what's even there to emulate anyway? I can't think of a single game I want to play on PS3 that wasn't better on 360 or available on PC.
No,maybe in two or three years something will change but we will probably never have an actually good PS3 emulator in god knows how many years.
Well I guess you could emulate some of its exclusives + the one everybody wants to emulate
Demon Souls
I hope this finally gets done so I dont have to play DeS with its godawful loading times
I really wanna play the R&C and Tales of games
Tales games, atelier series, time & eternity and shittons of other jrpgs.
congrats, you have an emulator that can play FMV videos below 20 fps. Mustard race, my taint!
Demon's Souls is okay
Tears to Tiara 2, the tales series, Atelier series and Demon's souls.
Those are all pretty good to start with.
Persona 5
>Tales games
Jesus, get some taste.
Shadow of the Colossus and Ico remaster?
I've only played Vesperia and it was a blast with friends. It'd be nice to play the complete version in English.
This, but I doubt it's gonna happen
How come every time a video for the PS3 emulator is released it's always some weeb shit being shown off? 9 times out of 10 it's just that DBZ fighting game.
Cause running Killzone or the Last of Us would cause a nuclear explosion.
Damn, can't wait to play Last of Us in 4k 60fps.
Maybe 3 years more. I remember reading how they can already emulate really simple 2d games and even some 3d ones but games that uses the full potential of the PS3 will be harder to emulate.
Delet this! You PCucks will never ever ever ever ever emulate the PS3/4 so keep dreaming!