Name a better modern beat'em up. I dare you
Name a better modern beat'em up. I dare you
Pretty hard to top honestly.
Isn't this the only modern beat'em up?
I can't but I will play devil's advocate
Bayonetta 2 is a better and more well designed game than god hand in every aspect
I beg to differ since they are 2 different beasts. But I can safely say god hand's setups are more satisfying than umbral climax
Surely there has been some that tops score of 30?
Tfw you're right and I just couldn't think of a better beat em up
Yakuza series (sorry had to play devil's advocate) god hand is the shit tho
I still don't understand why it doesn't have a lock-on button and instead has autolocking?
Minor complaint really, the game's great fun once you get the hang of the controls. Too bad Mikami's retired from game directing now.
You could easily name a better action game in general, but god hand does a lot of cool and unique stuff and really can't be replaced by anything else.
OP btfo
Auto-targeting I mean.
God Hand is old as fuck by now. But it is still unmatched.
Sure, no problem. Here you go
And dmc4 or dmc3 are better and more well designed games than bayonetta 2 or 1 in every aspect
I think Yakuza 0 is a better beat em up in the sense it feels more like a modern version of old 2D beat em ups than God Hand does.
God Hand is still my favorite game though. (Tied with killer7)
Best soundtrack ever.
any beat em up that doesn't require menu switching bullshit.
Man I wish I could replay this on an emulator. I want to see how cuhrayzee I can get with it.
Takada is probably the best video game composer, but that's not his best work.
Underrated game
That's a slash em' up though.
i mean if yakuza counts then that by a mile tbhhh
>mindless button masher
>being a better beat em up than GH
I mean, Yakuza offers much more than pure brawling, so for many Yakuza might be a better package. But it has never had particularly good combat.
>Ninja Gaiden
>slash 'em up
There's an actual genre for this, you don't need to mash words together to make your point
yakuza 0's combat is legitimately good
not so much mindless button mashing
True. yakuza's gameplay is pretty normal. Still a good game
Hack n slash
good game but not really better than GH.
God Hand would be better if you could replay stages.
Lots of moves are kinda useless.
It's a cool and fun game though.
DMC3 is better.
what exactly do you mean by this?
God hand reporting in
I can't really think of any other games that I would describe as a 3D beat em up,but if we're just comparing it to games like DMC and Bayonetta, then it is arguably the best. I just wish you could replay levels and that you didn't lose all of your moves when you go into NG+.
Yeah this is the one thing that prevents me from really sinking my teeth into this game.
I loved just replaying stages in DMC3, 4, Bayo, W101
And I get used to all the abilities you can buy. My save in Bayo 1 is 4 years old, and I've never made a new one.
is this kino?
God Hand is retro.
Sixth gen isn't retro yet retard.
The only distinction between beat-em-ups and hack & slashes is unarmed combat vs armed combat. For all intents and purposes, it's the same.
i think he meant you directly assign moves and combinations to your buttons however you like
it's been 15 years faggot
daily reminder that there is simply no better, more satisfying, and ___fun___ game
Read /vr/ rules faggot
Daily reminder that fun is a buzzword.
God hand gameplay plus asura's wrath cinematics would make me cum buckets
daily reminder that fun is subjective but nevertheless god hand remains appreciated, only if by a tiny community
Everytime these kind of threads are made there are people who come in here and talk all technical but when I go to youtubes and such there's only two people who put out anything for GodHand that would be considered high level, so where the fuck are you people coming from?
You might say something stupid like, "I play for fun and don't need to put out content" but the people who play these games are autistic and creative. I highly doubt they would get good at a game then have nothing to show after long hours of studying and training.
So I ask again, who the fuck are you people?
Sup Forumsr doesn't want the sixth gen because that would open the gates to even more shitposting and people who shun down older games. But that doesn't mean that God Hand and other games or its generation aren't so old that they can/could be considered retro.
>tfw no one makes beat em ups anymore except indie games who try too hard to be edgy and platinum who remakes dmc over and over
At least Streets of Rage Remake is relatively recent and it's a great game. There's also Dragon's Crown and that River City Ransom game for the 3DS.
>tfw beat em up fag
>all these recommendations
hahahaha thanks