FFXIV 3.5 Thread
I guess you could say Ilbird didn't fly lmao
>not crystal braves
He didn't fly so good.
i dunno why but i thought SE would be a bit clever with the story and give us some twists. But nope.
Is anyone else disappointed how they did the Dun Scaith ending?
the whole quest line is about trying to keep the queen sealed but not only does she get unsealed off-screen we just proceed to kill her right after.
does Squeenix not understand that hyping up bosses and then having them killed easily takes away from the characters? like i could have understood if we resealed her or something but that was just lame
I don't understand, how can people fuck up Zurvan movement mechanics.
Just go left with group for Southern Cross and move together.
I've yet to see a group not have at least one person die on the when it's that one version of the dash where it's more of a Y.
FFXIV disposes of characters too quickly sometimes for it to have any impact. See: Moenbryda.
What will Samurai 200 fights achievement mount be?
A blue mage.
samurai armor war horse
But SAM will be a dps.
>Do pvp for the first time as BLM
>Hear its hell for casters
>Its actually really fun and end up having 15+ kills
Watching someone drop from half HP to death in a single fire IV is amusing.
The fight itself was good so I'm satisfied. Although I agree it would have been nice if we saw her unsealed and come out of the gigantic coffin.
The other questline endings like MSQ and Warring Triad were much more unsatisfying. Zurvan is the weakest of the trio thematically, and in terms of visuals, voice and music. His ult is fucking great though.
>warriors aren't pulling in zurvan
so are RDM and SAM not going to get GARO gear sets?
This whole patch was underwhelming climaxes the patch.
I liked Dun Scaith a lot, easily the highlight of the patch for me. Diabolos is a great fight.
Why are all the bosses called "Hollow" though.
He can't be the weakest in terms of voice. Sephirot isn't voiced at all.
ayo hol up, do you actually need to do duties with the sharpened anima equipped to get light credit? Cause I did baelsar's wall with the 275, swapped to 260 before leaving and got nothing.
Is now a good time to try a free trial?
Which still puts Seph above Zurvan's cheesy phoned-in shit.
anytime is a good time
Your waifu
Need to swap before the final boss.
Is there a way to get rid of the number to the left of peoples names in party chat?
Dark Souls reference. Also, that artifact stealing cunt Papalymo better stay dead.
Stupid asshole.
Does Ilberd die this patch?
What did you expect after the blunder that was Warriors of Darkness arc
>Have great potential in introducing "literally did nothing wrong" villains
>First you'd be introduced to them as just your generic, evil counterpart
>Slowly start to unravel their past and how they're just trying to save their world
>Maybe have quests where you find one of the less relevant party members and somehow end up helping them in their not-so-evil task
>Finale is a melancholic fight where you'd have to kill them, even though you both knew you were both just trying to do whats best for your world, and knew that the only way this could be resolved is with one of you dying
Instead we got
>Magic crystal: "Oh, your world is in the brink of destruction? There you go, I fixed it, you're welcome"
Based Hydrus
rest in peas
City state theme tier list
>Limsa Lominsa
Minfilia is still ruining everything even after she blew up I see.
>great at night
Shit tier
>I have 103 triple triad cards
Why can't I stop playing this shallow unbalanced piece of shit minigame
Killing Papalymo was literally the safest "twist" or "tragedy" they could have pulled. He's the most do-nothing, annoying and pointless member of the Scions and no one likes him anyway. It was so fucking obvious it was going to happen too that it wasn't even shocking. The moment we gave him the stupid magic stick for no reason, he was marked for death.
Here's hoping they don't asspull him back to life.
What PVP skills should I be using as DRG?
How does Yda take it?
Step it up sempai
>The moment we gave him the stupid magic stick for no reason, he was marked for death.
I guess that's why they just decide to put it right out there in the title
>"Oh crap, the resistance are trying to storm the wall, kill Imperial soldiers and pin it on the Alliances!"
>"So we'll storm the wall and kill the imperial soldier ourselves to get to the resistance leader and tell him to knock if off."
This game has amazing writing.
Anyone know where in Highbridge to purchase the Fleeting Rays orchestrion roll? There's only one shop in Highbridge and it's not there.
>It's a timed triple triad opponent
>With plus
>With 3 incredibly rare cards they won't drop
give deck builds por favor
All of the time.
Clear the Attack on Highbridge Fate chain to spawn another merchant. If you fail any of the 3 stages, you need to wait until next time. It's the same one that sells the rat minion.
Straying away from the
>"You must go help these people!"
>"Why? What's my motivation?"
>"W-well, the magic crystal of the planet told you that you should do good!"
plot, at least for the duration of HW was the greatest decision the devs made
>tfw suck at pvp and alliance never has anyone with battle high
get on the mic bro
>Tethers in Zurvan can all be on top of each other.
Why did they decide to do a poor mans T11?
>thread is slow as fuck
what went wrong?
I don't understand the 270 step of Anima...
I had the message that I got something for it in Baelsar's Wall, Zurvan NM and Dun Scaith but I only have 1 light?
Could anyone explain to me how it work, please?
when will the weekly 450 cap on the token for 260 gear be raised YOSHIDAAAAAAAAAAAA?
I assume everyone is playing.
I assume not everyone is a dps who needs to shitpost while waiting for queues
You DID choose to stay with Paplymo, right?
>Not trusting your friend to make the right decision
He doesn't need you to hold his hand. All you did was insult him.
>everyone is saying the new primal is easy
>everyone likes to say everything in this game is easy
>Can't tell of its actually easy or if I'm a shitters who will still find him somewhat difficult.
Most people who say early EX/savage content is easy either hasn't done it, or are so much better than the population that they don't realize they're an outlier. The latter is extremely rare on Sup Forums and /vg/ but they do exist.
>short MSQ
>Dun Scaith is meh
>Zurvan is easy
Not much of note with this patch.
being autistic grinding light.
SAM confirmed?
It's simple mechanics and easiest of the three, yet people still fuck it up.
I'm glad they came and went before overstaying their welcome. Would have just been annoying to meet them frequently only for them to run/get away every time like a cheesy cartoon villain.
I wish I was playing.
Yup. BLU's on suicide watch.
SAM was leaked through the 3.5 datamined files. It could be a falseflag by the devs, but unlikely.
>He didn't pay attention at all
What actually happens
>"Oh shit, the Mhiggers are planning to storm the wall. If they fight it's gonna spill into Gridania."
>"Let's deploy our army by the wall and watch it for any sign of fighting."
>"Hey scions there are underground passages beneath the wall, let's use those to sneak in and talk the Mhiggers down."
>"Oh fuck the mhiggers tricked us now the empire thinks we're attacking."
>"Fuck it we have to storm the wall and save our friends now oh yeah and lets take out the Griffin too."
>finally get a scarf
>looks like ass with every chest piece
>scarf doesn't even show with Scaith tank chest
T-Thanks Yoshi
>Fuck it we have to storm the wall and save our friends now oh yeah and lets take out the Griffin too.
Alphinaud did that just fine though. You literally do exactly what they want you to do even though you already know their plan. Reminds me of FFXIII's ending.
List of Dun Scaith gear when?
Is A11 normal supposed to be hard or did I just get matched with bads.
wiped like 3 times then abandoned
This option exists yet I still see people on other servers advertising their shitty FCs in PF.
Theres nothing in A11 that requires any real brainpower except maybe the optical+lines+prey combo before propeller winds.
Do it and find out, only takes about an hour.
But I haven't played since May
Anyone? Please?
This shit is confusing as fuck.
Each rune needs to get filled up. Presumably with 100 lights each. Duties give a range from 1-10 lights apparently. A lot of this stuff is speculation though.
I want to get this for my character and RP hotgluing it.
Where's the quest to get a weekly upgrade for eso?
>remember about the new PF system while queueing for Baelsar's Wall
>take a peek at it since it'd be nice to see more than 2 whole parties on my dead server
>first one I see is "the narwhal bacons at midnight"
>the second one I see is "LF cute catbois to pat me on the head
Gozaru Unlocked text was found in the game way back in ARR Beta along with Scholar Unlocked.
you only have yourself to blame
Aether right?
This is the future you chose.
I hope more info will be found soon, I really to finally be ilvl270 on my SCH.
yeah, sadly
If you want good pfs make them yourself
Im considering leaving the datacenter. It really is as bad as I thought it would be.
wonder what primal PF looks like