Is MMO addiction really a thing or its just a meme?
Is MMO addiction really a thing or its just a meme?
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Tis called autism my people of color friend
Psychological addiction is still addiction
You can get addicted to pretty much everything.
It's just easier to get addicted to MMOs.
it's a meme. Same with being addicted to cigarettes; it's just another excuse for the left to create unnecessary regulations to increase the size of the government
MMO's literally aren't fun so I'd say so
Then again Sup Forums is also an addiction, I've been trying to abandon this shithole for years
Is that the EASY guy?
>satisfaction of grindan
>badly needed social interaction
>feeling of achievement and time sunk when having a decked out character
u r dum
Escapism is the addiction. The MMO is the tool used.
>addiction is a meme created by the left
please don't tell me you unironically believe these thoughts
>same with being addicted to cigarettes
that's a bit too much, but still very successful false flagging, have a (you)
That bait was rancid, how the fuck did you fall for it?
There is nothing wrong with escapism
It's healthy to indulge in escapism in this world you live in
It WAS real, back in the Wrath of the Lich King - end of WoD days. With Legion, I've miraculously beat my addiction. Of course it has nothing to do with my intense hatred of dailies and try-hard dungeons...or does it?
I didn't believe it, hence questioning if he was joking or not
I'm addicted to ESO atm, I have been playing it dawn till late for about 2 weeks, I haven't even touched another game.
I got addicted to it at launch, I was in beta too, but quit after a few months.
It's a petty decent game nyway espeially with all the new shit they added, I;m just waiting for a gap in my enthusiasm so i can pry myself away from it.
Worse thing is that I bought a friend it for xmas and he i hooked on it, buying crowns from the store for shitty cosmetics.
Dickhead bought all the motifs with irl money, and he is such a moron he hasn't even leveled a toon, or got any deep into crafting to use the motifs.
I regret buying him it, I haven't seen him since before xmas.
i was addicted to runescape from 2004 to 2007 playing for at least 6 hours a day, while at school and playing sports on the weekends.
>for the left to create unnecessary regulations
so what about all those countries that do not share american political systems.
Does that mean mmo addiction is impossible outside of america, because they dont have a "left"
>decade + later
>still playing PSO
...oh god.
I've seen it play out in a friend. over 10 years ago, he got super into ragnarok online, it's all he cared about. I'd go over to his place and he'd spend hours playing it while having a guest. He dropped out of high school ("I can just get a GED" he'd say. never did in the time I knew him), had some rocky online relationship with someone me met.
I'd say the dude was fully absorbed and it changed him pretty noticeably.
Its a meme.
If its not a chemical addiction, its not an addiction.
America doesn't have a left.
Fake shit just like depression and anxiety made by people who want attention.
Is it baiting season already?
left wing right wing in that country to my knowledge.
well that is all the bullshit Sup Forums spills everywhere.
"the liberals"
Some people are technically never addicted and able to stop when they want to, I knew a guy like that. He smoked whenever he wanted to, but didn't have to do it daily or whatever cuz no addiction.
It's a meme
Just drop the game when you're not having fun anymore and go play/find something else that's actually fun. It's not complex, you're just hopeless
No. Everyone feels anxiety at some point but using it to avoid leaving your fucking house for days? And if you feel sad try to fucking do something new or maybe hit the fucking gym
I was very addicted to WoW from like 11-13 years old, give or take. But I have an addictive personality already.
I can tell you have never wanted to die
Its an abstract kind of feel when you have lost everything and dont want anything at the same time
Addiction in general is a meme. It's an excuse liberals use to disempower themselves so they can later complain about it.
>I got addicted to X, woe is me, it had nothing to do with me, I can't control myself
There isn't much sense in explaining depression to someone who hasn't experienced it themselves.
It's like trying to explain to someone that there's a color they've never seen before.
I would say it use to be, but not anymore since they aren't as fun
Liberals are not leftist. At least the party isn't. That's why they refused Sanders.
They're just a different form of the authoritarian pseudo-right that controls everything here
He says as people reached 60 on the new elysium server in under a week
Holy shit stop. You retarded motherfucker.
For me it's the fucking timegating. I'm on the last stretch of the Suramar questline and it's literally only one quest chain allowed per week. I don't even play that much but god dammit if I wanna do something just let me fucking do it.
>liberal falseflagging
MMO's are really great for relaxing and listening to music/podcasts while playing. If I could find more games to do that I wouldn't bother with MMO's as much.
liberalism is a philosophy, ethos or specific world view.
Not a political system user.
I'm convinced that american understanding of politics is so fucked. They have mish mashed like 3 different political systems together and then call themself a democracy, where actually they are a republic.
Liberalism has no stance in their political arena.
Not like U.K for example who "attempt" to have a dedicated political party with liberalism views in their manifesto.
Addiction is a neurological disorder when the body depends on something.
Why don't you buy two cases of cigarettes and smoke them for a afternoon if you don't believe me (and then try to not smoke for a week).
>Why don't you buy two cases of cigarettes and smoke them for a afternoon if you don't believe me (and then try to not smoke for a week).
done, didn't feel anything for the whole week.
have anything else you'd like to be wrong about?
They're the ultimate escape from reality. It's like being and a complrtely different person in a completely different world. You can be whoever you want to be and face no consequences. Along with the type of gameplay that mmos present allowing you to do pretty much whatever you want at your own pace.
It's real but grossly overrated in the West. Asians will kill themselves over it though.
Really anything anyone has fun doing can become an addiction.
I highly doubt you spent $80 on two cases of cigarettes and smoked them in one sitting.
Addiction is a tricky thing to define, but there have been studies that show that the impact on the brain that video games have can be similar to the effect certain drugs have on mice.
There have also been examples of people who die because they're so focused on games that they forget to eat/drink. I think both of those things are more than enough to say that video games can at least be habit forming.
>I highly doubt
looks like that was the other thing you wanted to be wrong about.
They don't call themselves a democracy though, America is a democratic republic.
>skinner boxes
You can get addicted to anything.
>addiction is a meme
t.failed 8th grade health class
I think it's a mixture of a lot of things.
>be a low self esteem virgin
>fail at everything IRL
>be decent at vidya
>feel like you are progressing with your virtual waifu in an MMO
>get 'addicted' to the hamster wheel
>real life begins to turn around
>find a job you enjoy
>get laid
>suddenly playing and MMO and your waifu are a complete afterthought
>life is moving at 100 mph
>something happens that makes you lose your confidence again.
>relapse hard
>stream your an hero.
I think you can apply this to almost any 'addiction.'
Shitposting must be your addiction
We do call ourselves a republic not a democracy though. Only children with elementary school level of education consider is a democracy.
Any yes you moron I know what liberalism is I'm referring to the group of individuals in the United States what have rallied behind the name liberal. They is a political system.
But leave it to a Euro to completely misinterpret a post.
A certain friend rejected sex with her ugly girlfriend because his fucking mmo was giving double exp or some shit
Genuinely curious - where's that .webm from?
Yeah there has been too many people thst have died from playing too much MMOs. Honestly wouldn't bat an eye if they forced companies to boost grinding and farming rates so it isn't hit a rat for hours and .02% loot drop rate.
MMOs are deliberately designed to get people addicted
partially this with regard to the legislation
seriously you actually think cigarette addiction isn't real?
no idea, got it from Sup Forums
Yea it's real, I remember being fucking obsessed with WoW, ruined my entire teenage years, I didn't go out anymore, if I did all I could think of was WoW. Fucking pathetic in hindsight, hate myself for it and
>average trump supporter
psychological addictions are barely addictions, you don't really go through withdrawal
all you really need to do is find something else to do
Addiction is definitely real. That doesn't mean people don't fake it for their own gain but, they can't actually fake the brain chemistry.
muh anecdote but I saw a hamplanet today in the engineering building that looked like a real representation of them
he was on a fuckhueg gayman pc that sounded like a jet engine alternating between some unknown mmo that had weebart, a meme website of some sort, and video game youtube videos
Game addiction is a thing. I was really addicted to MMO back to 2005-2006 and it fucked my life back there. I stopped doing things I liked before, stopped interacting with people, lost my friends, etc.
By the other hand, my uncle and the mom of a gf I had were addicted to bingo and lost LOTS of money. So I say it's not only a MMO problem, it's a game problem, but I also think there are many things in life that we can get addict and fuck ourselves.
martial autism should be the filename
it's poorly done jew jitsu (krav maga) right?