will he talk about half life in his ama today?
Will he talk about half life in his ama today?
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of course not. there will be like 30 mods immediately deleting any mention of half life or valve making games in general
go away with ur shit meme
>Still thinking that HL3 will ever happen
Why would he give a fuck at this point?
I've stopped caring years ago but it would be nice if they just fucking released a comic to bring closure to the story.
Trump is probably poor since he's so scared of releasing his tax returns
Or maybe he's hiding Russia's payments
>That realization he looks like a fat, older John Lennon
>valve release episode 3
>it's on the same engine as half life 2
>it's like 2 hours long
>"there you go, episode 3"
yes hillary, he's a poor individual surviving solely on putin's monthly paycheck
>tax returns
Can I see your tax returns?
Oh look, a meme-spouting redditard is also a Trumptard. Who would've guessed.
How can you talk about something didn't exist?
Half life 3 will only come out on vr. If it comes out.
it was satire utter imbecile. too bad your butthurt was blinded by it
jan 20th soon buddy
He might address how his full weight should have given him a half life.
He will give one vague answer that doesn't confirm or deny it, you know to not piss off the naive idiots and keep them hoping that it's coming. After that the mods will delete any and all questions about HL3.
>"You have to agree that this new height of Gabe Newell is great. Game industry becomes one of the greatest platforms to build your empire."
What the fuck is there to even ask about?
>ask me anything but not about games lmao
racist posts aren't allowed here
"satire" just like 2015+ Sup Forums acting like the most reddit-infested board on the website is just "satire" and "ironic", right?
"satire" like how Trump appointing a bunch of Wall Street kikes to his cabinet is just "satire", right?
Fucking reddit piece of shit, fuck off, take your Orange Goy president with you, and give me by board back
This right here. Half Life has always been a series of innovation and the only big innovation left in PC gaming is VR. Once we get a generation of VR that is affordable then we can expect HL3.
How many marijuanas do you have to inject for your eyes to look like that?
tell me how you really feel dude
Not him but this "give me my board back" comment is retarded. I've been here almost ten years and Sup Forums really has not changed much at all. None of this is new, just the memes.
delete Sup Forums
Most likely 5-7 years. Imo
And I'll be okay with that because it would finally conclide the fucking story.
What VR needs to become more mainstream is for PC hardware to be able to handle it and be affordable at the same time. GPUs are probably one generation away from that so with GTX 11xx series and RX 5xx series even the lowest end cards will be able to handle this generation of VR, I estimate. CPUs on the other hand, well Intel isn't exactly pushing ahead with those so we'll have to wait on Ryzen to see how that goes.
Half Life 3 will never be released for the same reason Wow 2 will never see the light of day.
Nobody can ever meet expectations now, any developer who tried would be hated as the most horrible human being to ever live if he tried and failed. Nobody wants that job.
At the very best you'll get what JJAbrahams did with star wars and tell the exact same story again with better graphics and social justice entwined into it (probably a female black protagonist).
sure if its on the 1st and 2nd post but never 3rd and up
or maybe all jews look alike?? please dont confuse whites with jews, thats what is currently wrong with this world.
Trump is about to be the single most powerful man in the world, check and mate.
At a point money is irrelevant.
>he hasn't heard of the Deep State
check this goy out
I just want him to flat out say that it'll never happen instead of keeping quiet and giving vague answers.
>Gabe makes 100 million every International (dota2 tournament)
>makes money from selling other peoples games
how did he do it lads? Did the Jew overlords bless him?
this is a level 2 holster. There's no way she could do what she said without getting punched in the face first.
your president is in debt to russian mobsters
>policemen just go around shooting their guns for no reason
I hate her so fucking much
Hush now hillary. No more tears, just dreams now.
JUST dreams.
That's a security guard, no a police officer. Not that I'm saying this woman isn't retarded, because she is.
Who hurt you, user?
>new height
>not 'new size'
>he hasnt heard about the widespread Deep State infighting
This year 'gon be gud fella
You think Trump's 3.7 Billion is bad? Did you know that Hillary was paying off debt from 2008 to 2012 for her failed presidential run? Do you know how in-debt she is now?
Better than being in debt to Kiddy raping Saudi Arabians.
And you really should learn not to parrot the unsubstantiated claims of institutions who look down on people like most people.
>not to parrot the unsubstantiated claims
That's really fucking funny, m8.
But once he's said that he can't go back on it if he ever wants to milk more shekels.
5000 ruble have been transferred to your account.
not until e3
Oп, бля. Зaeбцa, шкaлик Mocкoвcкoй ни зa чтo. Cпacибки, aнoн!
>5000 ruble
бля я тoж хoчy
No, his ama will be filled with questions about what his favourite TV show is, what he likes to eat and other inane shit like whatever the new duck horse fight question is.