3d games peaked in 1998 and will never be as good again. Debate me.
3d games peaked in 1998 and will never be as good again. Debate me
You're wrong.
What is Metroid Prime, but then again, good times are the past.
Wrong the best year for 3d games was 2002 with battlefield 1942 and Morrowind.
>all these games that lack verticality
shit hasn't even peaked yet. mario odyssey will be a forthcoming
N64 had the best 3d platformer and 3d adventure games.
Zelda OOT / MMM still haven't been topped in their genre
Nor has mario 64
Ocarina of time is overrated, the puzzles are dumb (shoot the arrow in the eye!), hyrule field is a big block of nothing, the music sucks (oooooaaaaaoooooo) and the combat feels clunky
>in before "MUH ARIN!"
>the combat feels clunky
So it's a clunky game if you play normally, or a piss easy game that can be exploited if you discover the enemy's limited AI. Great.
You're supposed to use the Biggoron Hammer, btw
Dark Souls is better.
Gothic beats Zelda for an open world adventure series
This might sound weird and hard to explain, but even though Ocarina of Time isn't even my favorite Zelda game, it's still kind of the standard of games that I compare everything else to. It has such a solid structure to it that I think is everything a game should strive to be, and it is something I subconsciously compare every other game to.
Does that make sense?
Mentioning Arin doesn't give you automatic immunity to the fact that you parroted his exact opinions without any input of your own.
You probably haven't even played OoT in over ten years.
>Don't rate 3D Zelda very highly at all, I've only completed them each once
>Couldn't even push myself to reach the end of Skyward Sword, period
>Every time I try to replay them, I find them boring as fuck
>But, if I had to rank them, I'd probably put Majora's Mask and Wind Waker (HD, fuck the triforce quest) above Ocarina
>Favorite games in the Zelda franchise are ALTTP, Link's Awakening and Minish Cap
>Can't share this opinion on the internet without being percieved as a memelord contrarian, made even worse because of dickheads like Arin
Being me is suffering
There's just been better ARPGs since this. More in-depth ones, better stories, it isn't even the best Zelda (or 3d zelda!)
OoT is just remembered as babbies first 3D ARPG/Zelda.
you are stuck in the past
I don't really like 3d zelda as mutch as the 2d games but can't really say that because "lol he thinks arin is right ever"
Counterpoint, almost every 3D game since OOT is better than OOT.
>So it's a clunky game if you play normally, or a piss easy game that can be exploited if you discover the enemy's limited AI
just like Souls!
>You're supposed to use the Biggoron Hammer, btw
why? you also dont have it yet in Forest temple
Don't worry user, I feel you although I do like 3D Zelda as well.
The pic you posted is the best moment in the entire franchise.
N64 3D games are some have aged the worst
It certainly was the last time you had radically different control schemes for 3d movement. Even on the same console.
Not everything 3d is either the Nintendo rules or the Sony rules. And the only difference between those too these days is the use of the sticks as buttons or not.
you're brain has aged the worst
You mean 007 fps was the peak for the N64.
My nigger.
I think Mount and Blade Warband is better than OOT, so no
Honestly the problem is hardware, pre-order culture and just a lack of imagination. Back during 1st generation 3D gaming they couldn't entirely rely on graphics so they had to get kind of clever with game design and hardware limitations. The slow but steady rise out of the low res texture era of the 4th generation to the 1080/4K "experiences" we have now have basically allowed the industry to transition into making a lot more high profile games that are really just cinematic experiences with occasional interactivity and the odd multiplayer experience designed to appeal to the mainstream public primarily with it's levels of details.
Honestly I kind of wonder if the success of games like Overwatch isn't entirely based around marketing but that it actually managed to stand out from the mass of gunmetal grey shooter experiences by having characters with varied personalities, playing styles and just an East meets West look as opposed to just yet another game with faceless soldiers blandly calling out and acknowledging orders.
>hahaha le old gaems r better do I fit in im 18?
>1st generation
>3d gaming
3d didn't really happen till 2nd and 3rd.
>what was F-Zero X and its rock solid 60fps
>what is Resident Evil Nemesis
he said "the first generation OF the 3D graphics", AKA the transition phase in mid 90s, between late 4th and early 5th generations, SNES to N64 in other words.
Real deal 3D in consumer vidya form didnt really make an appearance before 3rd generation. Meanwhile, US army had late 90s-tier 3D graphics with texture mapped polygons, real-time lighting and anti-aliasing, in their simulators, in the year 1980.
3d was becoming big by the late 80s early 90s. That's 3rd and 4th.
3D Zelda's peaked in 1998
Devil May Cry came out in 2001
>not Perfect Dark
You said it like a complete fag but I kind of agree with you
Im pretty cynical about most of the AAA titles released but ill be damned if my backlog is full of pretty amazing games. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug though, and I will replay a few FPS and marry ohs from my day
I wonder what games from this generation will have that effect on me. Cant really know until it happens I guess
OOT was overhyped as fuck.
It's okay, maybe even great.
Best of all time? Lol it sure didn't help stop the collapse of Nintendo, N64 got fucked in the ass by Playstation, no lube.
a perfectly grim 007 fps
don't get me wrong I love that game
Old games ARE better.
I'm made aware of this pretty constantly because as a kid, I never had a SNES (I had a Genesis), and I went back to play most of the SNES games for the first time as an adult.
Super Mario World is a better game than most everything released in the past decade.
I played Doom for the first time on X360, decades after it was initially released; at the time, I thought it was a better game than Halo 3, and I still do.
Same with Banjo Tooie; played it for the first time on the X360 and loved it.
Played DK64 for the first time on an emulator last month. Fucking terrific game.
Old games really were good. If you played them when you were young it'd be easy to write it off as nostalgia, but it isn't just that. The quality is really there.
I think it's the fact that they were developed by small teams for small audiences; they didn't get watered down by 100+ man design groups running focus tests and hitting checklists. They could have personality and style in a way most modern games can't.
Not to say there aren't a whole shitload of excellent modern games, but I think it's rare that a game comes out today that is as good as the great games of yesteryear.
Quit being cynical kid. Shut up, pay your online paywall, and play CoD.
And Gothic 2
3d games peaked in 2004
>tries to defend older games
>talks about older games that are equally shitty as modern games
>3d was becoming big by the late 80s early 90s.
false pseudo 3D and simple vector / untextured nor filled polygon stuff, yeah. They were still not common things, and completely overshadowed by 2D games up until mid 90s, when first the 2.5D, sprite-based games started becoming a thing, soon followed by machines and components that were capable of outputting actual filled & textured polygons at steady framerates.
The plausibility and interest towards polygonal 3D games was fairly low before 1990s. It was one of the reasons why 5th console generation was so revolutionary and mindblowing; it literally changed the whole face of the game industry and how people expected to play games.
>games peaked exactly when I was between the age of 8 and 14
okay, guy
>false pseudo 3D
>untextured nor filled polygon stuff
Not sure why you kids parrot ecelebs so hard. 3d was a thing will before 5thgen.
>Delta Force
>Rainbow Six
>Quake 3 Arena
You're right
Friendly reminder that someday you're going to die, and soon after there will be more new video games made than than the total amount of games that ever existed in your lifetime. You will never live to see all the amazing games that'll be made in the future.
>someday you're going to die
Thanks god because my backlog of 4th gen games is shrinking every month.
Hey thanks for actually reading my post
Honestly I don't think it's that old games are better so much as the conditions at the time were simply better for actual developers being able to potentially produce the game they wanted to make more on their own realistic schedule.
Nowadays like virtually every industry the decisions making process on what gets made, how long it takes, and what gets done with it is thoroughly dominated by triple A publishers. Now we have the apparently all important video game hype cycle and pre-order/DLC culture we never used to have before where that's the publishers primary focus and business model for publishers and developers are just kind of forced to go along with it all. Now they get to have their visions muddled by greedy publishers looking to push their own pure profit mining motives instead and developers are even encouraged to blatantly lie to gamers about features to perpetuate a hype cycle and get them to pre-order their game that's probably going to get rushed out of the door to make sure the publishers get their day one money.
Then the developer gets the pleasure of a limited amount of time to patch things up and take the heat from the gamers while the big Publisher gets it's money and is able to move onto to prey on the next big up coming developer and begin a hype cycle over their latest project too. All of this for design elements the developer probably never initially wanted to implement in the first place but that was forced onto them the moment the publisher latched on to them.
Seriously it's absolutely disgusting and transparent how these publishers like EA, Activision, Ubisoft, SCE etc. go from developer to developer as they're becoming trendy and latch on to leech profits off of them and destroy their potential in the process out of pure greed all while they act like they're somehow doing them and the public a favor by lending them marketing consulting and the chance to go bigger profile ("Triple A") than they otherwise would have.
I'm not "parrotig" anything, young man. I actually lived and remember those days.
Games like Hard Drivin, STUNTS!, etc, were exceptions to the rule, not the rule. Yeah, people were lusting for the 3D graphics, but they were not plausible on most popular systems just yet, nor that common in general.
Might just as well mention the Battlezone from 80s if you wanna move the goalposts that hard.
PS: Those are not textured polygons.
>thinking 3rd and 4th gen were "3D generations"
jesus fuck child, at least think before you post!
Majority of "gamers" were playing their Marios and Sonics at that point.
Publishers and producers are the bane of creativity. Fuck hollywood and fuck the modern video game industry.
Every modern video game that comes out of a triple a studio has the charm and thought of a marvel movie.
Called arcades kiddo.
They were at any decent arcade
Arcades were their very own entity since the very beginning, and often left out of the "generations" of home videogame systems, for obvious reasons. However, not even arcades packed 3D games exclusively before 1990s.
Arcade ports were pretty big news to a console. Both were marketed together. They are linked. I don't know how you grew up in the 80s or 90s with only consoles.
What genres have fallen the lowest these last few gens?
As far as consoles are concerned I'd say platformers.
Sounds like your taste stagnated in 1998.
Majora's Mask is also my favorite Zelda apart from ALTTP. You are not alone friend.
and I have a fucking Triforce tattooed on my leg
I also didn't enjoy Skyward Sword too much...
Simple: Arcades were mostly an amusement park thing in my countries, if you don't count some lucky bars and hotels that may have had an arcade game or two with a pinpall machine.
I am however well aware of the initial elder-god like position arcade machines held against the early home consoles, and how "being able to play ye arcade favorites at home" was a typical marketing slogan. That being said, even majority of arcade games were mere 2D for the longest of time, and by the end of 5th console generation, they'd been literally dethroned.
FPS games are still relevant, but greatly downgraded each passing generation.
Adventure games are literally dead.
RTS and flight/space simulators.
OoT Link was the best
Dark Soul my ass
I mean your not wrong but the movie industry is doing really well. Just look at that PS4 lineup.