It seems like it's getting alot of games, both those that are on PC, Vita/PS3 as well as Exclusives, but what are the cons? Also, is the PS4 Pro really as much improved than i heard?
What are the Pros and Cons of getting a PS4, Sup Forums?
Pros: Games
Cons: Shit performance.
how shit are we talking about? like below 25fps?
Provided all the games schedule for this year actually manage to make it out on time for a change I think the PS4 is finally managing to pass that now classic point where a generation of consoles pricing and actual quality game library ratio start to come into alignment and it all has me considering getting ready to plunk down provided Sony doesn't introduce any sort of new fee structure or some such bullshit in the next month I'll be saving up the last $100 or so to afford it. It took like all but literally the exact same amount of time to the month (about 3.3 years) since launch date for me to finally figure the PS3 was worth it (got mine like March 2010 when it had launched in November 2006 and after it went from the ludicrous $600 price point to something like 359.99 and odds are good I'll be getting a PS4 March 2017 when it had launched in November 2013 and is now finally reasonably priced at something like $329.99) almost to little surprise.
You could have got a PC instead
At least it isn't a Switch
Pros: exclusive games, slim is very cheap (even standard model and, to a lesser degree, the Pro are quite cheap by PC standards), poor performance is the developers fault not your hardware's
Cons: can have poor performance, paid online, Sony hates their community
Here's a pastebin from the PS4 general about Slim vs Pro if you woner which to buy:
the only pro
i didn't get a PS4 yet, i was reluctant because i didn't want to pay for multiplayer, but if it has enough fun singleplayer i can see myself getting one, same for the switch, although im not quite sure yet.
This is a 60 dollar game on PS4.
i didn't get a PS4 yet, i was reluctant because i didn't want to pay for multiplayer, but if it has enough fun singleplayer i can see myself getting one, same for the switch, although im not quite sure yet....
Really good controller, though you could just buy one separately
Exclusives. Depends whether or not you like any of them.
Can't transfer Vita games (Even though you can use Vita to remote play)
Paid online
Shitty menu system
Have to use real name on system
No backwards compatibilty to even PS1
Pros: has several games, some good.
Cons: costs money. PS Plus sub needed if you want to play with friends.
I'm buying a ps4 next week. I had an eu psn account on my ps3 and noticed that the eu store got shafted in regards to sales. Is this still the same on ps4? Is it easy to make a us account outside the us?
you'll be branded a sonygger and bullied by the real gamers.
What kind of cons could there even possibly be?
It's obviously never losing 3rd party support, it doesn't have 32gb of storage space, it doesn't have a phone-driven voice chat system, it comes with a normal controller, you don't have to purchase any hidden cost add-ons like SD cards and the like after the initial $260 cost.
The only cons I can think of are common sense universal statements that will forever apply to every generation going forward like "It won't get the competitor's 1st party titles" or "It's not as strong as a PC"
Look at the library and see if you like it, that's literally all that matters in this case.
I got one as a Christmas gift and like it a lot so far. good interface and menus, stays recently quiet usually. PS+ gives you some nice games, though not as good of a haul as XBL usually. themes are pretty nifty. and the exclusives are mostly great. Pretty much the only console right now with anything decent to look forward to.
I'm quite enjoying having PC, PS4, and 3DS. it's like a perfect setup right now
have fun, user.
Actually the EU store usually has superior sales to the US store this gen.
Also why not just make accounts on every region and buy the cheapest games that way?
I wonder about getting PS4 as well. I really want to play World of Final Fantasy. Maybe Uncharted 4 too...
>You could have got a PC instead
Not having to do deal with PC masterrace bullshit is a Pro actually.
holy shit, what game is this? looks awesome & fun to play
Game name?
I like Guilty gear but their jewry is worse than Capcom. Fuck you Arcsys I'm not buying a full price game every year for a small update and two characters.
Got mine just after Christmas, I've spent maybe £100-120 cant actually remember but I have a nice library of games
Ordered ratchet and clank and infamous first light and there's loads of exclusives coming out this year
Best time to get a ps4 imo
GG Revelator
>shit games
This is the kind of retard that says the PS4 currently has a good library
Why would you have to deal with it when its fucking redundant?
Not him, but I enjoy my multiplats on my PS4.
PS4 has an excellent library.
I like how everyone pretends multiplats don't count and yet I haven't ever seen a library without multiplats.
People buy them, deal with it
Pros: At least it's not xbone
Cons: n o g a m e s
There's no reason to get a console other than exclusives. Some people aren't poor and have proper PCs.
Was me, honestly they're useful for when you didn't own a PS3 because 360 had the best exclusives at the time.
Tell me what to buy then since you know best, I'd use my pc but I can't play ps exclusives on it
>Best controller a PS console has ever had (mainly because previous controllers were bad)
>Not that many good games actually (it's a problem with the industry in general tho)
>Paid online
>Shit menu
>Downloads are really slow for some reason.
It can do Linux which has steam games
Pro apparently can be done the same way but something with the GPU that's different and needs work.
Pros: Bloodborne
Cons: no games
>There's no reason to get a console other than exclusives.
The only reason to get a console is video games.
Nobody plays so-called "exclusives", all people I know play "video games".
>Some people aren't poor and have proper PCs.
I'm not poor and bought three consoles new in 2013: PS2, PS3 and PS4.
Pros: Games you like
Cons: system menu lags sometimes like what the fuck, download speed can be slow, paid online if that bothers you
Consoles really aren't as convenient as people make them out to be, sure that used to be the case and back in the days of the original XBOX and PS2, I'd agree with you, you could just put in a game and start playing.
These days, because of the installation and update times, if you have a PC set up it's actually faster to boot up a game and start playing because of the stronger hardware, as well as the fact that the machine is more versatile.
Good way to completely miss the point. Why would someone buy multiplats on console if they have a PC that can run them better?
I think not even keyboard and mouse is an argument anymore as almost all games support gamepads and now most controllers work on pc
why would you get a cheap used ps4 or ps4 pro when you could be pcmassterace and build a cheap $1500+ PC that runs multiplats and indie games at a smooth 60fps+ and then seek validation on Sup Forumseddit
>Consoles really aren't as convenient as people make them out to be
There did become even more convenient over the generations, thanks to hardware improvements.
>if you have a PC set up
But why go through that chore?
>the fact that the machine is more versatile.
This is a disadvantage!
Depends on game. Sure, some worse optimized ones run at under 25 fps.
>Why would someone buy multiplats on console if they have a PC that can run them better?
PC cannot run multiplats better.
I have a very high-end PC because of my job, I still buy more than half of multiplats on PS4.
For example: Titanfall2 isn't nearly dead on consoles, while on PC you can only play 3 modes consistently
Another one would be to avoid any and all scriptkiddies/hackers in DarkSouls games
Another REALLY good reason is.. I just felt like it.
Seriously doubt it. It's a port of a silly iOS game.
>It seems like it's getting alot of games
Nice joke user!
pro: can play games
con: you're a sonygger
get switch and pc
Only console with games worth buying the console for.
Not a PC.
I have a decent PC but none of my friends do so I buy console multiplats to play with them
Paid online is the only real con at this point.
It's got some games now with more coming.
>There's no reason to get a console other than exclusives. Some people aren't poor and have proper PCs.
Yes there is. Sometimes I don't want to deal with hackers and other bullshit in online games.
You'll get to play this.
>Wait another year.
>Games get cheaper.
>PS4 eventually has a sale and is cheaper.
>Wait another year for it to be even lower.
>Just buy it at the end of it's lifespan knowing it now has games I want.
I just do this, I don't really care about online, doubly so now because you have to pay to use it.
>mad pcuck
>It seems like it's getting a lot of games
So buy it when it has them. It ain't fucking difficult, user.
They have not, it's the exact opposite, instead of just putting in a game and playing, you have to navigate through the shitty menus, actually install the thing, which on the already dated hardware (because, it is) takes a while.
Setting up a PC is really no different from setting up a console, you just put the plugs in their respectful slots and that's it, if you're not mentally challenged, you can probably manage without issue.
Lastly, being able to browse the internet while you are installing or finishing a large download is in no way a disadvantage, because you actually have something to do in the meanwhile on the same machine.
>I have a very high-end PC because of my job,
I had a near-high-end PC, which is no longer one, because I stopped pouring money into it yearly. As I have no more use for it in 2017 and it was collecting dust since 2014, when Star Citizen didn't launch.
>I still buy more than half of multiplats on PS4.
I stopped buying PC multiplats since Denuvo became a thing.
I'd rather not deal with paid online. There's not even that many hackers on PC, nice meme.
>I'd rather not deal with paid online.
It's cool, I'm not going to defend it. What works for you, works for you.
I've come across hackers within minutes of transferring my character from PS3 to PC though. Don't even get me started on souls games. Wish it was a meme.
It has Bloodborne (Dark Souls) and Uncharted (Indiana Jones with bullshit difficulty spiking plot twists).
That's all it has exclusively until God of War. Multiplayer isn't free and Plus incentives ("""free""" indie side scrollers) are insultingly bad.
>not that many hackers
in what games?
>I've come across hackers within minutes of transferring my character from PS3 to PC though.
Forgot to mention it was GTA online.
I honestly can't remember the last time I ran into a hacker in a game on PC.
bumping for interest
you don't play any multiplayer games then
>On PC instead of just putting in a game and playing, you have to navigate through the shitty menus, actually install the thing, which on the already dated hardware (because, it is) takes a while.
>Lastly, being able to browse the internet on PS4 while you are installing or finishing a large download is in no way a disadvantage, because you actually have something to do in the meanwhile on the same machine.
Can we please all agree that the only patrician thing is to have both a PS4 and a healthy Steam library?
>being able to browse the internet while you are installing or finishing a large download is in no way a disadvantage
On my PlayStation I don't have to
>browse the internet
and shitpost, because I don't have to
>installing or finishing a large download
I just flip the disc in and start playing.
>healthy Steam library
You mean zero digital game subscriptions?
The point is, they are the exact same, except a PC is more powerful, so installation takes less time, along with everything else, and you are given the proper tools to navigate both the OS as well as the browsers.
>There's no reason
yes there is
>250bx ps4 slim is cheaper than a gaming pc
>easy to use(just insert game and play)
>games never freeze or so
>if you play online there are no kids, hues or russian haxors
it's just comfier in general
>easy to use(just insert game and play)
>games never freeze or so
>if you play online there are no kids, hues or russian haxors
These are just blatant lies.
>PC is more powerful, so installation takes less time
PS4 installation time: 0-15 minutes (while playing the game)
PC installation time: 3-24 hours (while staring at a progress bar)
All of those games are awful desu famalam
epic xp
>Downloads are really slow for some reason.
just downloaded the ffxv update(like 10gb) took me less then 2 hours tho
maybe your internet connection is just shit senpai what your upload/download speed?
you can test it under settings>network>test internet connection or something like that(english isn't my first language)
I wish Bloodborne's GOTY edition had made it to murrica.
I'm not jealous of anything else, that's some pretty shit taste you got.
unironically goty so far
>installation takes less time
I'm jealous of your computer. Mine takes 30 minutes minimum to install modern games
well then prove me wrong.
you can't
Not at home right now to test but it normally takes about 3 hours to download a 10gb game from steam and the Bloodborne update took 8 hours on my PS4.
>easy to use
>games never freeze
Not him but my PS4 is terrible about connecting to the internet. I have to be very close to my router. Whereas my PS3 which is where I want to put my PS4 can connect online flawlessly.
Every time my IP passes but I can't connect to the internet.
What pisses me off even more is that it connected anywhere in my house the first week I got it. Then suddenly overnight it's crippled had has to be one room away from the router before working. I've tried resetting everything and it just doesn't work.
>I'm jealous of your computer. Mine takes 30 minutes minimum to install modern games
A PC takes from 2 hours (XCOM 2, from 4 DVD9) to 24 hours (DOOM from 1 DVD9 + 80 GB download) to install modern AAA games.
A PS4 installs both in under 15minutes from Bluray. Also you can start playing the game in under 3 minutes.
>Bloodborne update
I've got the goty edition and there was no update
dude I'm not kidding you those articles are full of pc only gamer butthurt
I need some numbers I mean my download speed is only 15mbits download is circa 14mbits and I've never had any problems
I'm using wifi btw
>download is circa 14mbits
*upload is circa 14mbits
Unless you're one of those people that the industry has basically borderline brainwashed with it's hype culture and this whole having to be there day one when the new big monstrously over hyped game comes out in it's inevitable half broken day one patch state there's really absolutely nothing wrong with this.
I typically catch consoles at about their half life it seems once the V2.0's with the fixes and price drops have come out and there's a real library of now patched up and actually ready to play games to look at and take your picks on as opposed to just promises of like a half dozen game of the year type material that you don't know how it's actually going to pan out.
He apparently needs the express approval of a bunch of anonymous shitposters he'll never meet or actually know anything about before it's safe to do so. Probably one of those millenials that's caught up in social media and is paranoid about deciding anything for himself wondering if he'll fit in with the "cool kids" or not if he does.
Of the 100 or so threads on the catalog right now about a quarter of them are hardware specific and probably a dozen or so on top of that are some guy seeking the approval of Sup Forums on whether they indeed should get console x or "did good" by getting console y. It's astonishingly pathetic and demonstrative of a hive mind mentality.
Fuck me I can't even imagine how much of a sad sack excuse for a human being I'd have to be if I figured I needed to consult morons on the internet every time I thought about making a purchase.
Pros: games
Cons: too many games
The Switch is going to be great for my finances because buying the console and its 5 (max) games won't even put a dent in my wallet.
>it's a bloodborne machine
Get a PS4 if there are multiple games you wanna play that aren't on PC or have bad PC ports. You can get one pretty cheap these days.
Don't bother with the Pro unless you have or plan on getting a 4K TV
This poster knows where it's at.
not hacked yet
FYI - That game was absolute garbage.