Why is Nintendo held at higher standards?
Why when Sony does something bad everyone claim it's ok but when is Nintendo doing it there are shitstorms all over the internet?
Why is Nintendo held at higher standards?
Why when Sony does something bad everyone claim it's ok but when is Nintendo doing it there are shitstorms all over the internet?
>Why when Sony does something bad everyone claim it's ok
>Why is Nintendo held at higher standards?
Simple answer is there's more old gamers and game series. The big selling series on
PlayStation and Xbox started in the 2000s.
You forgot the
>what are you poor?
>Sony introduces paid online after shitting on Xbox fans for years when they had free online
>What are you poor? It's just $5 a month
>Nintendo introduces paid online
Thing is, only Microsoft was ever legitimate in the first place with their dedicated servers. Meanwhile, Sony is always getting hacked, and whatever the fuck Nintendo will have will certainly be worse than even Sony's garbage.
Do they still have dedicated server? I've heard even microsoft does p2p now.
Do you not remember the shit storm when sony did it? You have a memory of a gnat.
You know you could just take a normal screenshot?
And then all the sonyfanboys paid it anyway because it's ok when sony does it right?
Nintoddlers aren't old enough to remember the PS4 launch.
>Sonyggers can't even use the not the same person excuse anymore
And nintendofags will pay it too. They do it because they can. Welcome to humanity, where greed dictates everything.
On average, they are the older fanbase.
Not surprising, given they are mostly nostalgiafags
That's a normal screenshot for Sup Forums standards.
Weren't you sonyponies claiming the switch would sell like shit like until a moment ago?
Are you having a brain hemorrhage? That's not what happened
That's exactly what happen, read op's pic.
Look at previous nintendo console sales. Only the Wii is the outlier.
Yeah because nintendo fans don't like to take it up on their ass, but sony fans does and ask for more.
There aren't outliers at 6 datapoints
I wish Nintendo would reveal the details of their online plans so I could complain about it with purpose
Sony already sold their soul. So them being terrible is nothing new. Nintendo has been draining for a long time but going full soulless mode is awful. Now we mourn for the last true console company has died.
it's only ok when sony does it on neogaf because neogaf is a sony shilling forum
Nintendo's online is complete fucking garbage. It's ok because it's free. But when they start charging for it and it's still fucking garbage (you need a mobile app to chat? LOL), there's just no excuse. They're utter fucking kikes.
You sound too reasonable for the internet, everyone else just shitposted with no info.
How does this matters? Dena is doing their online now.
because nobody seriously expects anybody to play online games on a Nintendo console
Then why are you shitposting about something you'll never use?
Because they're still going to be classic Nintendo and most of their games won't even have online support. Want to play MP11 online? Tough fucking shit. Want to play the latest Mario game with online multiplayer? Tough fucking shit. Enjoy your couch co-op.
Outside of Splatoon, MK8 and Smash they're not even going to have online multi games. Paying for such a minimal service is a fucking insult.
>b-b-but the one free ROM you get to keep for a month!
Eat shit.
Nice moving the goalpost fag.
Said no one ever.
Believe it or not when I was going to college I actually heard a faggot say that unironically.
Well, they said "It's Nintendo, so it's okay."
Wow I totally believe you.
>Why is Nintendo held at higher standards?
It is?
From what I can't see, it doesn't even reach PS+/XBG standards, much less be better in any possible way
-Voice chat is behind paywall
-Voice chat only usable through paid app on phone, instead of on the console (even the fucking Vita has it)
-Voice chat is not system-wise, so it's not true a true "Party system" like the others. It still depends on each game and doesn't work across games. Only MP-focused games will even have it
-The Monthly game is ONE NES/SNES ROM and only lasts for that month, while others give you current games and sometimes even new releases (like Rocket League) and you can play them at any time as long as you are subbed
-No word on an account-bound system. Other consoles save your games and savefiles on your account, even if your hardware fails you get everything back no problem.
-I would add a LOT of other points but to summarize it, nearly EVERYTHING is done through your paid phone app instead of the Switch. The console's UI itself only has your library of games, a gallery, store, and basic system options
So yeah, it's not being held at higher standards, people just wish they had better online/functionality than last gen at LEAST.
How can someone lack of self awareness so much? Sonyggers are the most hypocrite people in the world trying to shit on Nintendo at every occasion while taking even a bigger shit from Sony.
And you can't even deny this when Neogaf exist.
It's fine if you don't believe me friendo.
The student lounge became a containment room for weeaboos and manchildren that brought wii u's to play smash brothers on the tv to the point you couldn't walk in there.
Community colleges are fucking garbage.
It's not about not believing you, you are clearly spouting bullshit.
That's exactly what happened and you know it.
Everyone was just sucking off the PS4 for not being X1 that they ignored all the other ways it was fucking them over.
It's not only about the online though, sonyggers just accept anything and then shitpost if Nintendo does it too.
They all act like the childs with brain problems in op's pic.
Is that a tit or a shoulder blade?
Can you people possibly take this shit to a board or keep it localized to a thread where people actually give a fucking shit. Like sort your baggage out somewhere else already and stop clogging up the board with dozens of daily threads about it constantly.
It's almost like you base your impressions on people based on cherry-picked images of other websites. You don't actually think 100% of people were okay with it and 100% of people also oppose Nintendo right now, do you?
There's a whole thread on neocuck with people agreeing with him and only shitting on nintendo, not even the different people excuse holds up.
It's not ok when sony or nintendo does it
Mirosoft is ok, because it's always been that way, and they have the least shit online
I doubt it will be worse than Sony. Sony keeps spamming my e-mail to change password because I made the mistake of creating a PSN account for PS3. Keeps getting hacked or some shit, I don't know, but I am never giving those crooks my credit card number. That's for sure.
the switch will sell more than the wiiu, but less than the 3ds
screencap this
>and they have the least shit online
indeed. those are some premium p2p servers
Sonyggers wer not ok with it last gen, then ok at the start of this gen but suddenly not ok anymore when nintendo did it, not even making shit up.
We can't accept Sony with paid online because they are greedy and bankrupt and need the money.
Nintendo is rich and can afford free online but chooses to make share holders happy instead.
That's a ver ysafe bet user.
Or maybe nintendo fags are fewer than you realize.
because the switch's online is a worse version of the already shitty PS+ and gold services?
>you get to rent a game
>for one month
>and then you have to buy it to keep playing
>nintenyearolds think this is equivalent to PSN and XBL
I thought it was just a meme name, are you guys LITERALLY 10?
making sure your shit isn't down all the time is hard
ask sony
>getting a good game is worse then getting shovelware you will never touch
I will never buy a ps4 because paid online
Vita is still getting games, for now
>b-but we'll get good games!!!!
Neogaf is an unofficial official Sony forum.
It's annoying that they go there to get indoctrinated and then come here to shitpost, they are literal drones.
Sonyggers kept an embarrasing silent about the paid online that even some dudebro sonyggers didn't even knew about it. If there's a fanbase that would it shit for their company that is the sonyggers.
>their bonus is worse than the other bonuses so their online is shit
>neogaf leaks are all fake
>sjw bullshit everywhere
>completely insane mods with a giant ego
>full of blind sony fanboys
I think the only place in the world to discuss videogames that is worse than Sup Forums is neogaf.
Are there even any nintenyearolds defending the paid online in Sup Forums? Maybe they are defending it subtly, but god, when sony's paid online got announced there were genuinely non ironic WHAT ARE YOU POOR posts every fucking thread.
I, for one, am getting a switch but I'm hacking that fucking turd since there's no way I'll pay for fucking online
I don't even go there someone just liked that in another thread.
I always thought anons were exaggerating when talking about neogaf but they really are that much of blind fanboys with sony's cock up on their asses so I made a pic.
>a company worth 52 billion needs your 60 dollars a year to maintain their online game store and party chat servers
it sure is easy to fool people
>Sony introduces paid online after shitting on Xbox fans for years when they had free online
>What are you poor? It's just $5 a month
>Nintendo introduces paid online
>What are you poor? It's just $5 a month
t. PCplayer angry he can't get a current gen console without sucking paid online cock
>>Nintendo introduces paid online
>>What are you poor? It's just $5 a month
Didn't see any post like that, even nintendrones are shitting on it.
Sony memory card fiasco
PS2 and pretty much every sony console sold out yet no one goes "M-muh artificial demand"
Subscription based service
Mobile games
I could honestly go on. People love to claim Sup Forums is Nintendogaf even though people conveniently forgets about shit Sony has done.
Then you haven't been reading much. What, next you're going to say nobody has posted
Not from what I've seen on Sup Forums the last couple of days.
It's being enabled by a minority just like it was with Sony and everyone will eventually just accept it and it will become the norm.
Now having more than one console would be impossible for me, I can't fucking justify paying 2 subscriptions to use the internet I'm already paying. Shit is ridiculous, it will have to be PC and Nintendo IF they do things right.
There's literally nothing wrong with joycons, with the grip people said it's comfy like the dreamcast controller.
Well there's no other choice if you want to play online
This isn't some magical world where they'll change their mind if you pout and stomp your feet hard enough. Sony didn't do it (and hell even recently raised their subscription prices), so it's safe to say Nintendo won't as well
I mean, it's just $5 after all...
Nintendo's at a pretty low standard at this point.
I don't think most people really expect a whole lot from them anymore.
>Why when Sony does something bad everyone claim it's ok but when is Nintendo doing it there are shitstorms all over the internet?
Context? I mean when Sony weasel their way to paid online it was under the really terrible idea that MS was going to ban used games. Shit was a desperate time and until MS wake up of that terrible phase Sony got away with murder.
>This isn't some magical world where they'll change their mind
They will when it flops.
So the response to Nintendo is...It's only $5 poorfag.
Sonyfags and Nintenfags deserve each other
There aren't used games on steam and it's not really a problem, sonyggers just shitposted it to death.
If the opposite happened sonyggers would have just shitposted the opposite thing.
>not being able to buy used games or share them with a friend is not a problem
shame to see this type of retardation becoming mainstream
I mean, how poor do you even have to be to care about $5? that's like 3 minutes of work at McDonalds. Get a job.
Did you ever see someone complain about that for steam?
I'd rather get free online that sharing games with my """""friends"""""".
Steamfags won't complain about the bitter taste of Gabe's dick as long as he doesn't touch Skyrim. Doesn't mean there's not a list of huge problems with the platform.
Yeah it's not seen as a problem since years, it's only bad when xbox or nintendo does it.
steam cucked PC gamers into thinking DRM out the ass is acceptable. there's 0 reason why someone shouldn't be able to share their physical games with other people and that's what Microsoft was trying to push
>steam cucked PC gamers into thinking DRM out the ass is acceptable.
Consoles were doing that long before steam.
>50% of the post is covered by "hilarious" reactions
Fucking shoot yourself OP
I'm shocked console dicksuckers managed to get conned into paying for online
How about you learn a thing or two from the sonyfags and the steamfags? who cares what the competition says as long as you are ok with it?
I honestly didn't think my opinion of nintentoddlers could get any lower but here you are with your retarded opinion
do us all a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool so on the off chance that a woman takes pity on your sad retarded existence and lets you fuck her she can't ever have your retarded little children
>I'm shocked console dicksuckers managed to get conned into paying for online
And they rabidly defend it.
It's disgusting.
You first sonyfag, you enabled Sony to top MS's paid online jewery AND enabled MS to top their own jewery while you were at it.
>he thinks I own a console
y o u r l i f e
Oh, so just a turbopoorfag mad about having to get a job to afford a $5 service for a console he'll never be able to afford. What a waste of my time.
the difference is that DRM on consoles is not enforced. if i buy a physical copy that copy is mine and no one can take it away, i can play it offline without having to sign in to an online account and i can use that same copy on different consoles. you have none of that with Steam
Why are you projecting neogaf's retarded posters onto Sup Forums? Go back and post on neogaf.