When will we get more good mech games, Sup Forums?
When will we get more good mech games, Sup Forums?
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lol nobody likes mechs, if people did there would be more games and movies about them because there would actually be a demand.
Steam's already working on bringing the sorry Asian asses to make games you don't have to import so there's that.
>New Armored Core
>Front Mission-like Dual Gear
>That Chinese brawler with great animation called Code:hardcore
>Nimbus, once it finishes in a million years
>and potentially more, given how many mech fan games are being made on UE4.
When FROM pulls it's head out of it's ass and gets back to making good AC games.
When fromsoft stops wasting their time making grimdark garbage for normies.
That's what they said about zombies until l4d and walking dead.
>Pacific Rim
>Successful basically everywhere EXCEPT Japan and US.
I kind of get Japanese but good God Americans, you have shit taste in movies.
>Pacific Rim and Mad Max only do so-so
>Cars fucking 2 made more than both of these.
In fairness, the first Cars is legitimately a great movie and that alone carried Cars Poo.
Pacific Rim was the shit though.
Pacific rim wasn't that good, the fights were cool as fuck and some of the characters (ron perlman) were cool, but most of the actual plot and main characters were trash.
That's not much of an excuse.
>A sequel with a really shitty premise VS an original movie with an amazing premise
>People choose the former more willingly.
I wasn't defending consumers. Consumers are idiots who like sequels and iterative hardware releases like iPhone 14 SE Gold Edition.
>Pacific rim wasn't that good
I agree it's not as good as some other of Del Torro's movies but it's still a very enjoyable experience with a crap-load of great ideas.
Meanwhile, people rather went to watch fucking Adam Sandler...
I wouldn't mind a GOOD Gundam game
Actually, Adam Sandler has been a flop artist for nearly 10 years now, so that seems like a bad comparison.
That would require Gundam to be good in the first place.
Just buy Brigador already.
>Not playing Extreme VS
>Not playing Side Story 0079
>Not getting the crapload of amazing games that Gundam has had which never got a western release.
>no Knights of Sidonia space mech combat game with slice of life segments when you return to base
Just kill me.
Imagine seeing an AK blast from the perspective of a normal human.
I want to see it. CGI or good animuh animation I don't care, but it would be glorious.
>mech games
there's a reason they are dead
Kore wa beito desu yo.
"Seeing" it would be the least of your problems, I'd imagine.
Btw, remember that part about not firing it next to city edge walls? I actually found out what it meant, in one of campaign missions there are those high, gray walls with deep serrations. I tried to blast them with AK after finishing the mission. It insta-gibbed my Arlo.
As soon as guys in power suits that all vaguely look like MC wears off, in other words not anytime soon.
>mech games
>not good
Mechassault, Front Mission, Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, Metal Wolf Chaos, Gungriffon Blaze, some Armored Core titles
It's " dead " because mecha is a niche interest that doesn't possess a lot of mainstream appeal. This is a good thing despite the scarcity of content because it keeps the normies out.
They are 10 times more annoying than someone who enjoyed Pacific Rim
I've posted on Sup Forums back then, and you're cherry-picked in your screencap. People liked it mostly, obviously there were edgy contrarians but there always are those guys. They're the bane of Sup Forums, so to speak.
Mechwarrior 4 and Zone of the Enders 2 was the peak of mech games in my opinion.
Omega Boost?
Omega Boost.
to be fair pacrim wasn't a very good movie
if you exclude the robots and monsters it was nearly ghostbusters2016 tier
I was always deadly afraid of gibbing myself with it, so much so that I didn't even use it on the gray walls that are destructible. Turns out it's safe to use it on those, though they are the only obstacles that don't get turned into completely flat terrain but still leave rubble.
The only times I've accidentally hit those outer walls it just knocked the power out of my vehicle like an EMP for like 1 or 2 seconds, though I never used it dead on or right in front of the walls.
Hate the Eastern style mechs, it's made worse how they all are inspired by Gundam, and Gundam is pretty much the poster boy for everything I hate about them. Only thing worse is Macross and Robotech's transforming crap.
I only like the non-humanoid ones.
Now THIS is bait.
They even hired Yoji Shinkawa (art director at kojima productions. provided concepts for zone of the enders/metal gear) to illustrate the movie poster in japan
They should have just hired him to art design for the whole damn movie.
Looks neat (except for the shadow). Source?
Front Mission.
I just want a mech game that plays like Escaflowne. Is that too much too ask
Do the Super Robot Wars games count?
So like a mech brawler? You should check out those gundam arcade games. Gundam: extreme boost or something, idk what it's called. Or that gundam dynasty warriors
>Mechwarrior 4
That's not Mechwarrior 3. MW4 was casualized garbage, compared to 3. It was borderline an arcade game (still not as arcadey as AC games, though), compared to the mech simulator that was MW3.
>Racial slur for Roma
What the fuck?
For I moment I thought they were refering to Roma as in the capital of Italy/the empire (not in English tho).
I love how these fuckers always try to find the smallest crap to shit an entire movie and even then they are entirely wrong, for instance in some countries the word gypsy rather than being a slur for Romanians is an identity, see Spanish gypsies.
Apart from microtransactions, what exactly makes Mechwarrior Online such a disgrace among Sup Forums? I like it.
Romanians are not Gypsies you dumb fuck.
If you're not a old gold member or a bitter backer, it's a pretty good game, even if the dev, PGI is slow as fuck with everything and keep changing their objectives around because kinda incompetent. Still they have a good game all around. I love it too. In fact the Golds still play it, because stockholm syndrome.
>The Romani are widely known among English-speaking people by the exonym "Gypsies" (or "Gipsies"), which some people consider pejorative due to its connotations of illegality and irregularity.
Romani/Gypsies =/= Romanians
Ok my bad then. I am not a native speaker so I always assumed that it was Romanians the ones that were called gypsies.
>posting webm without sound
the OST is the best thing about the game
the first brigador webm where the game doesn't look like shit
Depends on what you ant from a mech game.
I personally have high hopes for the new Battletech. I really liked Harebrained Shadowrun games and the footage up until now looks promising.
just let me punch fuckers like my boy USO