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What did he mean by this?
DAMN, that's really hot. I guess Battleborn does have some pretty badass & sexy character designs after all. May give it a try later. :P
this is a VERY shitty thread post WITH CAUTION
>Fuck off, we got an image to maintain. Stop using our shit for porn you little niggers
>Uhh, what do I do? Please someone help, they've made porn out of our characters
Honestly this is just sad at this point
Guys,i think me might become Anthony Burch soon.
You know your IP is a complete shitter when porn artists out there went even bother making rule 34 of it. If they do, don't expect any real quality work.
actually showing off creepy porn from a game you own.
This is desperate andy, real desperate
>check his twitter
>it's real
Where are the SJW's wailing on him!?
Impossible, he's gonna have to kill the first Anthony Burch first, and being able to beat a man in a fight is the least Anthony Burch thing in the universe. There can be only one.
The comments on there aren't even funny anymore. This is rape.
>porn subreddit has more active users than the actual game subreddit
Hey Randy, why don't you write another godawful song again. Maybe that'll get more people to play your garbage game.
Literally every thread on that subreddit is made by the same fucking guy
Just one fucking dude posting over and over again
The raid from Sup Forums earlier today is literally the only time anyone else has ever posted anything there
you're forgetting the best part
>subreddit was created a few hours before he tweeted about it
>all the posts before he tweeted it were by the same user scraping together whatever Battleborn r34 he could find
>yfw Randy Pitchford literally whored out his characters in a desperate bid to get 10 more people to buy his dead game
Does this make him a BIGOT?
The only sole piece of Battleborn porn that comes to my mind was drawn by Shadbase; which is fitting.
>You can't even keep a battleborn shitpost thread up for more than 10 minutes anymore.
>Literally every thread on that subreddit is made by the same fucking guy
The sad thing is, I wouldn't be surprised if Randy himself commisioned all of it.
Imagine being Randy in this industry and having to be all like "damn, Battleborn, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your wacky proportions and horrific monster faces. I would totally draw porn of you, both female characters and male." when all he really wants to do is sing another incendiary song in a game con. Like seriously imagine having to be Randy and not only sit in your ample office chair while Battleborn spout its horrific dialog in front of you, the bigots barely going through all its many issues and shady business model, and just sit there, tweet after tweet, hour after hour, while it's patched to perfection. Not only having to tolerate its monstrous HUD but its faux-badass attitude as everyone on Gearbox tells it's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, BATTLEBORN PLAYS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch fucking gremlin faced characters contort into types of game modes you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been producing nothing but a healthy menu of FPS expansion packs and ports and later alleged Duke Nukem and Alien games for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the liberal boonies in UCLA. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on the desperation as it becomes F2P suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to not pay a dime to sit there and revel in its "hobby-grade (for that is what you call it)" co-op campaign, the campaign worked on so hard by the entire studio in the previous years. And then Burch pitches in another meme attempt, and you know you could kill every single person in the studio before building security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Randy. You're not going to lose your future online feuds over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Reminder that the subreddit was created only 5 hours before his tweet. A bit suspicious if you ask me.
He's whoring his creations out to others
He's literally a cuck
Makes you think, has anyone ever purchased a game because of the porn they saw for it?
I know I have but I'm not sure how common that is
They posts from the raid got deleted
I thought he was a SJW now
If it's up for more than 4 hours consult a doctor.
post the original
Desperate times. Now he is pandering to the GamerGaters.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if at least 10-15% of the Overwatch playerbase bought the game thanks to the massive amounts of porn.
I'm happy to finally see erotic art that doesn't conflict with my feminist beliefs.
2/10 not enough badass to fully convince me you are indeed randy pitchford.
Someone should make R34 of Randy and and the Budget for Colonial Marines and send it to him.
SJWs don't actually play vidya, so he had to choose between selling his game and making money or scoring meaningless points with ugly women on the internet.
does he not understand the concept of rule34?
You do know where you are, correct?
Post yfw you are not Randy Pitchford OR Anthony Burch.
This. It's nothing but a desperate and pathetic marketing strat.
>tfw i am not randy
>mods delete the good thread before I finished reading everything
Fuck you
Randy acts like an awkward teenager trying to fit in with whatever he thinks is the cool crowd.
You know what? Burch is working for Riots new fighting game, that will probably be a massive success. By now i'd prefer being Burch over Pitchford.
Ha! That's CRAZY. I tell you what though, and this is going to be our little secret. Wouldn't want any of those dweebs catching on and ruining our fun, eh?
Let's make a STEAM GROUP and get some games of battleborn going!
Now doesn't that sound good? Why haven't we thought of this before, duh!
what if they did the DBZ fusion dance and became Ranthony Burtchford
still not desirable to be him honestly
Pretty sad senpai
>BADASS rule34 for a BADASS game, made for BADASSES!
Nowhere because there are no straight non/sjw characters in battleborn
I have had a general dislike of Gearbox ever since they shilled the fuck out of Borderlands back in '08 or '09 or whenever it was, and my opinion of them has only gone down from there. I remember it got so bad you could get banned for even accusing someone of viral marketing since it was so fucking prevalent.
i hope that my own ambitions aren't crushed and I'm forced to shill pornography of my failing projects
>mfw I'm Randy Pitchford
literally whoring out your characters lol
awwwww, what the hell? They deleted all the Overwatch shit and the pic of Randy with cum on his face.
Holy kek, can't believe i missed it.
He learned well from blizzard at least
>game flops hard what do you do?
>throw most popular characters on to the same sex and attack everyone that disagrees while calling them homophobic
it's still up. just replace r/battlebornrule34 with u/overbattle
Except none of the characters are remotely attractive, well, in a sense that gamers would willingly fap to them. Say what you will about Overwatch, but it's got the waifu element.
holy shit is this a normal anount of reddit points to get? i thought this reddit page was a joke i wasnt expecting this
uh, objectifying women much?
Okay, thread's dead.
they cleaned up the sub now, sad times
the entire front page was filled with posts making fun of randy and battleborn
it's a battleborn thread
Battleborn was popular enough to attract fanart, let alone porn artists?
stfu Hitler
>Be Randy Pitchford
>Create Gearbox
>Have modest success with some Half Life Mods and games like Brothers in Arms
>Make Borderlands (using an art style "borrowed" from an animated short)
>Its a hit
>Scam publishers by siphoning off money meant for other games to use in the production of Borderlands 2.
>Borderlands 2 is a hit. Now with 100% more memes
>Drink the social justice KoolAid
>Brag about how progressive and inclusive your game and characters are and anyone who doesn't like it is a shitlord and you don't want their business.
>Decide to spin off Borderland's success while riding the MOBA bandwagon by creating Battleborn
>Focus your whole company on making Battleborn
>Brag about how "BADASS" and "AWESOME" and non sexualized all the characters are
>Overwatch appears
>Call out Overwatch on Twitter
>Battleborn comes out
>Gets eclipsed by Overwatch's BETA
>Overwatch comes out
>Saying that Overwatch eclipses Battleborn is implying you can see small glimmers of light escaping the edges of the massive void.
>Playerbase starts dropping like a rock
>Nonstop sales and prices slashes do nothing to bring in new players.
>Get butthurt one day by a joke on Twitter
>Get so butthurt that you go to PAX and sing a song on stage about how much you hate that joke and hat Gamergate for good mention.
>No one laughs; too much second-hand embarrassment
>Playerbase still dropping
>What remaining players try to create "Battleborn Day" to bring in new players
>Try to capitalize it and make it an official game event
>Its as successful as that Tumblr convention from a few years ago.
>Predictions that your company is gonna go under intensify.
>Find a subreddit dedicated to rule 34 of Battleborn
>post a link to it on your Twitter in desperation.
>subreddit gets flooded by shitposting
>more people are shitposting on the subreddit than playing your game
>the people running the subreddit hate you
>Nintendo won't take your calls
I would play it if it was free tbqhwyf
With the exception of ONE character in there entire roster,
Battleborn characters aren't worth r34
I mean look at this, who the fuck would want porn of these character
me too, but Paladins stole the ftp-thunder already.
>Count Olaf in power armor
It boggles the mind that it never got a free weekend.
Marquis looks like he belongs in Overwatch anyway. He already looks like an Omnic.
The deluxe version of this is $57 on the xbox.
Another fucking disaster.
stillborn can't get a decent playerbase at this point just fucking delete this filthy software from existence
It seems like every dev that drinks the SJW Kool aid instantly starts failing their business.
Same with that fucking director, Joss Whedon.
Your turn.
Realistically speaking is it possible Battleborn bombing could actually force Gearbox to close doors for good? I would assume the success of Borderlands and having all those assets already exist they could simply just make Borderlands 3.
Personally I really don't like Borderlands' artstyle. I just don't like cellshading. But that's my personal preference. Battleborn on the other hand is one of the ugliest games I've ever seen.
It's all just so ugly. I'm amazed this was made by a team of what I assume could be considered professionals. It looks like a high budget version of that Briana Wu game.
Woah! The subreddit seems pretty not safe for work.
But is it?...
What the hell is that abomination?
>give character hips
>Proceed to give it man face ugly hair
So close yet so far
this is literally Borderlands style
How is Paladins actually? All I've heard is that its pretty much Overwatch-lite.
What the fuck? Did he tell them to specifically use the word "badass"?
*make subreddit dedicated to rule 34 of Battleborn
>more people are posting in this thread than Battleborn has active players
You just can't hand strong womyn.
>someone in Gearbox got paid a wage to 'market' the game like this, it will go on their resume, and they will continue to 'market' games in this manner at other companies.