Where are all the Xbox fans on this board? I'm not seeing any, where are my /xbros/?
Where are all the Xbox fans on this board? I'm not seeing any, where are my /xbros/?
Xbox is death like its player base
I miss them
We're above petty squabbling and too busy playing games
True, Sony and Nintendo gamers squabble here all the time, I never see Xbox dudes fight
The pendulum shifted like 4 years ago. The mere mention of that console just brings out shit.
I guess its payback for all the years the PS3 just got absolutely shit on. I'm sure if Xbox ever recovers and Sony blunders, it'll shift back.
Remember when ps3 had no games? Good times
Got Divinity OS EE for Christmas and i am busy playing with my gf coop mode. Thinking of streaming our sessions. Should i do it and leech off of thirsty niggas watching it and donating only because of her?
I'm here, just hoping MGS HD Collection goes to backwards comparability so I can finally play 3
Xbots never fling shit at other users. It's usually sonyggers or nintenyearolds.
I just want GTA IV backwards compatible and they fucked up hard with shitcanning Scalebound. I wish Deadly Premonition would get backwards compatibility but it's too niche and ps3 directors version was worse.
>moh airborne
>dark void
Are game i never thought would become bc.They weren't on the back of my mind the whole time, just surprised the shit out of me to see them.
Yea Scalebound was a major blow to my confidence in the system. Yea it didn't look great but I was prepared to support something unique to the Xbox lineup. He'll I was even playing the Fable Legends beta hoping they'd use the assets for a full game. Ive never seen Gigantic even mentioned here. I'm saving up for a Fanatec wheel setup for Forza as well as the true sims on the system. I have a PlayStation too but I'm primarily Xbox and want to get a PC soon as well for all the weird stuff consoles don't get.
honestly if not for gears of war i would sell mines right now.
i am an xbot but we have taken a massive drop in quality compared to the 360 era. it saddens me
It's not like we're all above the shitposting but we'd much rather have actual discussion on making things better. But with Phil turning out to be all talk I suspect things will get worse without something fresh and new for the Scorpio.
Xbot here!
Playing ReCore right now.
It's pointless to discuss console with so many sonyggers that like to twist the facts.
> post all PS4 games released until now + everything coming up including some multiplats
> post Scalebound CANCERED as a comparison
> post wojaks
That's how any discussion looks like.
Xbone lost this generation in regard of sheer numbers and exclusive, that's a fact. But having people twist the truth just to ensure they look better is downright retarded.
I chose Xbone because of lack of interest in weeb shit and cinematic experiences. I like gamey games. Xbone is doing fine for me, but I understand that someone may prefer PS4.
I'm sure Phil has good intentions but he can't singlehandedly save the console. He's the "Head of Xbox" but I honestly don't know how much power that gives him.
Microsoft is sitting on a shitload of IP's that they refuse to exploit because nobody there wants to take risks. Also I don't believe Spencer when he says that the Scorpio is a traditional console, I'd be surprised if it's not running a real version of Windows 10.
Yea my community of friends remain console players so I'll still have one for online play. That Gears and Forza I guess are what keep me around but after losing Scalebound it seems like they don't know what the players want. If it truly wss the shoehorned co-op that carded the used that is MS fault. And it'll be years before they attempt to show something unique again.
on neofag
>I'd be surprised if it's not running a real version of Windows 10.
Pro Tip: It already is
Just a locked down version that funnels you to use microsoft's apps only
Then again all consoles have a lock down os tailored to the company. Microsoft just has windows to take advantage of
I play gigantic. I try to start threads but they always get shitposted and die because of muh Win10 botnet
They're not
I only have an Xbone because I'm easy to please, desu, still kinda upset that Phantom Dust is never ever tier and Scalebound is straight up cancelled.
Right here.
Excited for a couple of games that are supposed to come out this year.
Yooka Laylee, Voodoo Vince HD, Rime, Phantom Dust HD, the Styx sequel, and hopefully Crackdown 3.
In the meantime, I'm playing Infinite Undiscovery on my 360 and Phantasy Star IV on my phone.
I expect E3 2017 to be very weak. More focused on the Scorpio and no games. I'll be getting the Switch to have it alongside Xbone for the rest of the gen.
Future of the console is not too bright.
> Sea of Thieves will most probably be permanent Early Access it still looks enjoyable and fun though.
> Crackdown will most probably be a turd. Don't expect much from something stuck in devhell, forced to release because of Scalebound.
> My main hope is ID@Xbox. Some of the featured indies look really good and polished. Not to mention having Cities Skyline on console.
While I don't think I'll drop the console (too many digital purchases), I hope something will happen on E3.
>What OG xbox IP has the most potential today
Having Switch and Scorpio seems like a good plan to have.
Yea i believe he has people to answer to, that's fine. But don't fill your supporters heads with all the buzzwords they want to hear then give a half assed explanation on why you just flushed years of work for you most unique exclusive. A "business decision" means nothing to people that were excited for it, and saying "I know we need to take chances get more this and that" while doing the opposite makes you look disingenuous.
Are you guys all excited for Scalebound?
Do we know that Phil was the one that decided to cancel Scalebound though? He has to damage control on twitter because it's part of his job, but I haven't read that he's the man responsible.
This goes to my previous post, I don't know how much power the "Head of Xbox" has. Maybe if it was up to him, he wouldn't have cancelled it but there was nothing he could do about it.
This is why OP, people think they are clever with their shitposting even though genuine Xbox threads always have more genuine discussion than. But it's really just pathetic that this is what's entertaining to someone. (You)
New generation is using x86 cpu architecture. To be more exact, AMD custom-built APUs. So hardware is fairly close to PC. Thing natural for APUs and unusual for most of PCs is sharing RAM and VRAM. So this is the only exotic thing for some developers.
I'm not sure if XboxOS can be called Win10 though. I know Sup Forums does not give a shit and will scream whatever it pleases but.. to make UWP work they had to do some actual implementation. Based on fact that it wasn't effortless - I think Xbone has logically differebt system which shares multiple functionalities with Win10.
>Scalebound is kill
I'm not disagreeing with you, or saying it was his decision alone. Just that his damage control is the same things he was saying when he took over. It gives the base hope then you get Phantom Dust HD instead the new game they had planned on making.
I've lost faith guys.
I've been an Xbot ever since OG. I always hated PS because of their shit controller and Sony managing to be a worse company than Microsoft. Plus their online service has always been garbage until PS4, so I've stuck with the Xbox.
I've never felt so hopeless with the company until now. Cancelling Scalebound was the final straw for me. I can't sit here and watch the console stagnate and die. Nothing but AAA multiplat titles and ID@Xbox indie platformers garbage, while PS4 gets all these amazing exclusives like Bloodborne, NieR, Nioh, and more.
Is there hope, Xbros? Is this console done for? I don't want to switch to PS4 but I'm losing hope. Help me have faith in my favorite console again.
hola, been playing a lot of gears of war UE
there's a chance for it to be saved, but it's not looking good
sure, xbots are saints
nice shitpost, phoneposter.
I also don't get what is so difficult for people to understand that console may run 4K.
CPU/GPU will be provided by the same manufacturers that do PC parts.
M$ is paying for all the research that has to be done to accomodate the whole setup to prioprietary SoC.
After initial research, cost of production is fairly low. And this cost is moved from manufacturer to M$.
The only argument that I can think of that makes people not believe it or say it gas to be a computer is sorry but:
> hurrdurr mustardrace
Just buy a PC with Windows 10 and use an Xbone controller. I hate Playstations because of how shitty the dualshock is too.
both are officially supported
Too busy playing the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2.
Join me.
>replying to bait
Are those exclusive amazing?
Bloodborne and Nioh are yet another Souls game. Nothing more nothing less. If you are Souls maniac then you should have chosen PS4 to begin with since From was working with Sony until now.
Nier Automata is Platinum game with big butt robot. If you are a fan if mash-one-button games or you buy games based on protagonist's fat ass and obnoxious fanservice... i have a bad news for you. Otherwise, game looks repetitive, dumb and not CRAYYZEH. Look at how many people discuss gameplay and how many people discuss fanart in Sup Forums threads.
To answer the question
Why do so many people pretend to care about weebshit like scalebound? Does anyone pay these people?
Not a MS ip or ogx exclusive
Eh, weeb shit is not bad on its own.
But Scalebound looked like shit on gameplay vids.
I want another blood wake
I used to love Gears and Halo but I dropped Halo after Reach and Gears just doesn't appeal to me so what else do I have to look forward to? Cuphead looks cool but it's up in the air and Halo Wars 2 might be promising because I love the first one.
>Microsoft is sitting on a shitload of IP's
lol like what?
>staring Donte the demon killer
that ass is great but ill wait for pc
>jap dev
>not weebshit
>h-he must be baiting because I don't like what he said
Back to your echo chamber
My nigger knows what's up
Best OG Xbox game
Then why didn't you go for the console/platform that has games that appeal to you?
Don't need to read any further
I regret ever uninstalling it
Age of empire
Brute force
They have the rights to a baseball series but never published any games under it
99 nights
And that just from the top of my head
Oh and Rise of Nations
that's the joke - it's dead
Pretty sure it was an og xbox exclusive. Didn't know Bandai Namco owned the ip though
Right here famalamborghini with some of the best arcade racing games of this generation
jet set radio future phil
don't forget my freelancer
Take this cancer elsewhere. The Xbone is a pile of utter garbage and Xboners are the worst shitposters on this board by fucking far. You can't go into any thread without them crying and bitching about "MUH SONYGGERS". Honestly, at this point your joke of a console isn't even vidya related since there are no fucking games on it.
Jade Empire and KOTOR too
lol you seriously think thats a "shitload"? go look at the amount of ips that sega, capcom, and konami are sitting on. and blinx is terrible btw
There are none.
microsoft doesnt own those games dum dum
BC when?
Sure, but MS is the only people that can bring it back.
Like holy fucking shit, why isnt there a KOTOR 3 yet?
I have an Xbox but probably won't get any more games for it soon.
Their refusal to focus in exclusives really soured me on the console
No they aren't. That's entirely up to EA and Bioware. KotOR 3 will never happen because KOTOR 1 and 2 aren't canon. Jade Empire 2 won't happen because Bioware just isn't interested in doing it.
>muh posting method
Do you fit in yet?
Microsoft needs to add Xbox emulation to Xbone and Windows 10.
That is a strong posibility.
MS recently unveiled a x86 emulator, the xbox's cpu
The only thing left will be the nvidia gpu
Where the fuck is Mechassault 3 already? Mechwarrior 5 is finally coming along with a turn based Battletech game. Now is the time.
I think it might have been shareholders/investors. I think Phil realizes that the Xbox One needs exclusives and something other than multimedia apps. However investors tend to be the ones who don't understand what an investment needs in order to profit.
With that being said, what the Xbox One needs is exclusives, like, Halo tier exclusives (Even Halo itself is barely pulling buyers). If I was him I'd start snatching up as many original IPs as possible and start attending church.
Im here, been playing tons of Gears 4 and TF2
I got one broski
KIS1 was free last year, KIS2 is free now
Glorified demo
Because backwards compatibility since my 360 died and my friend account shares with me so we get each others games.
You have to be 18 to post here. Most xbox people are CODkiddies.
Now more important than ever with the loss of Scalebound. This and MGR, but not holding my breath for that one. And I'm wagering OG Xbox back compatible announced at E3 so NGB hopefully.
You have to be a little more clever than that to derail a genuine thread about Xbox.
Never because then they can't sell it again as a remaster for the fourth or fifth time.
Friendly reminder that Sony bought timed exclusives for both COD and Destiny.
Also: show us the world of mature gamers with Nier and Senren Kagura.
I guess you often talk with your workmates about big butt robots.
But will backwards compatibility be that much of a draw? A lot of people still have their old consoles or can buy them super cheap now. The real issue is I can't see any IPs in the next year that interest me enough to buy a console for them.
>MCC clusterfuck
>Halo 5
>cancelling scalebound, the only decent looking exclusive that was coming out
I got one as a multiplat machine for 90 britbux since it was cheaper than upgrading my PC. After the shit MS pulled I wouldn't call myself a fan anymore though. I haven't turned the damn thing on in months.
Fuck no. Backwards compatibility is just a neat bonus that would compliment actual reasons to buy the consoke, which the Xbone simply does not have. Anybody with a 360 can play every single original Xbox game already, it's not a selling point and certainly will not save this sinking garbage barge.
>360 can play every single original Xbox game
But that's wrong
Sell it and get a PS4, it has no future. Crackdown 3 will be announced as cancelled any day now because the truth is that they haven't shown it or talked about it in 2 years and gave up on it a long time ago.
scalebound looked like shit
Thing about Xbox is that almost it's entire exclusive library is also available on PC, so it's really hard to make NEVER EVER threads