending to be retarded" route.
They can sell me their video games on Steam so that people like myself unwilling to invest in a $300 cheap plastic toy can play them.
One of the best things console manufacturers can possibly do to boost sales is sell PCIe cards that unlock the ability to play a certain type of console game for like 1/4 the price. I'd consider buying one for $100 or something to play games like Bloodborne and Ni no Kuni 2 without having to buy a slow ass fucking 24fps/480p console.
Shit user, better open up that boipussy for him then. He was good enough to get you like you said.
i have a 6600k as well, oc. must be on your end.
He said 'no modern consoles have any lauch titles', which is blantantly wrong.
The PS4 had Battlefield, CoD, FIFA, Madden which is what normies care about. If you think that doesn't factor into sales you're a retard.
Nintendo fans are paid shills
why spend money on anything at all with that logic?
>Skyward Sword on Dolphin without at least buying the controller
"IT WAS SHIT ANYWAY" is the first thing people spew whenever games don't come out on their preferred platform, PC or console. See: Bayonetta 2, Bloodborne
>modern i7
Any i5 from the past 3 gens will probably do
Emulation doesn't really need a powerful graphics card
Even if we ignore how the Wii U version is incredibly dependant on the gamepad screen, that shit wouldn't be playable for months after release.
According to the wiki you need the controller, and even then it desyncs easily.
Also you can press TAB to bring up the gamepad screen then use the mouse to navigate the menus. Not that you need to though.
>Even if we ignore how the Wii U version is incredibly dependant on the gamepad screen
why are you lying
So what do I need to play Cemu at a playable framerate? I'll settle for cinematic 24fps in the new Zelda.
the game isn't out yet, who knows it may be run without needing to fix
How do i play SS on dolphin?
A pc that will cost you 10 times more then a wiiu.
It's a shame the real wii u didn't have a button to bring menus up with.
Constantly looking away from the screen to navigate them was annoying.
Also maps, i basically never saw the progress map in splatoon until the game was over.
Most nintendo fans are well adjusted members of society who can afford their products, and not basement dwelling neckbeards who resort to piracy. So i can't see it being much of an issue
>Emulate Wii U game
>Make it look uglier and lower res and run slower than the Wii U
PC master race amirite
Doubt it, senpai.
Ok easier question, what's more likely to bottleneck on Cemu, the CPU or the GPU?
Full guide here for Xbox 360 XINPUT setup
By doing what they're doing?
I don't know why you faggots in a bubble somehow think modern emulation is just going to magically take off into the mainstream
I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not but if it is, part of it is true, nintendo fans really are absurdly loyal. they actually try and convince people from time to time that VC games are actually good and worth the money over the free version on nearly any other platform.
Add Citrus to the image.
Hi reggie
Not sarcasm, i feel like most people who play nintendo are just average joes who enjoy games as a hobby and don't mind spending $300 every few years for a new console. Maybe they own an xbox or playstation too. The people with PCs that can emulate BotW probably make up about 1% of nintendo's consumers, they're the people who shit talk their games on this board and only play them when they can for free with emulators
PC gamers like nintendo games