What should I expect from this?
What should I expect from this?
A very mediocre brawling games with a shit story
Play the demo.
fun fan-service but a lackluster game
I never thought of that...
A lot of jojo references
It's somehow worse than All Stars Battle
Hold on just a finger lickin' second.... is this........... a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure(2012) reference?
To not have fun.
>Character size on boxart relevant to marketing value
every time
worse then ASB but has more characters
is this a JoJo reference?
was this a giogio reference?
Guys, I think that was a Jojo reference.
a pretty shitty game
Bought it full price, don't regret it but don't think it was worth it by any measure either. good for fanservice but not as good as ASB.
wow u figured it out user
dubious fanfiction
mr. 1 second time stop Jotaro wank and Johnny and Giorno getting punked
Is this a hojo reference?
Fuck this shit meme and you're all retarded for regurgitating it.
Muh same kind of stando
So this definitely is a jojo reference, right?
You asked this question over 100 times.
People replied you over 100 times.
"its shit"
But this is my first time asking this question, my dude
Kill yourselves, jojobronies
Fun game, basically no multiplayer though
>no local multi
>try online for muh cheevos
>runs like I'm playing on the moon or some shit
Getting the online achievements were the hardest thing.
is that a fucking jojo reference?
I'm convinced I just got lucky and found another group trying to grind them out because I had a solid week of nothing but then I got it within an hour or so of getting my first online match.
I just want an ASB port that runs at 60fps, is that too much to ask?
>mfw persona 3 is just an over glorified JoJo reference
every jojo game past the ps1
It's really not. The main reason for shooting themselves with a gun was for the shock impact of suicidal imagery to summon personas and the plot reasons of Personas coming out when coming close to the sensation of death.
The tarot symbology is taken from Jung's psychology of utilizing the tarot. Earlier games take this further by utilizing his character Philemon.
Personas behaving like stands are throwbacks to If...which may have been done as a reference to Jojo but could have also been done for different reasons
a reference....
but to what???
The Jotaro Show
All Jotaro
All the time
Featuring the talents of:
Jotaro and of course, Jotaro
With special guest, the rest of the cast.
I don't know why Cyberconnect2 couldn't make these even half as good as the Naruto games. Those were pretty fucking radical. Eyes of Heaven is the same exact kind of shovelware garbage every anime gets. Even obscure shit like Kamen no Maid Guy has one.
Lack of local multiplayer for absolutely no reason at all.
Really bad fan fiction that just copies the plot of Stardust Crusaders.
Come on, everyone knows Persona is influenced by Jojo.
Gameplay similar to that one fighting game that featured all of the shounen manga protags going against one another.
Slow, floaty, but lots of characters.
Its fan service is actually pretty weak imo
None of the characters of diffferent parts even have significant conversations, there is a lot of missed opportunities
Better question: Why the fuck did Bandai print so few copies of game, have it go of stock several times, and when it goes back in stock it costs twice as much as it should?
god part 3 was shit
jotaro is such a shit character
How could anyone possibly argue that it isn't?
>Jotaro is a shit protagonist
Fixed that
He's great as a supporting character
well yeah actually
you're right
Exactly, Persona 3 and 4 are just part 3 and 4
>instance of actual jojo reference
>whole series must be jojo
At most it's a stretch to call it all a Jojo reference, a lot of it is coincidence.
Jotaros NOT included:
>holly flashback schoolboy jotaro
>boingo disguised as jotaro
>part 5 office jotaro
>part 6 jotaro
>part 6 jotaro (vegetable mode)
>part 8 jotaro x okuaysu girl
>clint eastwood jotaro
>non-canon araki artwork jotaros
Most of the time it was the whole group doing stuff and Jotaro just cleaning up with a yare yare daze. My problem with the stands is that no one ever seem to improve like they did in part 1 and 2 until last episode.
I'd say for the concept of personas themselves, stands are a pretty clear influence, but are handled differently enough.
P4's plot is fairly reminiscent of Part 4, but I'd say that that is about as far as the rabbit hole goes.
For someone with an ability to stop time he did surprisingly little past part 3
Personas are pretty much Jungian Psychology meets Part 3 stands.
Finding a crazy killer in a small town murder mystery isn't something Jojo invented, but the corpses hanging from the wires is probably a Jojo reference since it's never explained in-game why they do that.
because singlehandedly stopping the main villain from winning was no big deal right
in part it was explained he had not trained or anything since the fight with DIO, so he was out of practice. I remember at the beginning of part 4 he says he could only stop time for half a second. Part 6 was the opposite and he reach his full potential, in which he became so powerful, he had to be written out of the story.
>Kira already fucking destroyed by Josuke
>hand almost useless because of Koichi
>Jotaro just breaks his finger and does some fanservice oraora
Fags like you are the reason Jotaro is everywhere
>Would have still been able to press the button if it weren't for Ora
>Josuke couldn't fight further, Koichi had to hold him down
>Hand couldn't move him without disturbing a bunch of other shit
>Heaven's Door in close combat
Jotaro was the only one left who could beat him. Him and Ambulance.
Persona isn't the only SMT game to have Jojo references
>My problem with the stands is that no one ever seem to improve like they did in part 1 and 2 until last episode.
There's Echoes and Tusk I guess
Jotaro has been everwhere since like 14 years ago, when part 6 ended
but you knew that right?
Part 5 is the worst part.
Nah that's 6
Five Guys Dio and Fries with the special sauce being Jotaro's 'SAMEU STANDOU???' bullshit.
>6 the worst part
He's been there because of cringy japanese women and fanboys. Jotaro is the most known character of the jojo franchise in Japan
>In Japan
try Worldwide
Pucci was the only good thing about part 6. All the main characters were shit with no personality. Most of the stand battles in the prison were shit. Jotaro is a huge jobber and Jolyne doesn't really do anything special the other JoJo's didn't already do.
Fuck you. Despite the writing, it had some of the coolest Stands and set pieces of the series.
Pucci and Weather Report saved part 6
not gonna argue with you but I do think part 6 had some sick-ass stands
I dunno I just really dug Kiss and Stone Free in particular.
I despise KISS, it's my least favorite Stand in the series next to Hierophant Green. It could have worked perfectly well as just the sticker, which had plenty of utility by itself, but instead Araki got lazy and made it a punchghost, and probably the ugliest puncghost in the series at that. That said, there is no outright poorly designed punchghost and even if KISS is the worst, it still looks decent.
I think my problem is I look at stands for their potential and not what's actually done with them. Echoes Act 2, my favorite stand, is kinda boring since it just burned shit and made rocks bouncy but think about what all could be done with that power if it was the main focus of the part, for example.