Got a PSN card not too long ago, but for some incredibly retarded reason Sony shut down the PSP store, and did the same for Media Go so is my only option to download games for my PSP through PS3?
Got a PSN card not too long ago, but for some incredibly retarded reason Sony shut down the PSP store...
Media Go should work.
That said, just use fucking CFW.
Have you tried logging in to the store on your computer? Does the store site give you an option to download to your computer or queue it up for your PSP or something like that?
I got it as a gift. And with the latest version of Media Go the PSN store was disbanded from the program
You can do it on your PC then add it to your PSP download queue, yeah
Don't you have a PS3, PS4 or a Vita? There's digital games you're better off buying for those platforms.
Both my PS3's have been broken and I don't have a Vita
>for some incredibly retarded reason Sony shut down the PSP store
cause back when they figured out how to dupe it into thinking their hacked psp was sony admin and could download -everything- for free.
same thing happened on ps3 which is why they gave out 2 free games in exchange for people not class action lawsuiting sony.
the more you know.
no you can download directly on your psp but no in the store
media go doesn't work for this anymore
Just buy it on your PC and then add it to the download list. Then it'll appear in the PSP's download list.
first you need to be log in on your psn acount on your psp
second i need to find my psp i can't remember the name of the menu
doesn't work anymore with media go they stopped supporting this feature recently
I guess OP better just pirate then
so go in account setting or similar under the PSN icon
then in transaction
then in download list
you can download the stuff you bought here
there is still a legal way to do it
so you manage to get what you want ?
Okay, is it me though or does connecting to wi-fi with PSP only give errors these days?
not yet
PSP doesn't support all type wifi of security
WEP works fine
the PSP is downloading quite slowly too
I know but the one at the place where I am right know doesn't want to connect (some DNS error)
and the other place it worked gives me an error when I'm trying to get in the PSN store
you have to buy thing on the psn on PC
you can't access the psn even with the built-in navigator though
google should work
I know I already did
ok can you just log in on the psn ?
That's the problem, I get some error that states it has something to do with the DNS
hum weird i never got that
i'm afraid i can't help you here
clear your cookies
you sound foreign so i don't want to help you
You can buy stuff online without a PSP nor a PS3/4 open a new tab and go to the PSN store and buy it there,
But don't waste the PSN on PSP games, you can pirate the games so easy it's not even funny
I know but you CAN'T download it directly from your computer
Yup, after you buy it with your account on pc you go to the PSN store in your PSP and check you transactions and download it there it's not that hard user, just really convoluted