games that literally only you play
Games that literally only you play
threads that literally only you post in
I gave it a shot for a little while.
The numbers are dire.
>inb4 battleborn or evolve
It looks like if 343i wasn't bogged down with shitty console hardware
lol what the fuck is your cleartype setting man it looks like i need to read this shit with 3d glasses
I'm the king of these fucking thread.
I know it shouldn't, but it does please me to see another arena game fail. You irritating fuckers.
i really thought matchmaking would save it
i got this for my friends when you had to pay for it its as fun as unreal tournement i just wish more people played then i would start plaing more, they have the right idea making it free and scheduling tounements
i hate you
try me
I hate you too.
Realm of the Mad God
because I've asked hundreds of people if they've even heard of it, and no one says yes
i hate you too too
battleborn has more players on steam, garbage worse than stillborn confirmed
mw2 has more players
Why don't more people play Red Orchestra 2?
>chromatic aberration
>in a fucking screencap
what the fuck
because it's old as fuck and extremely unforgiving for new players
even a ton of vets have left ro2 because we've all played it to death and vietnam is on the horizon
Good shit, google and download it it's great
>Why don't devs make arena shooters anymore fucking casuals with their Overwatch and Call of Duty!
>played the beta
>kinda had fun
>needed something to play
>made a huge a mistake and bought the game when it was released
>it was different from the beta
>it was worse
>it sucked
>hardly anyone played it soon after release
>just had some bot infested servers
>never touched it again
>never had the chance to get your money back
My nigerian. This game is a fucking riot, I always appreciate a game that can make me laugh with some of the shit that happens while just playing it, and Superfighters does a 10/10 job of it, are the devs still making progress on this?
There are pretty regular updates, they semi recently added grabbing to melee combat as a counter to blocking and it makes fights even better.
Only problem this game will probably always have is the shitty community of shitty 12 year olds that rage all the time.