Donate thousands of dollars to a single female streamer

>donate thousands of dollars to a single female streamer
>be the biggest mod on her channel
>do this for 2 years now
>she loses her regular job
>think this is my chance
>tell her i will pay her 10k for one night of sex
>she tells me to fuck off and reports me to the police
>banned from her channel and demodded
>donate the 10k to her anyways telling her it was just a joke
>she tells me she knows i wasnt joking and has always felt creeped out by me

has anyone fucked up with a girl more than me?

>itt things that didn't happen

no way this is real, post proof

People like you exist. People like you make me feel better about myself.

The way people just give money to strangers on the internet this way is so fucked up. Profiting by exploiting the delusions of mentally ill people.

proof or it didnt fucking happen you faggot, you... you... YOU OP!


>donate thousands of dollars to a single female streamer

Literally your first mistake.

learn boys never pre-order vapor pussi

We should get in on it user, fuck 9-5

Nah, people in his position would get a hooker, 10 grand get out of here.

>b-but that's illegal in muh country
There are prostitutes in litterarly every country if you know where to look for them.

and its so easy to get a good girl if u put a little effort, without having to pay a thing

This is fucking pathetic no matter the situation. Either you are being honest and that's fucking stupid or you are lying which means you wasted time making up this pathetic shit. Either way neck yourself.

You could have had sex with ANY porn star for less than that amount, let alone some huffy ass retarded Twitch streamer.

Why would the police care

of all the things that didn't happen

Wow OP, I totally believe you man I'm so sorry for you

If you have that much money to throw around why don't you just buy a hooker?



>implying girl streamers don't notice when creepy neckbeards donate thousands to them

The only reason she didn't block your paypal is because she was smaller and couldn't afford to. Bigger streamers and youtubers would block you as soon as they notice the stalkerish pattern

It seems like all you need is some basic charisma and you can do it. I've seen total neckbeards getting donations just for streaming single player games.



check my 3

>You will never play games for a living and get 10k just because some sperg wants to fuck you

It should be illegal how much easier women have it.

check this 2 tho

that's not bad but suck my 69

Prove it faggot

With your logic youd have been better off finding a local hooker and spending only $250.

Solicitation is illegal.

Beta males are worse than gurrrl gamerz. Why can't these betas just stop being so pathetic?

also, check this seven

Oh look it is another episode of Sup Forums cringe fan fics