Why is the girl on the cover so f*cking hot bros?
Why is the girl on the cover so f*cking hot bros?
You mean that Wicked Witch of the West there?
You could land planes on that shnoz.
I think OP is talking about the cowgirl.
because you're a cuck
im not
Jesus fucking christ look at that hideous fucking jew nose.
OYVEY/10 definitely would gas.
Because they want you to buy it.
That being said, I dont get what the put the ugly pair in the top and the attractive pair on the bottom.
She looks like that tranny who does porn.
The nose was photoshopped
So they can promote racemixing between strong virile black bucks and whyte feminyst womyn
Is that Anita?
That nose looks edited.
Don't pretend you don't know it's name.
That's Bailey Jay
>it's fucking real
holy shit i thought it was photoshopped
She's changed it a bunch of times
Who knows what the fuck it is now
Damn, Anita Sarkeesian looks like THAT?
>Badly shop a pic
>Samefag to draw attention to it
Are we done here?
Can this thread be over?
I'm relieved it's a shop.
Bailey Jay or rootin tootin Anne of Green Gables?
she got a BIG ol nose
who would pay 50 dollars for this shit?
Moss vs the Wicked Witch
I'd pay to watch that shit
Why always though?
How often do we see the reverse of this?
Is nobody buying products with WMBF pairs?
Blacks and jews.
>They are not even trying to hide it anymore.
Preorder cancelled.