Looks like the translator who dropped his spaghetti ended up getting fired for fucking up so badly.
Looks like the translator who dropped his spaghetti ended up getting fired for fucking up so badly.
Other urls found in this thread:
>dropped his spaghetti
You tell me.
(The job listing's been a thing since November user)
He still most likely got fired for this. His job is to translate what they're saying perfectly and on time. If I had to guess, the presenter might have gone off script and so he had to quickly catch up, but clearly failed.
PSA: interpreter =/= translator
Do you know what they say about people who assume?
When do Reggie, Miyamoto and the other retards that fucked Nintendo up so badly get fired?
eh, the actual interpreting was alright unless he faked it of course, he was just nervous. bet he would have done better next time.
also he's an interpreter, not translator.
for what
spending a shitload of time and money on a star fox vanity project
Translator =/= interpreter
You're translating for a major presentation for a product that cost millions to make. Logically he would be fired for messing up that badly
Shoehorning motion controls and other crap into games for example.
i am glad that your assumptions are facts
makes life very easy
i wish we could all be so smart!
That's actually sad. Everyone makes mistakes. He should get a second chance. Nintendo has no heart.
That shit happens all the time. Translating in real time isn't easy or precise.
Suda probably didn't give them a script before hand and just improvised the entire thing which mad the translator have to translate live. Not his fault.
That job position has been open for nearly a month.
What you're doing is backpedaling.
The job posting is old, and that man who sucked is an interpreter, not a transistor.
Suda was also really quiet compared to the other devs
wow thanks for the update on this crucial video game news, OP!
really glad I decided to visit Sup Forums - Video Games today, only really good discussions about video games here!
any updates on the guy that did the lightning for an event that had something to do with video games?
>so many threads to choose from
>user comes to a thread where he doesn't like the subject only to complain
But why?
We're trying to have news on that translator for the switch presentation here
He did a good job but his performance went unnoticed. Such is the life of event workers, only to be noticed if they fail.
The job listing has been around for months. On top of that they released 10 other similar ads for job opening for things like business management and IT guy as well.
Stop fucking spreading rumors faggot
Kinda harsh, I heard not even the japanese could understand what fuck Suda51 was saying.
I'm surprised no one is talking about how embarassing Suda's "presentation" was. It's like he was pitching a product to a boardroom, with absolutely nothing prepared.
No, he still works there
Wasn't that bad
>yfw NoA's next consoles success is relying on your ability to decipher broken moonspeak
We've had this thread a hundred times already.
>bumping a thread we've had a hundred times already because nobody wants to have it again
Fuck off
user, it's over, you've been btfo. Just delete your thread and move on.
Translator and interpreter isn't the same thing
>Translator fired
>Suda kept dropping references and saying weird things
>translator couldn't keep up
>even the audience wasn't 'with' what he was talking about
I thought he was tranlating the awkawrdness of the speakers.
Yet the job requires you to do both. Read the fucking job description you fucking idiots.
>Suda51: SuP BIG CORPORATIONS, fuck ALL OF y'all im bring this hot masturbating hack 'n slash game that [UNINTENLLIGABLE] and you SMOKE weed in it, and you FUCK in it, and you kill people to pieces and [THE ENTIRE ART MOVEMENT OF 1960]
>translator: Uh.. and I'm very glad to be here